Placenta problems – placental accreta/increta and percreta


Reminder – my primary patient is ALWAYS the one (who may not be even here yet – prior to conception) or – when being incubated – is at the mercy of mum’s actions and beliefs. What i have here is not to upset anyone – but to state facts as my life has shown me – in working with the exceptionally ‘high risk’ (acc to Western medicine) pregnancies – to get very different outcomes than expected. This is because I do not sit to watch it unfold, but intervene – being courageous sometimes – with caution. Needed. Who wins? Everyone – but the fee for service system. Life wins.

This NOT medical. A crisis aversion model is needed – IF we have gone so far away from what life expects.

Here I speak of LIFE – that is return to perfect and within nature’s constraints.

What is placental accreta/increta/percreta? Placenta invading mum’s womb – and potentially killing both mum and bub. Placental invasion . . (Often with Placenta previa (CLICK) also). Acc to medicos – ‘Placenta previa means the placenta has implanted at the bottom of the uterus, over the cervix or close by, which means the baby can’t be born vaginally. Treatment aims to ease the symptoms and prolong the pregnancy until at least 36 weeks’. See here for options (CLICK) . .

More on the accreta etc . . Best explanation (CLICK)

More info found here (CLICK)  also another useful page (CLICK) (Is a video of a surgeon explaining what and how).

Why is it?

Who is at Risk for Placenta Accreta? (This is online medical)

Placenta accreta, often referred to as simply “accreta,” occurs in about 0.2 percent of all pregnancies. Women who have experienced one or more of the following factors are at a higher risk for this condition:

  • Previous Cesarean section
  • Abnormal position of the placenta within the uterus, including placenta previa (a condition where the placenta sits low in the uterus, usually over the cervix)
  • Maternal age greater than 35
  • Previous surgery on the uterus, such as fibroid removal or treatment of uterine scar tissue
  • In vitro fertilization
  • Some accreta patients have none of these known risk factors – we are in the process of learning more about this challenging condition.

Prevention – Heather’s note – as usual (“we don’t know what causes this”) Preventing Placenta Accreta Currently we do not know how to prevent a placenta accreta when someone is trying to become pregnant. Researchers at BWH, however, are actively studying IVF strategies that may prevent some accretas. Because accreta is strongly associated with having a prior cesarean section or surgery on the uterus, avoiding these surgeries, when possible, may help to prevent some accretas. Nevertheless, even though some women with accretas have never had surgery and are not using IVF, we don’t know how these women develop accretas or how to prevent them.

Treatment for Placenta Accreta

  • Surgery is the most common and effective treatment for accreta. After the birth of the baby, this usually involves either the surgical removal of the placenta, or a hysterectomy to remove the uterus along with the accreta. The ovaries are almost always left in place if a hysterectomy is performed. This will prevent the mother from going into menopause.
  • In some cases, the majority of the placenta is removed surgically but a portion is left attached to the uterus to avoid a hysterectomy. This involves some medical risks and requires close follow-up with an experienced provider.


  • Give yourself time to rest and recover after the delivery or surgery.
  • Rely on the help of loved ones to help you care for your newborn during the first months as your body recovers and regains strength.
  • Experiencing placenta accreta can be emotionally difficult for the mother, as well as for loved ones. You and your family should be aware of any signs of post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety or post-partum depression—and seek help if needed. End of medical info

In pregnancy

The body can remake itself (not a medical version of life – but the one I work with). Life will win – when we provide what it needs to do so – that biological – bottom circle – is open for perfection.

Baby – is being made – and is totally dependent on al – once conceived (WAS the sperm good enough or perfect?). Baby will be grown according to what is available – the ingredients and the circulation of the 5 flows – Qi, Blood (red, blue and clear – lymph) and nerve supply. This is  a function of the Yang Qi (CLICK) – circulation. Also whether the structure is capable of getting all as designed to work as needed. The life residue of mum comes into play – also her ‘will’ – to be right often – and thus intractable in her belief system.

