We all need to be aware that we are more than our bits . .

As with every part of the body – the structure determines the function, the body remembers everything that has ever happened to it – and flows not flowing – causes issues. Nutrients and circulation . . .

Then there is this ….

All is a mixture of lack of nutrients and circulation to get them to where most useful and the wastes taken away in time.
Major causes of dis ease?
Inner climates not expressed
External factors over riding homeostasis
Miscellaneous – all else
Befoe we get too far in . . The soft tissues that define us
Vulva/vagina – vulgar??
How did our bits become synonymous with being a deplorable person?
cunt [ kuhnt ] – noun Slang: Vulgar.
- the vulva or vagina.
- Extremely Disparaging and Offensive.
- a contemptuous term used to refer to a woman.
- a term used to refer to a contemptible person.
quim [ kwim ]
noun Slang: Vulgar. – vagina; vulva.
HAVING GOTTEN THAT OUT OF THE WAY – please remember also witch burning and rape being a central part of any war
Normal vulval – Embryology and normal anatomy Maybe useful women’s orthodox info
Normal – absolutely no peep out of these parts . . Would not know they were there – as we are not supposed to be interfered with/damaged.
Especially when little – no UTI’s no itching, no burning, no distress from that region as a kid – or at anytime really.
1.00 – our sexual bits – and being mated. . (see Quodouska)
3.30 – My periods app 2013/14
5.00 – Maybe need to listen to your own self?
6.00 – Bits . . . and the order we will cover
7.00 – ‘Hormones’ and structural – and this neck and all of it –
7.30 – Various surgical mutilations
9.00 – Liver and GB pathways and why these go out.
10.00 – Structures in Krohn’s disease . . and her stressors ..
11.00 – Always the beginnings of Self Care (ex Arvigo)
12.30 – Commitment?
12.50 – ‘Causes’ of disease . . .Tibetan, Western medicine and East Asian . .
14.00 – The level of the practitioner may determine what can happen in a room (rampant paternal rape at 230.00- years old).
15.00 – why we gentle . .we need to undo what else is there.
17.00 – incest and how they get to fit in these tiny babies – and what we have to deal with – they may not even consciously know and why we HAVE to deal with all levels at the same time – the bits remember their herstory . . and may feel safe enough (the Gentling Way) to trust our presence to let it go
18.00 – Women’s business – is not clean and tidy . .
19.30 – Tender and the clitoral damage – n=bike as a kid .. and how she realised the connection – so we could THEN work it out.
21.00– young girls should have no problems
21.30 – Alcock’s canal – Hortence’s point. Pudendal nerve . . to painful and structural issues.
24.00 – HOMEWORK – please do not as this way you learn more. . that you actually know a plot. (eg Thea)
25.00- Vulval/local areas . .
26.00 – Vanessa’s head/ear hardware and GB meridian changes . .
27.00 – Arvigo manual – tired, weak legs – and all the genital areas. . L.S. and Bartholin’s cysts etc
Weill all have a secondary Liver QI Stuck, f not immediately . .
29.00 – Real moxa is the best at dealing with all that happens to a person.
29.30 – need heat. Swollen – circulation not right . . .packing vulva in ice in labour .. .!!!!
See Lisa Kelly’s hydrosols
32.30 – Low thyroid – and ingredients .. .
33.00 – why we need all the embellishments. .
35.00 – vaginal pH – Lia Kelly’s info . .candida . .and way to much feeding the bad gut bacteria. .
36.30- WHY is this happening to the area thing? It has stories. . Reynard’s also = and n nipples. Things that upset a body . .
Vaginas and what ls in there.
38.30 – our petals need plumping up – STEAMING Bits and their problems
40.00 – Structure – made OK ?? Grandmothers? They made the eggs .. eg DES – diethylstilbestrol.
41.00 – non respect for fetal growth . .
43.00 – Lack of estrogen – and need steaming, and free up the flows . . .
44.00 – WDCD and Free Your Qi all the moves to awaken the sacrum . ..
45.00 – Sexual – Mantak Chia’s work . . .clitoris – and the front wall of the vagina . . and what may have damaged it?
Scars and adhesions. .and all sorts of accidents/incidents . .
47.00 – Avoid all corrosive pharma products . .
47.30 – ALl sorts of women’s internal surgeries.
48.30 – Robin and warts/sexual abuse/rape histry . . .need to ask the question – why did the body not clear this out?
49.00 – All is connected.
52.00 – Case and me wuti Bartholin’s sex in a pregnant women whilst the guy was on a conjugal visit ..
She sat in a baby bath – sitz bath ..
53.30 – Vaginal wart horror.
54.00 – And what Elke was originally given as a fix it – no need to worry about the warts – the Betadine on gauzed finger x 2 daily up inside.
56.00 – Varicose veins
56.30 – the TCM process of all happening wrongly . .
58.30 – Vanessa – how useful this would have been had she known this then . . but mind set . .
1.00.00 – Georgie – not heard of this stuff – people do not talk of it . . emotions are the key.
1.02.30 – Lenley – depressing – and the emotions and they need to get out of their on way first . .have to be that desperate. .
1.04.30- Lisa – doctor says –
1.05.30 – why I write WDCD – touching – oxytocin . .more relating .. .and less rape. . .
1.07.00 – Vanessa – why did she attribute her healing for ? Ingredients . .
1.09.00 – My bladder/prolapsing horror . . magnesium and HOW MUCH???
1.10.00 – the context – and the meridians and ingredients and structure and
1.12.00 – the coccyx is in the wrong spot – and if so, the womb is not aligned..
1 – Hurty – Why is there pain? What sort and when , what make sit feel better/worse? We will cover pain another day ..
The 5 Flows and the 6 ‘T’s’ . . . STUCK something – usually the circulation – why? With what?
(Cold is a great start – stops all Yang Qi – flowing
2 – Swollen – congestion of at least one of the 5
3 – Smelly – Damp and ?cold (fishy) or leathery – heat
4 – Itchy – too much LIVER QI in the wrong direction/raging – as in pissed off/fury creating the above. Too much usually of the last combos
5 – Breaking down – degeneration – lack of appropriate circulation – back to the 5 Flows and the 6 ‘T’s
According to my App:
Generally – congestion

