How are you coping? Can I help?



Have you been jabbed?
Are you having to do so?
Will you NOT accept coercion?

Where is Heather?

How are you coping with change?

What is Heather offering?

Hands on

What are you here for?


These are interesting times.
You possibly may need some light
As you know – I work with life.

At this moment – more than we ever have – we are learning that we must be present – living NOW. Likely we can make no plans. Who knows what we will be ALLOWED to action? In times past you have asked me for help.

You came in to so see what I thought/could offer. My being a different thinker. An outlier. A maverick also. A trail blazer. When whatever seemed too hard/complicated – call Heather. . . I usually coming up with something you may never have heard of. As a natural health detective, with decades of problem solving (most at home when nothing seems to work) I was there for you and your family. At least at the end of the phone. AND – iIn times past – whatever happened – you at least walked out (or floated out) in  happier, calmer, painless state. With instructions on how to keep like that Often with products, and always with a hug. either found no answers in the standard medical care and discovered me, and what I offered. Since 1979 in Brisbane, and sometimes around the area and in the South Island of NZ. Some may be in this list as you have been attracted to my online,  or in person educational sites and seminars.

End of 2021 we find ourselves possibly cut off. Not attached to the lines of communication and supports that in times past was right there. We all are living in more constricted times. Not sure what to prepare for. Unable to execute plans. All the while – being feared into actions that with the blanket coverage – would be inconceivable Groomed into allowing unthinkable potential damage to be done – to not only the future of our grandchildren, the economy, but our own bodies.

My decades of clinical practice at the cutting edge of tricky/’hopeless’ – in awkward situations has led me to still be at the service of those who want to make change in their lives. You may need a health – not an illness/death panic perspective. This is a subject I do not want to have to deal with.

We seem to be assailed from all sides. Remember this time two years ago? Bush fires. We were scared. It seemed everything was burning. Now this.  From panicked shut down, constant alluding to the ‘Spanish Flu’ – to where we are locked into parts of the life we once freely roamed. Often with little warning. Now to be rewarded for taking part in a world wide experiment. Or lose what was not anyone’s to take away. Sovereignty.

The burning questions .  .

Do we need to worry? Are we trusting our own resources? Do we know what is health and how to enhance it?

Have you been jabbed?

What is happening in your body now? Maybe ask me how we can relieve what is your new reality. Especially if worry is overtaking your future.
Are you having to do so?

Maybe we can reduce the drama this invasion will crate fo ryou – so youare less likely to be part fo a wave of distruction.

Will you NOT accept coercion?

Around 20% of us will not take being told what to do lightly. Regardless of subject. Likely more find themselves here.

    ****Where is Heather?

    Traveling about. Being a person . . .

    BACK in Qld. In transit to my new life. Semi nomadic.

    For how long? Until mid December (at least). Sometimes appearing in the Brisbane area. Do you wish for my hands-on care? I am as always – offering my own style. Lightening  your load. In the last newsletter I was quite clear that I was unable to work with those who had been altered by the injections that are being given as a health enhancement. I have recovered. Mostly.

    Regardless of your jabbed (CLICK) status (it is NOT a vaccine) You are in crisis possibly. I am still in service. Till we leave for the next place we stop. Before Christmas I will be northwards bound. As always – You can consult me online. Zoom sessions (with online courses so you can help yourself) are on offer. Trainings and group classes have been run all through this disturbed time  and will be still – see here for the intensive offered starting before I leave. The 1st and 3rd weekends in December – within 2 hours of Brisbane.  If you wish to take up what I offer – holistic multi modality, multi lineage transformational energy and body aligning – plus ‘pricklies’  – do contact me. This is a small group starting within a week.(CLICK)

    Other trainings MAY be offered at a later date. Likely not with me hands-to-you praciticums as I have others who have been trained to do so  and some find themselves no longer in their field of passion. We are all in a tangle. Shall we unwind this? What can we do? Be ourselves and not wait to be granted back parts of what was until this time 2 years ago – expected of life. Ask yourself . . . . . What causes health? (CLICK)  Anything but being STUCK.

