Following on from vulva and vagina last week, and setting in motion what influences our bits, we delve into the outside entrance again – perineum, into the vestibule, and on up inside to the womb’s entrance – cervix . . . I am not so interested in speaking of the anatomical bits – you can find out all about that in biomedical texts. We are about what sets it all up to fail/not repair itself . . . why it is wonky to begin with .. .

REMINDER – More our topic is what influences these bits . . .
Perineum – as connective tissue – and hugely needed to be resilient – what influences this and the vaginal integrity?
Healing after birth – needs to be still and let the body do its magic. No wandering about, no leg apart, no cold entry from any exposure
Graphic drawings (rendering of birth photos to art) – all my own perineum – 2nd and 3rd babies. See also pp – 230-231, 236 and
I suspect that she healed so well as she was still breastfeeding. The stem cells were overly active in her body still – Jing in action.
AND – mot so truamatized as she could have been – and so many are now.

Vagina – is page 77 of WDCD but the site will all of a sudden not let me load up the images!!
From last page . . . Warts – these are harmless pesky growths – except when they are genital. Apparently caused by HPV. BUT – when the immune system is strong, anyone in contact, with9in 2 years – supposedly 95% – lose them – for good. So what is the problem? Who is well?
FEET Plantar warts are a type of skin infection on your feet caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). The infection causes rough bumps to form, which may be uncomfortable or painful. Treatment options include home remedies, medications and therapies. What are plantar warts? Verruca
Viral warts – A viral wart is a very common benign lesion caused by infection with human papillomavirus (HPV). Viral warts can be classified by site as being cutaneous or mucosal as the HPV types are quite distinct [Anogenital wart and sexually acquired human papillomavirus).
Cutaneous warts (hands feet, skin anywhere)
HPV jabs and dangers inherent – very lucrative. See adjuvants here. See movies as Sacrificial Virgins – if you can find info – it is being hidden – this is a very drastic anti life measure all are signing up for – and not realising that the rates of cervical cancer are not gone – and often women die from having had the jab. The Vaxxed bus is full of horror stories. See Children’s Health Defense page here. The aluminium, mused goes directly into brains with the Poly Sorbate 80 and often kills – definitely stuffs lives up – and usually the brightest, most athletic and – the world needs.
Cervix – normal – a magical part of a woman’s body. . .
Besides holding babies in, it has a part to play in sexual experiences – ask anyone who has lost hers’ as part of a hysterectomy .
Abnormal cells

Over usage/disrespect. – in births where the mums are too young (African girls – a lot may have been married with first period). Or raped. Malnutrition.
See Dr Shen’s times when a woman is most alterable – puberty, onset of marriage /sexuality and pregnancy – all coming at a time, when she is not being necessarily looked after as ideally as a good shepherd/farmer may his precious lifestock.
Leading possibly to what we do not see in civilized countries – vaginal fistulas. Usually baby died and mother is torn through.
No more sex, babies, or husband – and now an outcast.
Rectovaginal fistula – maybe radiation in modern medical interventions? Or complication of Crohn’s? Maybe childbirth gone very wrong also.

