What did I do to get to knowing about this? Stair incident got the better of all my life to date. Jan 17th 2022
Accept that the fall/hit was the initiator of change and now you are not the one you were. And may never be again.

This story is really about healing. The body does. When you give it space. Blow is what the biomedical devotees say, peppered with common sense from East Asian medicine. In these terms, it is seen as being STUCK BLOOD. Not what most may instantly think of. Stuck Blood covers all manner of physical soft tissue issues.
Qi/energy STUCK to an extent that it IS physical. Not flowing hurts. I
I am not sure I would have done much different if I had been aware also of being CONCUSSED Click for the medical view. Mine – too busy with saving myself to add that in, though I had had MRI’s etc whilst in hospital – I have vague memories of being in and out of several macg0hines, all sorts of tests. ..

I wish that I had known – Concussion (CLICK) There I was thinking I was useless. Not so – healing still – even now.
What with having cleared as much I got do about Stuck Blood and P.T.S.D. Also here (CLICK). Until I read this newspaper article almost 2 years after the injury – and then it all made sense – so busy was I healing the physical . .
I had rather a lot else to think of. Saving my tooth, my mouth and getting able to be able to eat/think at all. This may also have been you. Concussion is nebulous. First things first . I was intent on attempting to sort out the STUCK BLOOD in my head – the acupuncture model – thus heaps of herbs to do this. Covers all aspects of trauma – physical and all the potential bleeds and results thereof plus all the signs and symptoms. Hence I kept on taking my Yunnan Bao Yao . .

My focus . .
Keeping the physical injuries at bay/healing did involved taking what I would have done for patients. Eventually I worked out I had had a T.B.I. (traumatic brain injury) and knew P.T.S.D. (post traumatic brain disorder) was likely – but the ongoing not yet myself has taken til now 2+ years later to unpack. On top of the other life dislocations . . I assumed that I was doing would sort it out. Being in the middle of being the patient and practitioner is not a great combo! Page from, my 2005 manual ‘What Dads Can Do’. Acute . . . and in the head . . The ‘TCM’ categories are holistic – all of all aspects of a body.
Whilst we are looking at the top right part of this box. Need to pay attention – as this could become fatal. Over time.
immediately used needles (Co 4) and whatever I had with me at the time. I was seeing patients in Brisbane the day before, so I had stuff with me. The Aura Soma and the Young Living oils helped. . . they certainly made a difference in the hospital with all the trauma that was there. Security guards and the disrupted people – what a job!! It was in the midst of the mask troubles and not jabbed meant they were more upset about my ‘opinions’ involving my version of health care and my sovereignty . Not a time for anyone to need real help.

I had the Chinese trauma Yunnan Bao Yao – capsules and the patches and used them. 2 x 4 daily – and diligently. See why above. I had used them for decades in clinic. After 6 weeks (expensive especially when not really working) I took a 2 week holiday from them and decided I needed them still. ‘Trauma’, not rightness and so on. Nothing I could put my finger on – just I was better on them than off. At one point I was in Brisbane, and my GP asked if I wanted pain killers. No idea what my facial expression was like. I was trying to work out was I in pain? Not that I could not reduce – and was so busy fixing all and everything – I had not stopped to think of this. STUCK QI and BLOOD. I was undoing STUCK – and if all flowing (used no cold ever) then no pain . . . . between Reiki, needles, negative ion pads (see picture below) and the herbs and supplements . . .

WHAT I DID INSTANTLY – would not have done anything different as the ‘concussion’ was part of the self rescue. All STUCK needed shifting to get me back. Knowing no one where we were house sitting in Gympie, we traveled back and forth to see a friend on the Gold Coast who has light healing boxes and many other ‘weird’ healing ways – all gadgets and these made a vast difference. I engaged all on the energy and light planes.
Perineal steaming. After a few days I got myself onto this as I was to be teaching the following day – and was blown away. I felt like parts of me came back. The steamer was left on all day and I was on and off at least 3 x every daily for weeks. Stitches – and a dead hunk of lip on the underneath was my immediate concern. Plus of course my nose (broken, deviated in two directions). My jaw was ‘out’. My front tooth was back in its socket – I had ruptured the nerve. X rays were clear on that. My dentist told Duncan that it was adamant it was not possible to heal – but would see what I could do with it, FIXED.
I taught 3 days later. A practical weekend. Thankfully had one of my students – a chiropractor there. She and the other 2 watched as magic happened – with the Accident Recall that I was teaching them. There was a vast instant difference in how I was wearing my body and able to move in it. So many of us have stored STUCK (trauma) within for ever after. Cognition was patchy – and I was still teaching weekly online. And designing what to teach. BUT – keeping thoughts on track, no longer was my forte. I spent a week to get over each session. Large tracts of time lying on a bed, cuddling a hot water bottle – even though it was really hot outside. Not even reading, Not able to plan, or do. The Jan 2022 stair incident was the direct impact. I have experienced TWO of the acceleration – deceleration ones within the past 2 weeks. . .

Every thing in life needs ingredients to repair/keep going and the circulation perfect to keep it so. My usual Vitamin D3 and Vitamin C, and topical magnesium on my skin (I slathered what I thought was enough.) Better than waiting for my body without help. I was adding in more nutrients to accelerate healing – and eventually I took 2 then 3 lots of the 6 capsules of the Gluatathione accelerator – an anti inflammatory that our body is to make.
How I would deal with this were you coming to see me – different if acute or long term (healing for years later).
ACUTE – As I am a Reiki channel , so my hands (wrists not broken, but exceptionally sore – and both needed work themselves – so the left one was worst – so that was where my hands went whilst being driven into the hospital and also in the 8 hours awaiting the plastic surgeon for my hanging in by a thread piece of lip.
1 – Clear shock
2 – Help healing
3 – Add in nutrients to assist healing
4 – Rest
YOU are in charge of stopping in your tracks, as as soon as you do – healing can begin. In my initial case – I was unable to function. I asked my stepson how long it took for him – as he had come off an escooter whilst drunk – and smashed his cheek/missing his eyes socket – also upsetting various other physical bits – BUT the biggest issue – he was attending uni and could not write in sentences. Plus got irrational so easily . . “How long to feel back to normal?” He said a year – his wife – 18 months. I am not there yet – 2 1/4 years later. Maths – usually a vastly quick brain – now (2 1/4 years later) still not really available. My quick as a flash maths brain – even remembering phone numbers is still AWOL).
After it all seemed OK – and there is a process below to follow ..
Recently I fell massively 2×2 within 2 weeks.
No breakages – but back to whiplash and brain jiggle . .

How to support normal brain function?
Good lymph and blood flow
STUCK – action – undo stuck . .
COLD – constricts circulation
GLUTATHIONE – accelerator . . . anti inflammatory
Vit D3 – neurological
Vit C – stress and also all collagen
Magnesium – electrical/stress
Vit B – neurological support
Fat – brain is made of this
Protein – same
What stops this?
STUCK – Qi, blood and lymph not flowing –
The nerves not able to work as designed