Yeppoon 2021- Sharp pricklies #4


Paper towel roll and half inch pricklies to start with. Move onto inch ones on roll then on your arm after.

  • Brisbane
  • Yeppoon
  • Cairns
  • Yeppoon.

Acupuncture theory is imbued all of the work you have so far been exposed to in Heather’s Gentling Ways (7 ‘L’s’ (CLICK)

Book we lived by (1976) CLICK – see picture to the bottom right

Shen, Qi and Jing – make Blood – look in the Woman Tides text . .woman tides 201801 (CLICK to download pdf)

  • 7 minutes – L.L.I. – what is holding the womb hostage – we must undo the glue . . we FREE stuck
  • 10 minutes – need to know what works . ..  meditation pics (CLICK)
  • 11.30 – We came here for this.
  • Soul star – Light body – aura – etheric – skin, under, deep, Blood
  • Sovereignty – in thinking as well . . out of slavery and into service.
  • 13 – we will cover Luo, (fine, traverse, longitudinal, Ting, command points, Yuan, Shu, Mu, Xi – Clefts – and of course the role of 8 Extras.
  • 15.30 – Broken mamas .. (CLICK)
  • 17 – Master’s assignment . .YOU must use it to live it.
  • 19 – Why we are here:early life messes with the template (DOES it).
  • 23 – The 8 Extras and how life in a body begins (CLICK)
  • 24Mantak and Manuween Chia (CLICK)  – Multi orgasmic Man (CLICK)
  • 26 – Luo points – e.g. Lu (lung)7. Belly button scar clearance.
  • 28 – ‘Five Elements’/Concordances explore more (CLICK)
  • 29.30 – Meridian pairs – I got a wee bit distracted – here is the order – Lu, Co, St, Sp, Ht, SI, Bl, Ki, Pc. TH, GB, Liver – is a circuit that repeats
    See the meridian work from this woman (CLICK) – is amazing work . .
  • 33 – Different Luo point signs and symptoms. What I wrote as I spoke.

  • 34.40 – Work on my scars . .
  • 38 – What is happening now to everyone’s bodies?
  • 38.50Ting points – ends of digits.
  • 40 – Releasing the facial STUCK
  • 41 – How to get the blood to flow – when we are playing with Ting points. .
  • 42 – Checking and check back all the time – so all can ‘own’ what this does – and look at the tongue etc.  .
  • 42.30 – Belinda’s ankle – and Mirror X plus Ting points.
  • 43.30 – My bent back big toe. Need to know where the meridians go. Initially what is in the Woman Tides eBook.
  • 45.20Mu points – Some of the 8 Extras have Luo points. Move the Qi.
  • 46 Shu points – me working up to explaining to the class of watchers – what they may see me doing in the patients who have been called in. Liver 13, 14 and GB 24 – you see me poke a lot. Also gall stone point – 1 cun under the point GB 34.
  • 49 GB 25 – Mu of Ki – Liver 13 – Mu of the Sp, Liv 14 – Mu of the Liver – me using these as checkers. .
  • 49.30 Xi Cleft points – clear stagnation . .
  • 51 – Great Luo of the Sp – Sp 21


  • 52 – What are we doing with people? TRIAGE – If there is cold there – Qi can’t move. Shen – too upset – same.
  • 53 – we INTEND to work on the scars – but what else is there?
  • 54 – C scar goes through all the belly channels
  • 55 – be practical with choice of sharp tools. No tube. And a metal curled top component – NOT plastic.
  • 56.30 – Be practical  – the stuck (sore) point is where we go – not where a text says it should be.
  • 57.30  – Need to do all of this in order – the sequence as given.
  • 58 – Shen calming first – Dr John Shen said – “first get the patients’ love” – trust at least . .
  • 59 – Deal then with what comes up – and use moxa to ‘seal the deal’ .
  • 1.00.00 – Appendix ravine lower belly – no drain put in – so awful consequences.
  • PALPATION FIRST – well before we put needles in – feel (CHECK)
  • 1.01.00 St 30 (Dr van Buren) to undo the adhesions left after any abdominal surgery.


Microbleeding (CLICK)    Macro bleeding (CLICK)      

Moon phases – when we do what we do (And when we do not) (CLICK)

After the practical – comments from the class

  • Nathalie – connections . .
  • 2.00 Linda
  • 2.30Lee-Anne on micro bleeding – Fiona also – and Nathalie – all stunningly better
  • 3.50 – Cairns man and ‘elbow’ – macro bleeding.
  • 5.00 – Gua Sha – Nathalie – evening up a person’s structure
  • 5.50 – Gua Sha tools
  • 7.20 – DAMP – fluids – finding Sp 9 – will hurt . . then press CV 9 – likely hurtful – insert Liver 2 and CV 9 temporarily will not hurt – and this validates the liver attacking Sp story. Add in Sp 9 – 15 degrees to skin – is a water release point – maybe – need to understand WHY the lymphadema.
  • 9.30 – Woman with massive problems – and also the damaged daughter. Fetal size – cf with my triplet mum
  • 10.00 – Lymph – yes is a problem – but her biggest issue is the child who arrived.
  • 11 – they let hospital on the due date – and B/F for 10 months.
  • 11.30  – Maja’s wonderful gadget.
  • 12.15 – Endo issue – castor oil and steaming . . whether the breasts – or woman’s body in general ingredients here (CLICK)
  • 13.45 – PRACTICAL starts.
  • 14.45 – NO TUBES!! Practice on a roll of paper towels.