This is the same for almost all that is in the lower heater. Regardless of what has happened – the structure (extreme RHS) needs to be in order – as DEP said – when a womb is out of balance, so is the woman.
The past – whatever s running her, holding her body hostage, will need undoing – as that is a programme that stays constant.
The present – what is stopping her as she is sure that she MUST do – whatever – that is influenced heavily also by the past – habits/belief/social conventions and imagined slights if she steps out of line.
Needing to be ‘good’/responsible
The Input – not only dietary, but through the sense organs and the inner cycling of the information/beliefs they will NOT SHUT UP.
Whose voices?
The table – there is so much more to consider besides the obviously men’s medical ‘fixes’.
I suggest you get yourself a bit of paper . . – see below

Divide a page into 4 and in the middle of the lines, write structure in the Left top
Past in the top right hand side.
Present in the right bottom and
Input in the left bottom. .
And fill each up with as much a you can think of. .
See the menstrual questionnaire here
ALL RESPONDS TO THE FREE YOUR OWN QI and the Pelvic opening work
After local damage

Has it just happened,or has there been an intermediate time lapsed – or was this in the deep past? Or even – unremembered?
Likely whatever happened is still online –
The Body Remembers Everything That Has Ever Happened To It
That would be the Reichian and likely has stayed with them from their earliest memories, altering how they are – would have been – Bonsai’ed. .
Body is self healing
If it has not – why not?
that is the biggest issue – what is blocking healing?
Fix this and all will be well.
Past surgery

Have to ask – why?
What was not corrected by the usual – nutrients bio available and circulation –
Hence we have covered this for you to be on this page. . and some pricklies
Now it all needs to be consolidated
In your practice – of seeing life -as all traditional people would.
When people tell you of their troubles – do they really want solutions? Or have they been indoctrinated into believing that bodies cannot heal themselves and ‘medical’ intervention will keep them alive?
If not nourished well – think babies, animals, and gardens – we do not get what the ‘recipe’ stipulates. Even in the kitchen.
Mesh – beware – it can completely break down. Usually in pelvis – adding in what is not supposed to be there instead of clearing out the instructions for why it still will be – after bits have been removed – esp after this – is retail opportunities again – nuts!

Scars – result – adhesions and all round distress when we go this route!

NAMED conditions
Why is the viral wart HPV STILL there creating mayhem?
God forbid – it was added in with the jab – some die from that – we are designed to clear it out – when Yang Qi and gut are in accord.

Lichen scelorosis (CLICK)

Bartholin’s cysts

Few think of structural damage, and the nerve impingements possible. THAT term psychological causes – who is asking of past rape – esp when very young and maybe not remembered consciously – and all the incidents of less than love in that area (medical included).
Acc to Wikipedia Dyspareunia (/dɪspərˈuniə/
dis-pər-OO-nee-ə) is painful sexual intercourse due to medical (????? or psychological causes) In women, pain is primarily on the external surface of the genitalia, or deeper in the pelvis upon deep pressure against the cervix. Medically, dyspareunia is a pelvic floor dysfunction and is frequently underdiagnosed. It can affect a small portion of the vulva or vagina or be felt all over the surface.
Dysparenia (painful sex – see also vaginsmus below)

Medical ‘answers’?
(So the man wants to insert himself and she feels ??
WHAT exactly?
A nasty large prick inside herself every 3 months?
Meanwhile – the reasons it is so, are ignored: what happened?
Could be perineal – see next page – look to structural always first. And this often is the Liver Qi distressed. . . hence we are Gentling Way practitioners
Botox!! and in addition
I had a young woman come into my clinic with her mum. She had a male psychotherapist getting her to insert things inside herself whilst she was in ‘therapy’ – UMMM???

Vulvadynia – sore lower lips

From my 2002 ‘Living In It’ ‘owners’ manual
In three parts
Honouring Our Source (gut)
Honouring Our Bleeding (living as woman)
Honouring Our Selves (who we are)

Petals for your petals . . STEAM!!!

We follow on into this page. (under construction – that is today’s class). I am to get this site up so all the App bits will be there. No functional links – as it was when it WAS live and being bought a decade ago – but at least some of it saved and ‘out there’.