Triage in action – Qi moving


In 2 sessions  I shifted someone’s life

She said . .  “am very much into alternative medicine and my family and I are not registered with a doctor – we take responsibility for our own health with chiropractic, homeopathy, frequency healing, healthy organic food, etc.  I have a Healy device, which is absolutely amazing, and I will be getting a customised programme to assist me with the mild to medium level urinary incontinence I have had since my 3rd child was born 4 years ago, but the TimeWave practitioner suggested that I also “visit an Osteopath who can perform manual therapy on the visceral domain.” So – she finds me as the pregnant woman with a bladder prolapse lives down the road (5 hours away from me).

Dreadlocks past her waist. Alternative clothes, her mother a Reiki master and up for anything (easiest patient – as they are pre qualified). Nothing on her feet – cold morning. (imagine what I said) We discover she has been ‘grounding’ (hates being cold) and is busily being cold as this was supposed to help. Loss of libido before the children. Bleeds heavy 1st two days with pain.

3 babies – breastfeeds them till 5 years old – last almost there. 1st birth turned her off all ‘medical’ help – and was eventually a C section – waters broke 35 weeks- and eventually C section. Polyhydraminos 21st two children. Initial – over night almost  after a big sock. Second – was all the way through.
Third –  easy home birth.
Tongue –  Lighting changing – but it was no longer tied – she was astonished. Couldn’t wait to show her husband.

Homework – NO COLD – not even sitting on a cool loo seat!








What did I do?
Usual – cold out (navel cupping)
Shock session – Kiiko (R St 24, angled to navel, and bl Liv 2 (my addition)

She had had good C scar acupuncture work after 1st baby, so very fine line. Stuck Belly Blood work , above breast line for C scar, some belly work (my moves for lymph shifting – after a session perineal pull-up – not available initially.
Much bum and heart chakra gouging. Left with a tongue she did not know.

Usually as very dry mouth and eyes – not – an contacts are not playing up. Awake with sore R ankle – broken 25 years ago and some neck pain. Felt so happy after last session.

2nd day

Cupped belly – much warmer as over body than the day before.
Stuck Belly Blood again – after St 24 and bil Liv 2.

Pressed R Lu 7 and then scrapped navel ring scar – before and after – much difference, so Lu 7 in and bridged around scar.
Steamed – very happy with. needles set us up for the hands-on work – after steam.
General Ligament work to undo the inner adhesions. Very happy with faja.

Mercier front moves (did back ones the day before).
Many needles. .

Totally rapt   .