
From the sleep project we are working through the Life Recipe.
Please go through this free course as it is NOW that we need to be clearing the residue of the life that we thought we were living
Having spent as few sessions talking around
3 – Safety
4 – Outside (sun, exercise, negative ions, growing own food, happy being alive)
we are at
5 – Touch –
6 Raison d’etre.
Topical (end August 2020) as the world lurches towards controlling all aspects of human endeavour.
BUT – I was to tired/upset and hit ‘preview’ not ‘record’ after I had paused it to wait to get more in . .
We get (what I actually like best) what others took away – as we can all hear the same thing and it goes elsewhere as we listen . .
My definition of HOPE
Holding on to an outcome you want, but maybe having to surrender in the process for it to happen…having something to look forward to and create. FALSE HOPE wishing and wanting something that deep down in your gut you know is probable unachievable and would need to defy all odds ..feeling of surrendering to a false god.
ME – Thank you. I was also really upset afterwards and took forever to get to sleep . . Not happy – STUCK here (NZ/Earth) .
Reference to staying safe in middle circle with men’s rules 3 points.
Something to get up for in the morning.(enjoy doing service..)
Someone to love ( starting with self)
Something to look forward to
Also here –
This is an adolescent – first time mum – with grandma supervising’ work it out
Mum will work it out – if she is not disempowered.
Need to have Shen to Shen.
Immune systems and what hope do people left
Masks: Men and ways of bonding.
If faced with terminal prognosis
1 – Believe diagnosis not prognosis
2 – Be Real
3 -Have something to live for (see 3 points above)
4 – Be the treatment don’t hand it over
We are acting as midwives – for others- we need to get out of our own way . .
How to finish your life?
What are you here for?
Who is the ‘I’? – what part of self do you align with?
Who are you now?
Major cause of disease is being stuck not flowing
Why am I doing this work?
How did I come upon Heather?
What are we planning to do?
Talked about Kalianna’s drops
Talked about dignity (myclient who wishes to die on his terms)
Dignity with Covid And service
I understand Heather..I feel the same here
Hope – understanding that things can change. Trusting or having faith in a positive outcome.
False hope – seeing things through rose tinted glasses when the reality is the opposite of the thing hoped for.
I liked the questions you posed:
What are we here for?
Me: I am here to align my body/mind with my spirit and to be of service to others. Reach my full potential as a human being.
Who is I? Me: Pure Light, Life Force, Spirit.
What am I doing here now? Me: Learning to come into alignment with my spirit
How did I come upon Heather? Me: I reached out to you at the beginning of my career as a healer to learn what was missed from my acupuncture education. And now I feel attracted to your light and accumulated wisdom and would like to learn self care, walk the talk and teach others.
Essentials for life:
- something to get up for in the morning
- someone to love
- something to look forward to
Advice for dealing with terminal illness:
- believe the diagnosis not the prognosis
- be emotionally real
- have something to live for
- be the treatment
I loved the discussion on being the midwife for people who are dying.
What would I want/do if I were in their position?
What about the baby?
Bub is whole as a spirit and living through their soul script- as the entire family is.
Me Hope is not passive..
That is the next topic – what we can do . .
A bit extra . .
Fluoride . . dementia/lowering I.Q.