Interstitial cystitis

There is much we do not want to talk about.
Peeing and the inability to live as we had in the past may not go away – so here I am – in your face.

Definition noun
The fluid found in the intercellular spaces composed of water, amino acids, sugars, fatty acids, coenzymes, hormones, neurotransmitters, salts, and cellular products. It bathes and surrounds the cells of the body, and provides a means of delivering materials to the cells, intercellular communication, and removal of metabolic waste.
The extracellular fluid pertains to all body fluid outside the cell(s). It makes up about 26% of the total body water composition in humans. It is composed of blood plasma, interstitial fluid, lymph and transcellular fluid (e.g. cerebrospinal fluid, synovial fluid, aqueous humour, serous fluid, gut fluid, etc.). The interstitial fluid and the blood plasma are the major components of the extracellular fluid.
The interstitial fluid is the fluid that fills the spaces between cells. It is composed of water, amino acids, sugars, fatty acids, coenzymes, hormones, neurotransmitters, salts, and cellular products. Its main function is to bathe and surround the cells of the body. It provides a means of delivering materials to the cells, intercellular communication, and removal of metabolic waste.
In terms of composition, the interstitial fluid is similar to the blood plasma since the two continuously exchange substances across capillary walls. The blood plasma, though, is confined within the blood vessels.

Cystitis is a relatively common condition which can affect anyone of any age. It refers to inflammation of the bladder and can occur as a result of a variety of triggers including microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi, chemicals and detergents and after radiation exposure. Cystitis may or may not be symptomatic. During an episode of cystitis, there are a variety of symptoms which may be experienced, including:

  • Pain above the pubic bone
  • Urgency
  • Frequency
  • Dysuria (pain on urination)
  • Cloudy or smelly urine
  • Haematuria (urine with blood)

Interstitial cystitis

Interstitial cystitis (in-tur-STISH-ul sis-TIE-tis) is a chronic condition causing bladder pressure, bladder pain and sometimes pelvic pain. The pain ranges from mild discomfort to severe pain. The condition is a part of a spectrum of diseases known as painful bladder syndrome. The bladder is a hollow, muscular organ that stores urine. It expands until it’s full and then signals your brain that it’s time to urinate, communicating through the pelvic nerves. This creates the urge to urinate for most people. Fine when it works. On automatic, and until problems strike, no idea how much trouble you can be in – indefinitely.

Painful bladder syndrome (PBS) is a long-term, painful condition of the bladder, the exact cause of which is unknown, although there are many theories. Interstitial cystitis (IC) is a subtype of painful bladder syndrome where specific inflammatory changes in the bladder are present at cystoscopy (a telescope examination of the bladder).

Your bladder, kidneys, ureters and urethra make up your urinary system. When you have interstitial cystitis, the walls of your bladder become irritated and inflamed (shown right), compared with those of a normal bladder (shown top). With interstitial cystitis, these signals get mixed up — you feel the need to urinate more often and with smaller volumes of urine than most people.

According to the Mayo clinic, interstitial cystitis most often affects women and can have a long-lasting impact on quality of life. Although there’s no cure, medications and other therapies may offer relief.

Why listen to anything that they say? Perhaps wonder – what is their scope of practice ?

How can biomedicine be this arrogant?

We could say – all stitched up and teh only funded way to apparent help is the government sanctioned (lobbied into must do).

Burning is the overall experience – when bad – all the time – worsened as the need to pee – filling bladder – happens. As in a constant panic
This thus is easy if you have a model that allows for these feelings – thankfully East Asian medicine does. Common sense – heat thus we put out the fire .
First – where did the heat come from? (So the instructions are no longer there – and we are not acting reactively). Below from my 2005 WDCD manual.

There is a lot here to unpack. Most can see at a glance that it is a wonder that more are not struck down. Think all who do not drink any water. Only coffee/processed fluids, tea (dehydrating) even. Those who live a life ruled by substances, as a self medication path to hide away for their past/the horrors that they are stuck in. Habits may be sweet tooth, processed foods, caffeine, alcohol, or an avoidance of anything ‘healthy’/ life sustaining,.

What happens next? I wrote this page for a pregnancy manual – but all here is the same – carrying a baby or not.

Treatment – I will leave you to see what is available – as with all biomedical there is a great deal of ‘we don’t know’ happening. This is due to looking only in a very small area – and with an ignorance as to how a body works past the physicality – what runs the system is seen as only being in one dimension. This may seem odd to read – let me enlighten you.

1 – We are in a body as a soul experiencing life. This means that at some point we wonder – why are we here. We may wait until we are in our older years – or we may have been caught up in a life pause – an accident, illness or incident that takes us out of being programmed to follow a schedule. The recent (post 2020 life) have made what was automatically seen as ‘a life; now impossible for many.

I mention this as saying that this condition is chronic (no end to it) means that deep wondering at the point of staying on the planet as it is hurting too much to be in a body, there is no going forwards until this is resolved, – will happen . It did to me.

I am now on a mission to live as I used to – not having any awareness of bladders and their troubles.

2 – the consolidation of self into matte

To be here – you will already know that there is little on offer in the usual biomedical and even ‘alternative ‘ realms.
Shall we take a trip into how a well body works?
Structure Determines Function. If things are not where they are supposed to be, and if they are bound up and not sliding and gliding over each other as they are designed to be – trouble is your life

Firstly – the pelvis.
What is supposed to be there.
What may have happened to you.
This is not looked at in standard health care.
This is where the womb work that may be found in mostly women’s ways is needed. Originally a young woman’s way to honour herself – in various womb syptoms, as an older woman I can see how we again are being missed out.

If we look at the accidents, incidents and life experiences that we live through – it is obvious a central set of facts have been missed.

i – Structure is key
If there are any sacral or tailbone issues – the nerve supply to the pelvis will be impinged. This may show up a outrageous menstrual pain and the gynes may be very busy with this problem, it may show up as depression and not be spoj=ken about as the past life sexual assaults, and teh rage held within are all that person has been all /most of their lives.

There was Arvigo therapy, This set me on a path of knowing what to do fro teh se hard cases. (now renamed as Tulxi Indigeneous Arts), Abdominal Therapy Collective Mizan, various fertility branches,

Until I had experienced this, I had no idea it existed. Possibly as part of the men’s view of life, bodies and medicine, the problem of painful and frequent urination was likely to be seen as a prostatic one – and if it git bad enough with men – chop it out,. This is because the urether runs through the prostate galned (a man’s womb),. and appears to have no use, after a certain age – he can live without it.

Women – have womb issues that do not go away – they become bladder ones.
this means whilst we are bleeding, there is much that can be diagnosed, and serviced.,. HOWEVER – when we go through change of life – and the ovarian hormones are not directing manufacture of a baby nest monthly, there s apparently a loss of interest.

BUT – as an older woman, I am discovering a huge deficit in services.

What started this for me?
Came on gradually – and . . I guess that as a Qi and body aligner, I had always corrected this easily in others.
Acupuncture? The bladder organ is the way to let go heat in the body. Where does the heat come from? Now we are liing in changed circulmstances, the constant reminder we are not being respected, we do not have a government so much as a corporation that intends to rule over all past expectations of living in a free democracy, the loss of sovereignty – and the constant barrage of petty and victimless crimes we an be indited for – whilst losing basic expected services, along with the constant reminder that a pysch op has taken over our lives – people still wearing masks, as if this would protect them against life – and the horror of those who did what they were told, to now have a life not worth living if they are still living at all.

Forests of the Fallen – of you have no idea what I am talking about – see here.

Answers found here . .