Pricklies – HuaTuo JiaJi


Location: On the back and lower back, 0.5 cun lateral to the lower border of each spinous process process from the 1st thoracic vertebra to the 5th lumbar vertebra. One side has 17 points, both sides of the spinal column have a total of 34 points.

  • Regulate the 5 Zang & the 6 Fu.
  • T1-T3 Huatuo Points: disorders of the upper limbs and lungs.
  • T4-T6 Huatuo Points: disorders of the HT.
  • T7-T9 Huatuo Points: LV/GB issues.
  • T10-T12 Huatuo Points: ST/SP issues.
  • L1-L2 Huatuo Points: KD issues.
  • L3-L5 Huatuo Points: UB, LI, SI, Uterine & Lower Limb issues.
  • Herpes Zoster (shingles) – needle level of effected nerve segments

Designed by a famous Chinese physician, Dr. Hua Tuo (110 AD to ~207 AD). Closely matching the modern western understandings of nerve pathways and function. The name “jia ji” means lining the spine and the points are right next to the spine, as opposed to the bladder meridian which has two channels further out from the spine. In technical terms the points are 0.3-0.5 cun (acupuncture body inches) from the lower border of the spinous process of each vertebrae. More here (CLICK)

  • C1 – [Top of the Head]
  • C2 – [Forehead]
  • C3 – [Eye, Sinus, Ear]
  • C4 – [Mouth, Cheek Chin]
  • C5 – [Larynx, Pharynx]
  • C6 – [Thyroid Gland]
  • C7 – [Parathyroid Gland]
  • Thoracic Vertebrae (Upper and Mid Back)
  • T1 – [Windpipe, Bone Marrow]
  • T2 – [Bronchus, Thymus Gland]
  • T3 – [Lung, Lymph]
  • T4 – [Breast, Sweat Gland, Hair Follicle]
  • T5 – [Heart (L), Pericardium (R)]
  • T6 – [Diaphragm]
  • T7 – [Spleen (L), Abdominal Blood Vessel (R)]
  • T8 – [Esophagus (L), Pancreas (R)]
  • T9 – [Stomach (L), Liver (R)]
  • T10 – [Gall Bladder (L), Bile Duct (R)]
  • T11 – [Small Intestine]
  • T12 – [Transverse Colon]
  • Lumbar Vertebrae (Low Back)
  • L1 – [Adrenal Gland, Testis, Vagina]
  • L2 – [Kidney, Seminal Vesicle, Uterus]
  • L3 – [Prostate, Ovary]
  • L4 – [Large Intestine]
  • L5 – [Descending Colon]
  • Sacral Area
  • S1 – [Ureter]
  • S2 – [Urinary Bladder]
  • S3 – [External Genitals]
  • S4 – [Urinary Tract]
  • S5 – [Rectum]

How do I use this?
When sore – they get needled.  .
But – part of my protocol.

It hurts?
Needle it . .
There are problems at that level?
There is heat needing discharging?
In times past – I would moxa on needle at that level to sort out woeful back issues along with what else I was using – that was a small part.

BUT – is as always – set it up.
I do all I can first . . – so it DOES look like magic.