‘An incredibly distensible organ’ – see here – decent precis easy to read. .
See this page again . . very full of interesting info – not covered in class . . STRUCTURE DETERMINES FUNCTION – perhaps start there. .
Animation of how a womb happens
Very clever peritoneal explanation – bit gruesome how important is hydration? Need it all to slide and glide.
And not get tangled up – and no crinkles in it.

We come from Lady bits #1 – vulva and vaginas and
Lady Bits #2 – Perineums, and cervixes – to wombs.
Very handy to know the formation – if you wish to – this is dense, and yet this is very helpful
Also here and here If interested . . Pelvic floor
Animation of ligaments (if you missed it above) He hard to listen to – BUT the graphics! Wonderful. Also here – basic anatomy of the female reproductive system
Making up a uterus – animation (11 minutes) PLEASE take the time to watch this – maybe a couple of times. Why flows flowing and NOT being stuck is so crucial. You will really understand why the peritoneal untangler move is so profound on most of us the first time it is done.
Heat – created by modern life – and also scanning . . worry, self medication and also not resolving emotional charges ..
Hot Blood
11 – Georgie on the Selfing we did .
12.45 – the hip accident .
14.00– women needing to get out of the formal ed /unschooled to do real life
15.00 – Womb will also be really upset – the aftershock .. .all of us
16.00– 7 year cycles. . .and we go through at least 8 different types – as I mentioned in the vulvar page.
17.00 – What was circulating in mum’s body when we were being made.
Then there is the chemical extras that were added in to ‘help’ mum whilst she was making baby . .
19 – do that four phase case page I have yet to give the form for.
20.50 – prostate is the man’s womb.
23.00 – Case of the not attached ligaments to vertebrae baby –
25.00 – CANCER – cells gone rogue . . Self help solutions? Using topical IODINE at the very least – and inability to access this. .
30 .00 – Lenley – broken heart causing SLQ?
31.00 – Spiritual illnesses – as I have given you before with the Mayan versions. . .
32.00 – Liver Qi rising upwards and can’t breathe well .. and heat happens we take on cold and the DAMP then happens. .and Spleen Qi can’t hold in place . .
34.00 – Grief surrounds us and will get much worse – the woman is NOT able to gift the future the way we are going . .
35.00 – adenomyosis . ..wrongly ‘diagnosed’ . . . MUST have pain for this – see here.
37.30 – Fibroids .. . (cells gone rogue again)
41.00 – high cholesterol – and women? Can’t see that will help – liver organ will also been stuffed up . .
42.00 – why you, there and now???
44.00 – Surgery may leave woman with NO womb, trying to take out the fibriods though . .
45.00 – How did cells go rogue?? Structure not happy, not made well , hydatidiform mole
47.00 – Georgie and her cancer history . .
49.00 – Ovarian cancers used to be VERY rare. Mumps were protective – now we have researchers rewriting this also
51.00 – Why cervix and cancers there?
53.30 – How to fix self? COP, steaming, self massage, herbals and spiritual bathing
55.00 – Why is body NOT fixing it?
56.00 – Yvonne and fetal development – please see what is above this
57.30 – nutrition, wellness – and then no cancer – and also emotions moving . .
59.00 – Sarah’s Last Wish Lenley and her take on it .
1.01.00 – What created the cells gone rogue???
1.02.30 – Georgie – the basics. . .
1.03.30 – Lenley – the five things that we can do to help ourselves. Dr Paul Thomas (please watch)
1.06.30 – Georgie being totally different and grateful . .
Meridians passing through – and also the 8 Extras . . do them later. . .
Structure . . .bicornate is a special case . . see the links above

Structure Determines Function
How was it made and what is now where?
Body Remembers Everything That Ever Happened To it
Maybe not conscious mind – but in the tissues
Energy Follows Thought
As you believe, so it is
Body Heals Itself
What is getting in the way – holding it hostage?
Flows Have To Flow
Qi, Lymph, red, blue blood and nerves – and LIFE PURPOSE
Most only make connections when it is personal and when problem solving. This may sound easy, obvious and even boring.
BUT – when not made well, nothing works as expected. This then is the early life line of Dr Shen – how vulnerable the initial years of a new person are.

What with the modern world ignoring First, Do No Harm, and Do No Harm To the Children, the future looks somewhat unlikely to go easily.
Great for those selling services and drugs around comfort – even to keep things working well.
BUT – how to become sovereign units as untended?
Especially with a womb that is the monthly and report card of a life?

Structure – see the links above the video for more. What are we made from? JIng rules and Blood and Qi are laid down as directed.
Made how? As designed, or interfered with – (8 Extras – see next week). Tiny amounts of chemicals in the wrong time (like the woman with the baby whose ligaments did not attach to the spinous processes in the 30 minutes the gene expression was to . . . pesticides did that. . what now with a world contaminated so heavily?
Ingredients? Are they available biologically with the poisoning of the biosphere? Intentional destruction is looking more likely.
The ‘vaccination’ theory was never proven and now it is an evil mission – see (intentional) insertional mutagenesis. You will not find what I expected I would – as it is now all about cancer ‘research; and mRNA and the covid times. No wonder this push for ‘miss and dis’ info – as the truth is horrifying, and who wants to know when survival day to day and mortgage payment to mortgage payment is not assured? What I.M. is is the wreckage we get from adding in other species DNA into our own bodies. There is a version of this horror here – but you likely will not want to read, or be aware of what is taking us over. Jing is being vastly contaminated- says Kathryn’s mother.
Circulation – that is where we have been up till now – how the structural changes lead to better floods of messages – thus healing.
Role of a womb? Make more people.
How – monthly prepare – just in case. In my case – 43 years.
We are made for this – bleeding – next week.