Sacral wakeups

We can start getting acquainted with the personal stuckness – on our own body – and we can do this ourselves.

Sacral wake-ups (CLICK)

Needed to allow any nerve supply to service the pelvis and thus the entire body – check out all I have on the Dai Mai. (See the meridian pictures in Woman Tides).

The Gall Bladder meridian (holding resentment, bitterness, unsaid, unexpressed) and the Liver (rage, fury, STUCK) are keys. They both are totally tied into this central Extra as the points on the Dai Mai are GB and internally Liver.

Then we could speak of the Du Mai  – Governor Meridian – running up the spine BUT internally so do the Chong Mai, the Ren Mai and of course – intersects the Dai Mai – and is why you are being trained as Qi Movers – though leaving the ‘acupuncture’ label out.

1 – Say ‘hello’

2 – Gathering flesh

3 – Checking about

4 – Grab and gather up

5 – Move up slowly – paying particular attention – what you feel underneath your fingers –

Use moxa sacral fan if possible first.

6 – Finishing move off

7 – Repeat on both sides separately

8 – Move up the body

9 – Grab and yank upwards

10 – Gradually move upwards and yank UP

11 – Wherever you feel it more stuck – there is where the adhesions lie

12 – Moving up – each little move – yank and go again .

13 – Letting go

14 – Where the sacrum is.

15 – Place hand over hand – press in and move

16 – Get your fingers in, slide over off the bone, slowly dig in and gouge in  about one inch – the width of your fingers

17 – Move gradually up the sacral edges

18 – Traveling upwards – slowly

19 – Till edge of sacrum

20 – Gentle hands

21 – Shakey shakely – to consolidate – Note my flat sacrum – look after yourselves first

22 – A dance – look after you

23 – Repeat – other side

24 – Digging in – so slow – almost can’t see the movement – why?

Can release more – and wait sometimes for the out breath

25 – Please be vefry slow as this is a deep and releasing move.

26 – Deceptive – profound

27 – Deep breaths and do not rush

28 – I am working on the same side as the camera is set up

YOU need to walk around to do away from your body – it  is far easier to do.

29 – Starting going away from me (easier that way)

30 –  Gradually going down the bone edge

31 – Like a dance /meditation for you

32 – Taking the drop and gouge (slowly) to the edge of the sacrum

33 – Should end up with a pink ‘VEE’

On another


Filmed in LA in 2018 for eLotus

Best to have done the sacral moxa fan first.