    What are you here – now for? What lights up YOUR heart, your life? Life Recipe (CLICK) You by now – may wonder –  what is the point? Life Rescue (CLICK)

    ****How are you handling change?

    (In yourself and your life? Decades ago I developed a CD of how to undo life residue. The Reunion work (CLICK) was born.  My first website in 1999 was meditation. (2021 update – CLICK) Free tracks of the original CD Reunion are there. This is taking you through what you are – more than a physical body, more than a worried human with a  (by now) fuzzy mind and a wounded heart.  . . Maybe identify as more than a broken human? A Light body you are also .

    What does that all mean? Maybe check out my 7 ‘L’s (CLICK). All that I have exposed you to – a paradigm shift – you have been gifted a body. Sovereignty – you alone dictate what is happening to it – as it is where you live. Why allow others to claim it? All sound a bit much ? – Maybe why you opened this – and why I am still sending these out. We NEED connection. NOT direction . . .

    Maybe wonder

    • What led you to me?
    • Why you are receiving this.
    • Why did you open this email?
    • Why did you find me – after often trying to get answers for decades?)

    (Maybe you came upon me because I taught your relation how to be an acupuncturist in the early 1980’s – or maybe I was called in to stop an impending miscarriage/baby loss – or to sort out your daughter’s gut issues  – or you found me online – or anything in between.)

    Times were I offered an opposing voice to ‘put your affairs in order ‘ – code for lay down and die. In the last 40 + years (In Feb 1979 I set up  my first practice in the middle of Brisbane city – 303 Adelaide St). Since then I have been a voice of practicality, of common sense, of ‘we can do it’ – and of solace – for those looking for different.

    Trust life being my mantra

    Guidelines – what runs through all I do

    • Body heals itself
    • Energy follows thought (we can alter so easily what is – by  .  .)
    • Structure determines function
    • Flows have to flow
    • Body remembers everything that has ever happened to it

    *** What am I offering?

    1 – Hands on 1;1 bundles of intensive holistic multi modality care (not one off sessions) till mid December – a  month. I will be sometimes in the Brisbane area – as we are house sitting 2 hours away.
    2 Online consultations – to personalise what you may need to correct what has /is happening to you.

    3 – An opportunity to be mentored/taught by me in my Gentling Way arts- as the Normal Mothering – Towards Sustainable Humanity is on from next month – starting the practicals in the weekends – 1st and 3rd in December. Self paced, and online classes – covering all that is needed now  across many modalities.

    (Your ‘qualifications’?)

    • A call to do it.
    • Time to spend immersing yourself in LIFE and its flows.
    • A knowing that this is where you need to be.
    • The ability to commit time, resources, (an upfront or a deposit and a payment plan), self and the likelihood of massive shifts to change (heal) where you are and how you got to me at all.


    I can be trusted to do my best. You know that I am likely to find out if I do not know
    Over giving, over caring and multi talented.

    Often the sick were healed. The crippled got up and walked (pain free). Those ‘fixed’ sent in others to see me. No advertising needed. Word of mouth. All desperate for different. All willing enough to change what had led them to me. Or stay stuck. By realising something has to shift – we heal.

    Initially in clinic I mainly saw pain and hopelessness, – what medicine had no easy answers for . my task was to turn this around. All options were likely trialed before seeing me. What did I do? Take out what was blocking healing.

    A different perspective. Pain does this to a person. As does receiving a terminal prognosis. Those who were at the ‘end of the line’ found me. Painperiods awry was my specialty – as prior to laproscopies, progesterone implants, radical menstrual distress was discounted as ‘women’s lot’. Horrendous joint destruction, back problems – not seen by X rays – bleeding stomach and duodenal ulcers (before medication to kill off Helicobacter), menopausal horrors (before HRT), ‘out of control’ blood pressure – again before medications – ACE inhibitors, and a myriad of body message blockers – all supposedly magic pills to ease the silly life habits – so all could keep CREATING their dramas. Dastardly new discoveries – that new disease – a scourge all terrified of – AIDS – appeared. As all other life challenges – it was conquered – one person at a time – as all was. Personal effort versus hopelessness.

