Hiatal hernia reasons


Causes of the body not working as designed?

Having a life.

Living in a body creates a lot of life residue.
We explore this with people as we do a ‘case history’.
We could download the forms to do their Life Library

All of it is waiting to be unpacked and then made a different sense of.
Below – what is this ?
The vehicle that has also ‘had a life’.
It CAN’T go anywhere – as is not designed to work like this.


Not play with it
Not make them feel OK with it off kilter.
Not say ‘we don’t know but take pills/etc for the rest of your life . .. ‘


Please think of this when you hear all sorts of medical ideas about managing not FIXING what has happened to a person. Life.
We are yet to undo what got stuck.

In the video below, Gail gives us a perfect example of why we are in The Gentling Way and what else we do – respectfully.

This was to be a practical . .but both students needed a different conversation on this topic – so this is what we did

START – general intro as to why we teach this this way . .
7.30 – Vanessa and pricklies . . . and why I taught it in thus body of work – timing and sequencing .
10.30Classification of moves
12.00 – In the right place in the session – or group of them.
13.00 – Need to be checking so people can have goalposts
23.00 – Are we fixing or playing with people? Is why we do intensive bundles of care – get in and fix and they hen go off into their new life.
reconnecting moves – we will have finished with them .(See the chat group for this again).
25.00 – Pelvic torsion – is what the Arvigo inspired moves is for (I think) Mercier – and adhesion breaking ..
26.00– Going through the 6 ‘T’s’ – temptation , tension, temperature, torpor, trauma and toxins – all is a mixture of these. .
30.50 – WATER tepid, not from tap – need fresh and mineral laden . .
32.00 – What is being piped in with the surface of the pipes?
34.00 – Topor
34.30 – Trauma.. . . what layer?
35.45 – Toxins
36.20Stuck Liver Qi – ‘feeling of oppression in the chest’ is what is seen in all textbooks – ww are taking this a step further – see the eBook Energy Changes For a Better Life. and the Jon Gabriel Method
40.00Why are the tissues/organs falling down?
42.50 – Three major causes of dis ease . . lack of nutrients – like Vit D3
45.00 – Vanessa and really bad nausea all through her pregnancies – and then NOT drinking cold ever . . thus she drank tea.
47.00 – Resistances to change .

From WDCD – perhaps look after your gut?

51.00 – we have a break and then Vanessa relating her gratitude . .
55.00 – Gail’s bloated swelling after eating – find Sp 4 . . press – run finger up from Sp 3 till you get stopped by the bone

Attack with some vigor –

56.00Find Pc 6 – press
59.00 – What to to help self – chest Gua Sha
1.01,00– Accident Recall and PV – beginning well – need to start from the beginning all the time.
1.03.50 – Early patient and messing with her LU 10 area – how it was resolve – scar release . . .
MUST CLEAR THE BLOCKAGE .. – fatigue .. condition that my niece and one of her kid’s were born with
1.07.00 – symptoms. .
1) – bloated after eating
2) – can’t take deep breaths
3) – Chronic fatigue . . take Minor Buplerum – Chinese herbs to clear out old pathogens . .and also nasty flu 1997 – all my heart problems. .
1.08.00– order of what you may need to do . . AND may have your hands turn on if a Reiki channel as well.
1.10.00 Stuck Liver Qi – we are all not happy .
1.10.30 – People in caravan next door – and THEY ARE JABBED!!
1.11.00 – D
1.12.30- scan told her hopeless . ..she discovered not eating gluten . .
4)- Burning to you get pain and . . . .- HEAT . no hot foods – milk instead.
1.14.00 – wee test not gut ph . .
5) – brain fog – lack of iodine and also need to be warmer – Lugols’ solution 15%
1.16.30 – WHY has this happened? EMOTIONAL plus physical trauma . .and bulimia – damaging to the hiatal sphincter. .and her chosen career.
1.18.00– WRIST THING – the diving accident.Aura Soma – yellow/yellow – number 42. JOY bottle
1.23.00 – what we sit and hold the space to unpack this to get to where we CAN help . .but there is more .. .
1.25.00 – other adult child . see Quesha from yesterday. .
1.26.40 – Vanessa – magic watching the sisters – RELATING
1.28.00 – Old style nursing . ..profit before people.
1.29.30 – Problems in pregnancy – milk- put son 3 stone . . both of us did this.
1.31.00 – What else? GB surgery . .
1.32.00 – WHY we do it this way . .
1.33.40 – Violent older brother.
1.36.00 – NEED to hold this space so it keeps coming – watch me and how I do this .. not get too tied up in the story
1.37.45 – Hit by a bus . .pregnant . .
1.41.00 – WE have to be adaptive . .
1.42.00 – Vanessa’s dad .
1.45.00 – Why I write these pages up . .
1.47.30 – Older brother as a gift . . another story of vicious older brother. .
1.50.00 – the intro of that book . . how we set ‘our lives’ up . .
1.53.00 – Vanessa switched off . . saboteurs?
1.55.00 – sometimes we feel too much . .