Pricklies – first catch up

Welcome . .


Reminder . .

A quick online as I could – prior to traveling again . .

We covered:

  • How we are traveling
  • Setting the scene to add in pricklies
  • Customising treatments
  • Different categories of points – pokies (Mu – on the front) and Shu – on the back
  • Getting clear and calming ourselves in all of this upheaval – so we can help others.
  • 1.15 – How to increase the speed of the text – on Vimeo – top LEFT hand side and hit the +  I do it at 7 or 8 . .watching 
  • 3 Hilary – gaining confidence in using pricklies
  • 4.40 – Report on the woman who was the scar model – doing ONE thing at once ..
  • 6 – Clearing and setting up to actually do the shifts. . (Classification of the moves)
  • 7.30 – Manic Depressive – DAMP- PHLEGM (CLICK) . .
  • 10 – Lenley arrived- me explaining how we are doing this.
  • 11.30 – How to organise this – as a workshop.

  • 12.45 – Hilary – customising treatment and how to do this. .SAFETY – ours especially
  • 15 – Work out what is happening – and FIX it . .
  • 16 – Get them to take a mouthful of water – prior to every tongue picture – some form of ‘control’.
  • 17 – Fasting – repoisoning yourself – if not on ncd (CLICK) and Glutathione accelerator (CLICK)
  • 18 – Need to know checking then clearing
  • 19Pokey points (CLICK)
  • 20.30 – Sequence of body falling apart
  • 22 Blood (CLICK) donations – whilst trying to fix them? Cross purposes ..
  • 24 – Checking, clearing, soothing . . . maybe moxa on heel anxiety session . .can’t throw needles in willy-nilly.
  • 25 – Calm the Shen – anxiety heel point (CLICK)
  • 27 – May be with SLQR
  • 28 – If you can’t work out what o do – think ’causes of disease – emotional – like me at GV – assume that they are really upset and ‘pissed off’. .
  • 30 – Early rolfing work on everyone . .touch to clam them – also – we ARE primates. .
  • 32 – By now – people have no idea how upset that they are. . and want us to fix the ‘issue’ ..  .e.g. High Blood Pressure – see Liver Yang Rising – pages 138/139 in WDCD.

  • 35.30 – Left and right – Yang and Yin Qi – where they are on body (acc to Dr van Buren)
  • 36.30 – Ear pricklies? Have at issue n hand when they come out – Blood – Shen travels in
  • 38.30 – Face down and put in second run of Bl points – short pricklies- and not used 1 inch needles on the upper body – we DO have lungs that do not need to be punctured . .

Supposedly these organs ‘store’ excess – and may need to undo Shu points (CLICK) – see also


Lung  – Bl 13
Heart – Bl 14
Pericardium – Bl 15

Liver – Bl 18
Spleen – Bl 20
Kidney – Bl 23


Extra BoneBl 11 (and all of the A.E.P. – the Shu can also be called Associated Effect Points)
Diaphragm (and Blood manufacture indirectly) – Bl 17

  • 44 – Pull out the COLD (CLICK) – old wives’ tales – told us .. not to add it in.
  • 45.50  – Need to get rid of the heat .. story of the mother eating a block of chocolate daily
  • 49 – We are NOW not allowed to be ourselves – how to live in this?
  • 50.30 – HAVE To calm down to sleep- meditation tracks (CLICK) 
  • 51.30 –  Must sleep to regenerate – HAVE to sleep – and be calm enough to do this.
  • 52NCD (CLICK) have organised the lack of postage – and you can STILL get them (stock up).
  • 54 – Coping with the mask dictates. . Calming – WE have to be aligned – sane, clear and SAFE . .

General pricklies #2 (CLICK)

Queensland tree waratah