    Not for all – many given a death sentence took it home and complied. Often ‘ being good’ and doing all they were told. And living out the expectations. I wondered – why accept limitations? When confronted with AIDS I was able to massively help.  My being the designer, writer and teacher of acupuncture courses with students/mentoring practitioners since 1981 in Brisbane – when anything in the ‘too hard’ basket was my domain.

    People came in and we undid the accelerated aging that was happening. The scurry to find a magic pill ($$$$ –  not altruism) the beat up of pre antibiotic/ anti bacteria proportions – as leprosy or TB had been in our great grand parent’s days – led me into where no problem escaped solutions. Then the push for jabs of toxic substances to supposedly ward off invaders. Not strengthen the body’s own defenses (‘old wives tales’) – but flashy new ideas (not time tested).

    Anyone when walking through my doors – learned of the fact that a body heals itself. 

    (And how to help it themselves). This came to personal realisations and often hard won shifts. Whilst the current business illness model says ‘alternative’ (to what the doctor says) is somehow radical/’less than’ and questionable /downright dangerous as you may NOT do as the doctor says – you may have realised that LIFE is your doctor – as is what you do and what you eat.

    Scope of practice of a ‘complementary’ health care professional is to NOT use what is not needed – pharma assistance . Working out why you are visiting the ‘sick’ space is. Out of the medical scope of practice. Seen nowhere as being more obvious than now.. Dangerous even. Even when no hope found there – hence the finding of the one who offered solace. Changing what created a problem – changed the outcome.


    Being the only woman acupuncturist/also naturopath/herbalist in Brisbane city – I picked up a large following of desperates. In times before assisted reproduction and before the crash of sperm quality – all lack of baby paths led to Heather Bruce. Then the too scared to birth – prior to C sections on demand (before epidurals – too dangerous). Pain – unrelenting – trigeminal neurelgia, post shingles, extraordinary nerve and structural catastrophies. When told to learn to live with ‘it’ – some heard of ‘the magic lady’ and appeared in my clinic – often from very strange paths to find me. Cancers unresponsive to ‘treatment’ ( more chemical/radiographic incursions – and no personal responsibility taken. Devastating neurological – also a matter of undoing what was blocking healing.

    Starting with the elderly with crippling pain – moxa and lymph drainage added into the tricks in needling that I had developed – no one left worse than they came in – most stunningly relieved. They followed instructions/suggested life changes. They knew it was up to them to follow through. And did. the more ‘OCD’ ones were more likely to get what the wanted. Results. Really does – if we undo why the ‘problem’/stuck spot is there.

    Life is for living. Not suffering. Such was the younger Heather’s mission.

    HISTORICALLY – my life work. In the late 70’s = early 80’s (till I retired from clinic to only teach acupuncture !!! at 29. To be a mum again – second pregnancy.  I not only designed acupuncture courses and taught all levels, writing post grad texts and courses – on ‘hopeless’ cases.  Back then. I usually saw people x 3 weekly. Making waves in the habits of those suffering. If an acute problem – daily – sometimes (extreme hyperemesis – pregnancy vomiting ) x3 daily. Maybe x2 daily if a pregnancy in peril. To return it all around. And did.

    In the 80’s/90’s life changed. Western medicine came up with heroics – and all seemed seduced in continuing to do what had created the problem , whilst buying into the idea that they had no responsibility as to outcomes. Arrived – retail industrial medicine. A pill for every ill. New ways of attending to pain (bodies cry for help) and inner destruction (as no idea of the Owner’s Manual  – for someone elses’ profit – meant that ‘despairing folks – hit the pharmacy – not the self help trail. The invention of dastardly addictive additives – to take all of life.

