What is it?
A system of working with/through the layers of being to allow the true essence and spirit to flow through.
The culmination of HB’s decades of being an inquisitive natural health detective.
And practical clinician, encompassing all that allows the basics of life to flourish.
Moving Blockages to healing
Healing is about change – as is life.
All flows .. .
When stuck, creates stagnation (pain), through festering (inflammation) towards inactivity = death.
Originated through – Heather’s curiosity – when things that were supposed to – did not.
Answering always a burning question – and ‘why not’ leads the fray often.
- 1 – Awareness of there being more than the human consciousness at play in all things.
- 2 – Natural rhythms of life – through the seasons of a day, a month, a year, a life
- 3 – Classical acupuncture – Light and energy bodies, grids and pathways, auric, nadis.
- 4 – Natural curiosity – uncovering what creates/blocks these.
Based upon (5 principles)
- Flows have to flow
- Body remembers everything that has ever happened to it
- Energy follows thought
- Structure determines function
- Body heals itself (when allowed to)
- Ways of knowing – encoded, embodied, VERSUS – someone said, many someones said and wrote.
- 7 ‘L’s’ – Light, lineage, Liver, (all acupuncture paradigm) lymph, ligaments, lies and litigation
- Flows – Qi, Blood – red blue, colourless, and nerves
- ‘T”s – Tension temperature, torpor, trauma and toxins.
- Moves – clearing, fixing, soothing, fixing, settling
What is so different? 
Where there is breath there is life.
Limitations are but solutions awaiting discovery.
Being aware that – we are mostly women who are called.
generally INFP – a see through the filters of Meyer – Briggs
All on a quest – and are called – can’t NOT do.
Blockages that we may need to clear internally
(As well as communally) – on our path to the Light.
As such – there are layers of societal
- Sexual conditioning that all we perceive to be cleared,
- Bio medicine – up until now has been the ‘default’ setting – and has its roots not in altruism but retail industies
- Pharmacology – as an intensifying (sourcerer’s apprentice) of what is freely and abundantly here to assist us – botany.
- ‘Research’ (as a means to ‘validate’) – outside of real life to funnel all into disbelieving nature and lived experiences.
- Personal discreditation – inner self talk – leading into “What would I know”/”I’m not good enough”.
We could ask
How do I know that to be?
Often a powerful knowingness – and why we block – is all that stops us from being all of who we set out to be.
Who wins when we are less than?
What game are we playing in the middle circles?
Who is looking ahead?
Starting with self . .
Past the selfing challenge.
Comes Gentle Self Discovery
It IS easier to focus on being clever and helping others – AND we need self clarity FIRST.
The circles.. . . .
Whatever paradigm you choose – are using – does it work?
Instead of chucking it out – put it to one side and explore others.
Lineages involved – helpers along the journey
Heather. .
Begin at the acupuncture circle – it covers some of the ‘life’ lived.
Please do also for yourself – I started with the passion that drove me.
- Maternity – none of this would have happened had not Sean come through,
- Acupuncture – 1977 Dr van Buren through also the lens of Wu Wei Ping, Dr Yu Min Chuan, Soule Moroux, Felix Mann, Dr John Shen, Jeffry Yuen, Dr Angela Shen,
- Body work – 1977 Dr John Velthiem – lymphatic and prostatic drainage as central (damp moving), soft tissue moves, visceral corrections, womb aligning awareness leading into fertility specialty prior to IVF, allied within the acupuncture initial training 1977-79. Varous massage classes , beginning in Swedish. Personal experiencing body work of diverse styles to include body awareness and how we are what we hold onto.
- Body Talk – 1995 Dr John Velthiem
- Acupuncture and related additionals – 1977 Geri and Mita van Puten, Professor Wong, Kiiko Matsumoto, Dr Deng, moxa Juju . .. (Japanese) all the various, innumerable workshops and gleanings throegh observing masters at work.
- ‘Reality benders’– 1977 Relaxation Centre exposure to the Centre Within, Paul Solomon, Gaston St Pierre, myriad others
- Reichian – 1978 as part of the initial ‘acupuncture’ training, Brisbane
- Rolfing – 1979 early personal exposure – amalgamating these concepts, moves into all sessions
- Western herbalism – 1980 – Dorothy Hall through Nancy Evelyn.
- Vibrational remedies – 1980 – Nancy Evelyn, mid 1980’s Marissa Kliene, Vince Halpin.
- Hands on – spirit questing – mid 1980’s Andrew Watson, Tiiu, Jonathon,
- Reiki – 1989, Beth Gray, 2002 Roger Maclean, Seikem – 1996 Helen Belot
- Experiential workshops – 1988/90 – all the ‘Who am I’/’Being’ and ‘Soul’ from Kharime
- Birthing – 1977 onwards personal, and being a natural birth advocate/keeper/attendant (1980 onwards)
- Kinesiology/Brain Gym – 1980’s onwards Gilly Johnson
- Skye/Kathryn additions – 1987 Doman-Delacato neurological rehabilitation, 1989 Anatakarana, 1989 Aura Soma, 1988 point percussion, 1987 fetal cell implants, 1991 auditory retraining (Berard),
- Sound Healing – 2005 Karina Schelde
- Maya Healing – 2014-16 Dr Rosita Arvigo (napropathy and through her Don Elijio Panti, Miss Hortence, Miss Beatrice and other traditional cunderoro and midwives).
- Mercier – 2016 Dr Jennifer Mercier and her amalagam of moves accessed from whatever she found to work – (experiential)
- Life – all that lead me in the twists and turns – and how the clearance of all of this – through me living in the country to be with the stars, the plants and myself – all helped.
Through an awareness of rebirthing, Bowen, polarity, energy workers of many traditions, we add in as we discover, what ‘works’, and feels right.