Scars are areas of fibrous tissue (fibrosis) that replace normal skin after injury. A scar results from the biological process of wound repair in the skin and other tissues of the body. Thus, scarring is a natural part of the healing process. With the exception of very minor lesions, every wound (e.g., after accident, disease, or surgery) results in some degree of scarring.

When the body is called to heal – when the skin is broken – for example, by a cut, bite, scratch, burn, acne or piercing – the body produces more of a protein called collagen. Collagen gathers around damaged skin and builds up to help the wound seal over. The resulting scar usually fades over time, becoming smoother and less noticeable.
It sometimes overdoes this. It becomes keloid. If scars don’t stop growing, invading healthy skin and becoming bigger than the original wound. These are known as keloid scars, which affect around 10-15% of all wounds.
You can work on your own scars
online gentle course (CLICK)
Keloid scars are more common on the upper chest, shoulders, head (especially the earlobes) and neck, but they can happen anywhere. They’re normally:
- shiny
- hairless
- raised above surrounding skin
- hard and rubbery
- red or purple at first, before becoming brown or pale
They can last for years, and sometimes don’t form until months or years after the initial injury.
They’re usually painless, but some can cause:
- pain
- tenderness
- itchiness
- a burning feeling
- limited movement if located on a joint
Why? A lack of ingredients to do the job well – and this can be reduced – often easily – with a combination of the different therapies I have been developing over the past 4 decades. The nourishing yourself interface is not as easy as what you put in your mouth, but what your body can do with it – sometimes it is best to NOT spend a lot on pulls,. supplements – but get to why your gut is unhappy and not serving you as designed – likely as you are in a bit of a mess – and thus seeing here – what STRESS does – is a start – following up with possibly reaching out to me to do a comprehensive look at where you start. From 1979 I worked mostly on women in strife, as a general all round natural health detective – seen as an acupuncturist/naturopath, herbalist and body worker. This is well before all the bright new ideas and drugs that you may have experienced, and found wanting – were developed – so I was able to get changes where now there is masking only – and you are left with WHAT TO DO? when all apparent solutions have been trialed .
We go back to basics . .

NUTRIENTS – run us – and the inability to get enough of what is needed – whether through choice, circumstances or the blocking that happens due to substances in our bodies that STOP the nutrients being found/seen. Now a massive issue as we have so much pollutants in the biosphere.
Nourishing your body better – includes all the eBooks to help you get into eating well and the nutrients we need, why and where they are found – a huge pack of what to make life easy again with .. NOURISHING YOU – LIFE Essentials and Love Your Body Better bundle
As an example – did you know that without iodine – the PCOS and endo are likely to be present.stay with you until you clear why iodine – an essential micromineral is not being seen and used in your body. ? Also the fibrocystic/dense and painful breasts
CIRCULATION – the flows of Qi, blood lymph and nerves need to flow as designed and all sorts of incidents, accidents leading possibly to operation. Flows s mess with this. . .hence the scar online workshop – also the Free Your Own Qi self paced get out of pain easily online course here – may be valuable as you can use YOUR own hands at home to undo what has happened and what is holding all hostage to being labeled as ‘conditions; – which really are no more than not enough of what is needed where and when it is. Much like any living thing, in conjunction with my version of the Mayan and Mercier work. You may need to come to me for this as my students are not working with others unless you can find one here.
I have witnessed amazing shifts in what is happening – when we change the circulation and the nutrient levels. (See LIFE Essentials – or better still – consider Love Your Body Better with the huge nutrients and how to use them better package (invest in the couplet) – Nourishing YOU
We make scars and especially keloid ones – through a lack of what nutrients – do you know? and where to find them, ensure your body can see them?
There is a small self help – scar repair course here for you right now. At home – your own hands. (CLICK
Perhaps see the initial self help here? (CLICK) how to use YOUR hands right now . . . helping you help yourself