Spiritual Healing #2

Welcome . . .


Part 3 of the Selfing – self mastery series – Context is all

Part 1 – Susto, Pesar, Tristeza (CLICK)

Part 2 – Spiritual Bathing 1 (CLICK)

Please have seen the first two in this series
Ideally also have at least started the Self Discovery info.

This was nearly three ours – it will all be filled in – as they all will – when I get to it. (Soon)
From memory I will add in now what we spoke of.
Also to come is the bits important from the spiritual healing manual – plus my eBooks as we go.

Maybe download this first?

LIFE AS A BOARD GAME (PDF to download)

Tomorrow I will do this up.

Last ?? 30 minutes – we are on cold – ginger baths, rock salt heat packs and other useful elder’s tales.
Also covered prayers and how we can alter all through intention – is not about the moves. .