
Do you have a problem to solve?| Could be physical – but in these times, maybe the sense of hope, light,. joy in your world has dimmed.. .. YOU are maybe not happy. You do not want to ignore this.
You may be tasked with assisting others – family, friends, recipients of your care . .
Likely there will be many calls for you to step up.
In addition to how to easily live well in a woman’s body.
Living in these times – is what granny or your mum said to do even ‘work’?
You may wonder – how to undo what gets stuck – the upsets that grow into full blown catastrophes. Possibly becoming ever more STUCK (in pain – all levels).
Heather’s Gentling Ways has been designed to allow you to make different sense of.
Out of men’s ways of knowing and into what women always did. Follow nature
By exposing you to many traditional culture’s and their ways – of letting life flow
Beginning with your SELF. In times past, I set these courses in my clinic – or traveled to do them.
This work is experiential – you change – often radically.
I am in FNQ. I am set up there for this.
There are three aspects to all I do – the online to give you the content which is self paced – you can go as slow, or as quickly as you like. Some information may seem obvious. A change of perspective alters all.
1 – The online component – gives you a way of seeing life through Light and energy first. By not focusing on the tangible (the end result is the physical structure). Understandable as it is the dominant dimensional response for us in our culture at this time). . When nothinig seems to work with this – you may get desperate and seek elsewhere – here we are.
2 – Practical/hands -on. You may be able to find a group taken by one of the Gentling Way teachers – or possibly myself. (Schedule here). These may be conducted online – due to travel restrictions and time/resources. It works – but nothing like in person – if you CAN come, do. .
3 – After care/support – depending in what package you have.
This may be full-on mentoring, or weekly catch-ups after a workshop over the next month or so,.
I am always here to ask guidance.
You have been gifted a body
It is your temple
You live there
Inside a body of Light . .

Living in a woman’s body in the tides of life – as we move from one state to another.
Past what others know:
Past what you may have paid for (consults and ‘help’) and what you have been told to expect:
The further to the left you go – into energy, vibration and wonder: not control – the easier it is to change
To heal is to CHANGE –
Maybe ask yourself – “have I had enough yet?”
Time to let go what is holding you STUCK?
Time to let go and be part of the flows of life?
Time to change paradigms?
Time to cast off the old programmes?
Your soul may need to soar . . .
Knowing that there is more

Whatever your ‘role’ is on life – even/especially a health care professional needs to be whole in themselves and master of their own stories.
As reflected back through their body – is it saying NO – telling you stories – you listening?
PAIN? Any level? You have allowed body to stay stuck, by refusing to acknowledge.
What is holding YOU back from flowing as designed to?
Flows MUST flow – or damming/stagnation/festering happens
Starting with your belly/womb/life

Maybe you spent your life feeling as though you were
In the wrong body?
It hurts to be woman?
Shall we change this?

The lesson – why it happened and had such an impact?
No longer stuck. Best served – integrating and like old clothes that are loved and worn out – repurposed – and let go.
Once this is a priority – all that you feel/have happen in this realm will shift
This ‘life’ may be seen as having been scripted.
Now is the time to unpack.
Who is ‘I’? – why here? Where is your focus??

What to do? Maybe change your focus:
When we look through different eyes – we see this – so much more beauty and possibilities, than being stuck
We are within bodies of Light – souls encased in a mammalian wrapper
At play – this is not noticed in the ‘scientific’ reality we are to ‘believe’ governs ‘life.
Beings of Light (CLICK) Deconstruction of Who We Are (CLICK)
Is it time to let yourself feel?
Is it time yet? To undo . . That cage . .
*who you thought you were*

We are in a body to be reading this
It has rules
As we all seem now to NOT be following the footsteps of the ones that survived to give us life.
We may need a different world view/ paradigm
Is it time for you to grow past where you were?
Get started. YOU FIRST!!! Do less for others. MORE for you
Steaming, journalling, being aware and NOT at anyone else’s service – is YOUR time

In this body . . .
Begin with ‘you’
You do not HAVE A soul – you are the soul.
Having a human experience.
(In a mammalian wrapper)

Did you get an owner’s manual? These online courses provide your answers – change perspective and ease back into the flows of life. .
SIGN IN NOW for the online component