Teaching 102 – July


In front of Nat and Deb in Yeppoon 2nd July prior to the weekend of Reconnecting.

  • Start – Get the little girl inside happy – as she is to be sitting down listening – give them a gift –
  • 2 minutes – students – people turn off – they listen on and off. Vaccine addiction.
  • 4 minutes – be gentle – as there is now so much opinionation – same question “how did you get to there?”
  • 5.30 – medical content – versus paradigm shift . . . Need self responsibility clear (CLICK)
  • 6.20 – Christainity vs acupuncture – yin and yang . . . prickly people. .
  • 7 – 5 tenets of this work
  • 8.30 – Dr Shen – if you are told only 24 hours to live – why worry?
  • 9.30 – structure determines function. . .energy follows thought – flow have to flow – COLD (5 ‘T’s’)
  • 10.20 – Body remembers everything that ever happened – ‘forgotten’?
  • 11 – Reichian and The Joy of Feeling – emotional kaleidoscpe
  • 11.45 – Body heals itself  -7 ‘L’s (CLICK)
  • 12.20 – Must be likeable lady
  • 12.50 – Belinda – q – get the person’s
  • consent. She had to work with the process.. .. to assist their transformation.
  • 13.50 – getting all in the same spot – not only content . . last weekend (CLICK)
  • 14.30Make friends with the little girl within – get their consent.
  • 15 – cluster flies – and the class divided into workers and those entitled.
  • 15.45 – need to have assistants/monitors  – need the class to have jobs – and need an assistant..
  • 17be aware of the saboteur (CLICK) – I clear all with their opening clearance – we bring in outside’ assistance – to assist in the Light – this is not content only. We also have our own saboteurs – set intention – be really clear .
  • 19 – clear them (and the space). C sections weekend (CLICK)
  • 19.30 – what programmes are running?
  • 20 – Introductions. .
  • 21 – Angie’s story ..and the Arvigo Self Care workshop taken ‘hostage’.
  • 25 – Need your own teaching journal – and /USE IT.
  • 27 – “you’ve got the wrong patient” – what to take for varicose vein avoidance – need to set intention?
  • 28.30 – ask them – “what do you think this is about?” ..
  • 29 – we give all content – as in person is experiential – embodying it – show them the notes, on line course work – expectations . .of the student . . save the hassle..
  • 30.30 -process
  • 1 – give the little girl a gift
  • 2 – get consent
  • 3- give a job
  • 4 – clear the space
  • 5 – opening – whatever we can so we are not arguing with personality cages
  • 6 – questions – what are you here for? what do you want to learn? burning question?
  • 31.50 – Deborah and the religious day – all in the room had had a religious theme.
  • 33 – The LL I WItta workshop – and the interesting conundrum of people ‘ganging’ up on others. .
  • 34 – The stuff that interferes with learning . .
  • 36 – what interferes ? They know it all – esp if medical prior training – cup is too full ..
  • 37.30 – no phones – be here – see them getting bored – YOU are the boss.
  • 38.30 – Given info already – and we do the practicals – and FEEL it.
  • 40 – We all have skills. .
  • 40.30 – It Depends . .flows have to flow . . eg my 3rd Self Care – and people safe enough to let go . .
  • 41.20 – may be about womb positioning – but need to have a paradigm shift = instructions – ‘spiritual’.
  • 42 – Things that have been sent to attack us – e.g. Lenley and I in last weekend. – We need another bottle from Kaliana – the ‘take out’ stuff – we are all of the Light and some may have forgotten.
  • 43.40 – Lisa – and not using the Blue Door meditation Many meditations (CLICK)
  • 45 – early anorexia treatment
  • 45.20 – Nat – but some people do not know their story – body remembers .  .
  • 48 Give them something to look forwards to – thus we ask what do YOU want out of this?
  • 49 Nat – her next step  from what Deb said – and also lymphatics
  • 50 Deb – you kept persisting .  . I am still here . . .
  • 50.40Lisa – the next step from Arvigo – you recruited me, saved my sanity
  • 51.40 – How do we teach? Take them from where they are to where we want them to be – women do it with stories. Parables.
  • 53.30 – Morals in all children’s stories – we are now below the line.
  • 54 L.L.I. is basically Mercier moves – Gentling Trauma Relief – will do next weekend . . contains Undoing Your Life Library, Ethics and Tools (what are you triggering and what is going in in your body. Reconecting – what broke your heart. . Also need Foundational Moves – and Love Your Body Better
  • 56 – Flows have to flow. .  Arvigo say ‘do the work’ – means all of it.
  • 57.30 – Cold – wastes life force.
  • 59.30 – Reminder – need to get burning question from everyone.
  • 1.00.00 – Reconnecting – is all about lymph, fascia and adhesions  we go with old wive’s tales.
  • 1.01.00 – Ideally we have done the Gentling Trauma Relief workshop first.
  • 1.02.00 – Do it once, and it’s done – anything.
  • 1.02.30 – All women – 2 horrors – overwhelm and perfectionism.
  • 1.03.30 – Good Blood energy needed for life. Needed to nourish all aspects of the person.

Woman Tides Blood chp5 (CLICK to download)

  • 1.04.30 – Need to get best ingredients made, to support the physical structures and rubbish collection.
  • 1.09.30Lisa – it makes sense . . .

It’s about boundaries, intentions and all being clear


What/who holds the class hostage??

  • Start – AGREEMENTS/BOUNDARIES – you are the boss.

What is running around in the class – how is it costing us? (We need to work it out).
Pondering is our job . .

Maybe add in the Arvigo Spiritaul Healing
Are you learning what you came here to learn?

Religion, take out, argue with teacher – or ask for all to be cleared out at once (be careful for what you pay for).

  • 7.00 – Another example . . of an awkward class.
  • Maybe ask – ‘do you have a problem?’
  • 9.00 – a rewriting of a life experience.
  • 11.30 – taking natural breaks – as they happen
  • 12.30 – setting a class up – feed them first.
  • 14 – record your meditations that you take them on. .so they can access later.
  • 17.30 – ‘bitching about the teacher.
  • 18White Eagle Lodge (CLICK)
  • 19.00 – Reframing – paradigm shift – and the three circles.