3.30 – my personal perineal stories – and showcasing the role of nutrients and also – the elasticity of our bits. .
8.30 – Making my own troubles – oiling perineum from 29 weeks on – and really different from 36 weeks – was a lot more spongy/thicker/elastic
10.30 – Vaginal incidents and accidents – esp in birthing . .
11.30 – healing intravaginally – the past birthing injury – as a cystocle to be fixed. .
12.30 – elderly vaginas – last week’s work.other cultures had initiations and also did such things as steaming . .
13.30 – using estrogen cream . .
15.30 – castor oil, steaming, hydrosols . .
17.00 – Structure – the coccyx and 42 structures coming off this. . and the usual displacement – why?
18.30 – birthing positions and wonky pelvises.
22.00– healing after birthed perineum
22.30 – better nourished for 2nd birth . .
25.00 – inner vaginal work – not the Tami Lyn Kent work – there are many versions of respectful yoni work.
27.30 – fistula – and hole in vagina. . . see last week’s work
29.30 – The Pink Kit – one woman’s site for childbirth education
31.00 – Josi’s cocccyx repair in pregnancy . .
33.00 – upsetting women in birthing – she does not need to get MORE Stuck Liver Qi
34.00 – Krystal’s pregnancy resolution to a 4 hour labour and easy birth . . . . and same in GV – if dads did the work . .
36.00 – regardless of what has happened – it is all the same – the usual suspects to help healing . . .GENTLING
37.00 – Yvonne’s use of heat to assist prior fistula vaginal birthing. .
40.00 – nothing in the apps about perineum and a little only on cervixes.
41.30 – the role of the cervix – boundary – 4 cm in length – and when in labour – it has to efface – to thin and then open (dilate).
43.00 – cervix to hold the baby in.
44.30 – why cervical cancer? FIX the reason and the bid heals itself. .
45.30 – case . . Lisa came in now ..
51.30 – WHY are we doing the Gentling Way? It works to be super respectful of the Body Remembering Everything That Has Ever Happened To It . .
54.00 – stopping miscarriages in the past Ki 9 is the start of this. .
55.00 – Cervix – a boundary to keep baby in and rubbish out . .
56.00 – Immature egg is kept safe until the cervical mucous is there for the job – ferning of the mucous – and also saliva kits – used to be
57.30 – using slippery elm pessaries and lemon juice/half a lemon . .pH and more acid . . .
59.30 – holding babies in – Spleen Yang needs to hold all in place and the Kidney Yang – and progesterone levels – needs to have BBT of 37.2/3 C . .
1.01.00– Avoid all cold invasions. In UK ages ago – bottle of gin and a hot bath – causes heat in the body to push it out.
1.03.00 – HPV jab and its dangers
1.04.30 – Aluminium is a real issue as an adjuvant – look at Sacrificial Virgins movie. . a page on this
1.08.00 – what I am up to ..
1.10.00 – Krystal being an ideal patient – OCD
1.12.00 – Vanessa and slippery elm . .
1.13.00 – Marg – nutrients and flows – and perineums – no one mentions. . .
1.14.00 – Vanessa – nutrients, flows, cold and slippery elm . . And a rehomed Griffon . .
1.16.00– vaccinations and what they get up to – auto immunity and stopping nutrient pathways. .
1.18.00 – Lisa – natural contraception
What stops flows? Past injuries are a classic

Our ‘penis’ and variable in size and ignored except in Victorian times – see how they manipulated women to stop ‘hysteria’ and in Moslem countries – how it is chopped off. . . (etc).

In three parts
The major one is explaining acupuncture paradigm,
terminology and
the course of the meridians
A small section is Life Impacts
And another on Taking Charge.
These concepts were expanded in the next volume – ‘Living In It’ the following year.
The poster ‘Inner Alchemy’ was produced for the first book
The poster Transforming Jing Into Wisdom, the second.
From the 2002 owner’s manual ‘Living As Energy’

Our bits must be functional to become a sexually active person – even with ourselves. Many factors can mess with our connections.

Sexuality – Quodoushka and some of their teachings/initiations
What are Quodoushka teachings? These Quodoushka teachings are designed to help people embrace their sexuality as a positive catalyst for change in their lives. For when you are able to experience high levels of orgasmic pleasure, it brings you a feeling of contentment with your place in the universe. You become more creative, more awake, aware and alert. Australia – northern NSW
Shamanic dearmouring more here a sexologist’s work site here
Tantra – The word Tantra refers to an esoteric yogic tradition that developed in India from the middle of the 1st millennium CE onwards. One man’s vision
Mantak Chia and the Taoist position He has written a lot of books – and most are of Inner orbits and how to cultivate more

Onto the third in this series – Womb Wonders