Pricklies – Window to the Sky points

Welcome . .

These are remarkable Some of what is usually written is here (CLICK). Depending on what level you work on and from

Until I get all my papers back – months away yet – we cannot assess my 2014 notes from Sylvia at Rothenberg (her talk was why I went there at all).

A day on these points – and the room was packed – 200? One day in German, one in English (repeat). TCM will talk to the physical headaches and so on – the fact that they are wind gates.  . .

These are about resetting yourself in time and space. Shirley Maclean – a Hollywood star went to Chris Grisholm – (her books are also coming_ – to explore her past lives.

Notes from Sylvia (a tiny portion)

Maybe also look to Wind points (CLICK)

Bl 10 (CLICK)