Pricklies checking – Front Mu points


These are checkers – also fixers –  The Front-Mu Points in acupuncture are all located in the front of the body (the trunk) and are where Qi gathers. They are used to treat each organ’s disorders. Organ is NOT the physiological function – but all the ‘theory’ of the energetic model says.

The Qi of the Back-shu and Front-mu points communicates directly with their related zangfu organs. Clearly, the Back-Shu and Front-Mu points constitute an important group of specific points. A feature in the distribution of these points is that the level of the Front-mu points on the abdomen corresponds to that of the Back-Shu points on the back, both Front-Mu and Back-Shu points being located at almost the same level as their respectively related zangfu organs. As well as being the points at which the qi of the respective zangfu organs is infused, they are also the places where the pathogenic factors can lodge, causing diseases of either the zangfu organs or of the body surface. In the light of the above, it can be seen that the Front-Mu and Back-Shu points’are of great significance in the physiology, pathology, diagnosis and treatment of diseases.

More useful extensive explanation (CLICK)

Lu 1: Lung disorders
(CV) Ren 17: Pericardium (heart protector) disorders NOTE – I was taught CV 15 and would still say so .
(CV) Ren 14: Heart disorders
Liv 14: Liver disorders
GB 24: Gallbladder disorders
Liv 13: Spleen disorders
GB 25: Kidneys disorders
(CV) Ren 12 Stomach disorders
(CV) Ren 5: San Jiao (TH) disorders
St 25: Large Intestine disorders
– (CV) Ren 4: Small Intestine disorders
(CV) Ren 3: Urinary Bladder disorders
Back-shu and Front-mu points are not only important in the treatment of the diseases of the internal organs, but are also of clinical significance in the diagnosis of zangfu disorders. When any of the zangfu organs malfunctions, positive reactions such as sensitivity or tenderness will be manifested at the corresponding Back-shu or Front-mu points. Palpation of the sensitive points can be a useful aid to diagnosis. Stimulating techniques such as acupuncture, moxibustion or massage may be applied to these points to relieve disorders of their corresponding organs.
TCM version of life – Front-Mu points are located at the chest and abdomen where the Qi of Zang-Fu organs is infused. These points are named according to corresponding Zang-fu organs. When a Zang-Fu organ is diseased , there is an abnormal sensation (tenderness or a sensitive spot) in the corresponding Back-Shu points.