    When I took a research unit for a Masters of Health Science in 2012, I learned not maybe what was intended. I was taught that you do not ask a research question unless you already know the answer. Not to rock the boat. And that there are myriad ways to stack a deck. That the way to prove something right is to not be able to prove it wrong.

    After the 2008/9 swine flu, the push for flu jabs was ever more insistent. What people had always did – was watered down by the push to hand over personal care and accept that ‘doctor knows best’. Prior to then, what mum always said and did took precedence,. Different families, different cultures within a community had differing habits – the most likely – was to stay in bed and sweat it out Not to pretend all was well and to ‘soldier on’.

    Now – the push for body corruption under the guise of ‘helping’ continues. What about ‘side’ effects?

    Did you know? That the best way to prove something right is to NOT be able to it prove it wrong.
    Have you? I have. I do not like what I find (CLICK). And have not – BUT in order to help anyone – I have had to be like in a novel: The Discovery Process for the Defense  .
    Not the most obvious – that is always done by others.

    Failure to do real science – hypothesis and observation – ask does it work? In life??And stat over if/when the evidence is there. Does what ever we are doing in this century result in  . . what was better than before?

    What is ethics?
    I decided that it was biological sustainability. Here is what I did (CLICK) in 2016 – Playing the Fix It Game.

    We are here (end of 2021) – shut down till we all become servile. You may also wonder.

    • Why were/are people acquiescing – handing over – their rights, their sovereignty, their future?
    • What if the people trusted are the ones causing the problems?

    *** What are you here for?

    This is a different way to look at life. Maybe you forgot why/how you got to be on my newsletter list.

    Ask different questions.

    I doubt that you have done anything like as much research on anything I speak or write of than I have.
    Possibly you have opinions.
    Mine are based on my life experience.
    1 – Often it is ME that has done what I suggest you do not do.
    2 – Often it is me that took the steps to do what I suggest that you do not with it listening. Thinking .

    Because so very often I thought that I was doing what I thought was right. I too thought that I had done my own due diligence.

    Please remember – you consulted me as I have been known for my lifetime of assisting when no one else can.



    Online is always possible. You can start immediately. In these times – if you feel called as in you cannot NOT do it. If you know that you are in service, that you maybe always wanted to do what I do/was – and know the usual way is not for you .  .maybe start with self? Everyone in my classes has to. We are all connected.

    Perhaps see about my teaching (CLICK) (if you know a midwife/nurse/birth worker – or anyone who is keen .(CLICK).

    Natural Mothering – a comprehensive path towards human sustainability (CLICK).

    Do YOU wish to learn what I do? Have you been pestering me to learn? Now is ‘later’. I have heard myself say – never again – and here I am. If you hear this call

    RIGHT NOW – ring me 0452 407 667.

    No one starts my work without already having had ‘a life’ – usually of odd things happening – to direct us into serving – as we needed – and what we eventually found – we are handing over. What works. When nothing else seems to.

    I have usually lived out of Brisbane – Eumundi, Tamborine Mountain, Mt Pleasant, Witta (outside Maleny) – coming in town to work, escaping back home for personal clarity. After all of this. Being entrusted to clear what has been a tangled mess in everyone’s In the newsletters going back to late last year (when Duncan and I got the dreaded lurgy SARS-2 – and recovered – I wrote what to do/take action. Never suspecting the world would be shut down due to the medical critical thing lapse/incompetence and vested interests.

    Whilst waiting for the dust to settle, I have been mentoring my students so they may also stay sane and with hope. Trying to work out where I am most safe. I wondered – what can I do to insert common sense in the recent turn of events.

    Heather’s Gentling Ways – we are focused heavily on women’s belly and heart distresses.
    The next intake (intensive and possible from a distance – if you are NOT in Qld – is starting next week.

    Life – we follow nature