Pricklies advanced #2


From Advanced #1 (CLICK)

We covered loosely

  • C section healing – why I need to put a general anyone can course together.
  • Ruptured womb at birth and consequences – Sam (CLICK) and now Yvonne’s grandson and daughter.
  • Creating workshops – breaking down what we have so we can use it if.when can’t work as hands-n
  • Breast lump /distractions and their clearance – declutter, reset, restore again.

When ever two or more are gathered  . . there is love ., tending . .

  • Beginning  Marie-Claude on the changes in her practice since beginning GW – Mu and checking plus moving out cold. .
  • 3.00 – Please pause and ask yourself – what has changed in my practice?
  • 4.00 – More than a needle at each end of the scar.







  • 5.30 Sam’s story (CLICK). . .(I am Kathryn’s mother).
  • 12 – go for roses . . . BABY READY???
  • 12.30 – New damaged baby story . .
  • 16 – HOW is it possible to set a family/baby up to win?
  • 18.30 – What is my question? How to get a farmer’s look at this.
  • Sperm workshop
  • 20 – Online marketing – workshop creation – we need to do this.
  • 20.30 – GW teaching – on the specific site – and opening the baby gate .

Where we go from Selfing – next . .

Mind mappish – but this is where we will start teaching others  .

Problem we are trying to solve . .


Sperm matters – are they baby ready? Workshop to make up

  • 24 – How many lovers do you have at once? (‘get it over and done with’)
  • 25.50 – adenomyosis – ? How  . . .womb invasion – surgery .
  • 26.30 are they baby ready? (See above)

How to. . . .

Problem – to brand new day in 7 steps

  • 27.30 – course with palpation . . intention – 7 boxes and in order.  .brand new day . .

  • 29Belinda arrives – Marie goes as does Lisa
  • Tall poppies

  • 33 – The butcher story . .
  • 37 – Flowers in my old garden  .. white flowers in bloom
  • 38 – Not heard of adenomyosis (CLICK)   .. as usually womb chopped out.
  • 40 – Butcher’s friend’s story . .
  • 40.50 P.J.C. – post jabbed chaos .
  • 42 – soil – grow roses – new beings – as in fertility  .children to be made.
  • 43.50 CASTOR OIL (CLICK) – even though internet search on those who do not know/have not done . .

Advanced pricklies #3 (CLICK)