
Look at this life recipe and do more – as food is only one aspect.
Having said that . .
If you go off all that tastes sweet (esp fruit) and all that is white and eat so much FAT and salt – coloured – and be in the sun more.
Eat liver/pate at least 1x weekly
What you may take home. .
Sea minerals – taste awful.
They work.
Are so cheap . .
Take one tsp every night before bed in a little water .
Shake well first.
Pads . .
Vit C and E – help with arterial supply and also all tissue integrity.
Vit B complex – a great beginning as is Vit D3 – need to get from iherb.com – online as we are NOT ALLOWED to get the right amount . .
25,000 iu and take at least 1 pref 2 daily for a month – as your hormones.. . are out of gear .
PCOS – iodine needed.
https://solutions. heatherbrucehealing.com/ essential-minerals/about- iodine/
Castor oil packs.
Self massage/bashing for good circulation. .
Pain in ovaries . .
Is Stuck Liver Qi . .
Do get stuck into the belly and hip/buttock work as on charts below . .
Get the self care courses then you and partner can help each other – all amazing work that really does work!
What we do first
Accident Recall.Pelvic Steam Elizabeth 2019

Do download and print out for all.

Go to the garden . . .
Love your life