This portion is the Foundational Moves found in the WDCD manual plus the cupping and moxa work that has been a large feature of all my teaching over the past decades – to acupuncturists – and anyone who knows that cold is not our friend.
Reminder – working in the Light – lineage
Number 3 of the 9 of the Life Recipe . .
‘Liver Qi’ stands in for all the acupuncture instructions for life on Earth that this work is based upon.
Move Your Qi – basic Heather Foundational Moves
Do click all and you will go through so much more . .. always throwing you off into more spinning lights
How to use. .
If you are new – please go through all . .
Much extra commentary happens – do take notes!
A ponder journal – your personal path – and the content questions and thoughts that you have – in addition to notes taken .https://heatherbrucehealing.com/healsbruh/free-your-qi-rehearsal-lymph-1/
Much extra commentary happens – do take notes!
A ponder journal – your personal path – and the content questions and thoughts that you have – in addition to notes taken .https://heatherbrucehealing.com/healsbruh/free-your-qi-rehearsal-lymph-1/
Also . .
How to work with multi lineage/multi modality/multi dimensional Gentling Way to incorporate healing holistically.
How to work with multi lineage/multi modality/multi dimensional Gentling Way to incorporate healing holistically.
Here is a case of pudendal pain 17 year old – (plus some very happy pregnancy stories) why we do the LL work .
https://heatherbrucehealing.com/healsbruh/pain-8-pudendal-nerve-pain-and-other-awkward-issues/ (CLICK)
https://heatherbrucehealing.com/healsbruh/pain-8-pudendal-nerve-pain-and-other-awkward-issues/ (CLICK)