Welcome . . .
THIS IS FOR YOUR EYES ONLY – as helps along the way . .
I will send out what order to hand over later on.
You have been gifted a body (CLICK)
So all is in one place (CLICK)
Selfing (CLICK)
Intro to Selfing (CLICK)
Resources(CLICK) I need to update the links and make sure all is current – easy may be to actually take all links out of books.
Unfinished page (CLICK)
I am adding in from the top.
Sunday evening end of Feb – Lisa and Vanessa. . .
This time next week, you will be 1/4 way through the first Selfing you may be teaching.
Covering . . .
Boundaries, Acceptance, Family Constellations, Gollum, Holding space, Holding Hostage, difference between Selfing and Arvigo Self Care.
The schizo being(lord of the Rings) . .
Need to understand ‘The Hobbit’ and watch the film Part 2 – to really get it .
And maybe not – is nasty and real.
Why do I mention? I see all in their own struggles.

Welcome – this is an evolving programme
Feb teachers meeting – Vanessa and Heather
Structure – Pre work then actual then challenge afterwards
Lovely lady letters
Actual online courses
Questions . ..
What happens when?
It Depends . ..
See what I did . .
As an assistant teacher – usually is mentorship.
Beauty of this is that is content AND process of uncovering
What do women do currently – who is helping/offering solutions? ?
(Bleeding due to the jab/exposure to them.
5 minutes. . No rehearsal – this is ‘do or die’
Pricklies – 101 – Emergency
102 – Anatomy and physiology of meridians .
You Have Been Gifted a Body
I also need to do the action cards – for your course – others call wisdom cards
Asking – what was the point of my life
Not happening when give a terminal prognosis. .
10 – Move Your Qi is what is for acupuncturists to come in
Was developed as we were stuck at home not being able to work -WE are the first patient.
The stress of being (here) now. .. HAVE to do ourselves.. . FIRST
Sort of marketing . . . All of my students know more than they imagine
Analogy – Fridge – too full (we hold it all in till later)
13 – Chat them up prior to the weekend . .
So all know each other –
We will do some deep questions for them
What are you here for?/problem solving? Burning questions . .. .
15 – Have to get a bonded group going . .
And they are likely to stay with each other going through – or come in and go out
Making Peace with the Mother Within (Mediation and Self sovereignty/Honouring our Selves . )
Meeting the Children I Never Had (GOOOW eBook) What was the point?
Healing Wounded Healer – into parts (Vanessa)
18 – Scheduling . . Easter and Vict school holidays. .
Likely I will try for southern regions in MAY.
What is burning Q – does not have to be in the body . .
20 – all very busy with themselves
Burning q – any part if self.
What was the point? In being here
22.30 – we need the WDCD book – can do spot sales – need the container here first. .
24 – Making Friends With Your Gut. .
25.30 – Pc 6 vs Pc 4 – rescue – fingers will do . .
Circulation – heart and gyne (Welcome to Your Lady Bits) and head and PAIN happens – and all point back to Selfing.
27.30 – ‘What is so special about me?
They will find that they are amazing – in other people’s eyes. .taking stock of self to date.
Eg Vanessa –
29 – you maybe need to know this = drink more water, no sugar conversions and unpissed off – and before and after sex – pee
30 – We offer others what we need ourselves. . . I’ve been jabbed – now what?
32 – where next?
Structure need ed= self discovery into reconnecting . .
Scar working
healing after C section – all led back to selfing
Including all about babies..
33 – NOT to be heavy handed.
V working with Marie – feeling very different after- simple moves – reality afterwards – incredibly powerful.
35.30 – not ‘medicine’ – we do life. (Vanessa and reluctant son and 4 Gates .. )
37.30 – Dad fixing toe with iodine – but son wants ‘real’ medicine . .
39.50 – how did men arrange themselves on the steamer – seaming anus. (Do not cook your bits).
41 – wooden loo seat
44 – what does it mean to you?
(How to get past people’s resistances -non self judgment
Women need to be leaning forwards – men backwards. .