Thus I designed the three circles model – specifically for pregnancy as seen in my 2005 ‘What Dads Can Do’ manual. Too many hang off what someone said (middle circle) – this is NOT what biology (bottom circle) is about – but what is variable and individualised following the template of life unfolding – Jing and soul scripting (top circle).

The bottom circle – your temple – how you are here at all. Run by Jing (CLICK): the 7 (female) and 8 (male) cycles.

The middle: the thoughts/beliefs: essentially programmed in by the ‘life you have had to date and where/when you live.

The top – why you are here at all – and what you have ‘signed up’ for life is NOT random.

From the WDCD manual:

Stuck Liver Qi? (CLICK) Stress (tension) – overdoing it. What was wasting the Qi before – will need to be completely taken away. Mum’s sole purpose is to grow baby to term – well. This is possible – even when the membranes have ruptured. BUT is more than rest and hope . ..(Hence my full pregnancy trainings as holistic  multi modality multi lineage transformative Qi and body aligning).

Life is biologically based and runs according to Jing Woman Tides Jing Ch 3

This is not negotiable. All that follows is pivoting on mum’s ability to focus. I have been involved over the decades with so many near losses – and all win when they follow the basics – baby first. Precious princess (mum) has to take second place. Medical is of little use past maybe rescue. Not enhancing normal – or life blueprint retrieval. Fetal scanning is highly dangerous at the best of times. It dries out the amniotic fluids and raises bub’s temperature – and destroys fetal DNA – as well as being super load – especially if the ‘waters’ have broken (CLICK). A worse situation of the low amniotic fluids (same ‘treatment). . .Yet another complication as mum’s body is being worn out making more fluid constantly – that is Yin and is being lost . .(again – I have been part of 24 weekers fluid ruptures born at 35 weeks – in hospital outreach to ensure TOTAL rest . .

All that is now expected/accepted to be happening is NOT ideal – and is always a result of the template being tinkered with. This means that almost all ‘pregnancy’ complications are the result of medical mediocrity – not paying attention to nutrients and circulation of these and wastes out.

Bodies work to homeostasis . The return to the normal working /operational conditions. When it cannot – the body throws out ‘help’! messages. When ignored, the problems accumulate eventually becoming potentially life threatening – for both mum and bub.

The ‘wait and see’ (whilst we keep testing and freaking you out further) approach happens medically as they ignore causation. I will stay away from the sacred cow of micromanaging the natural processes of life – jabbing and making money by grooming women to fear/not trust  the natural process of making another. That is how we are all here – survival of the fittest. The weakest die. Put plainly.

By corrupting the system that is perfect with what others demand  . . Needs attention – and is outside this – except to say that no scanning, no jabs, no medical attention will work in the vast majority of cases – IF (big if) the prospective parents to be have followed a cleansing process – especially of ignoring all the fads of the day proclaim. Women often have an unexpected pregnancy and find out about this when birthing.

NO ante natal ‘care’ as it is dripping with fears to ensure compliance.
May show like string words – but this condition – and the likely other ‘high risk’ issues happen only due to medical misadventure. The direction to eat well – but this does cut across what ‘everyone knows’ (now).
Start here. See what I mean? Too many medical dictates – ignoring what life needs (CLICK).

What to do in pregnancy – pay attention – baby is only made once

If you know accreta is happening – prior to the panic that is on. (I will write more – and add the page in here)

Seek help – if no one is offering holistic care – and /or is not able to get past the medical catastrophising – do it yourself. See my pages on miscarriages in WDCD (CLICK) – and follow as the process of life rescue is the same.

Reminder . . it is ALL about the baby. What /how happens in utero and immediately at birth will shape life forever after  for all of you. What is there to lose? (Asks the mother of a massively brain injured adult daughter) CLICK.

At birth – baby can be remade – the brain is plastic. Bub MUST be breastfed – and maybe see more here (CLICK) – N.G. tube feeding – will mean good chiropractic care afterwards to ensure that the pyloric sphincter works and projectile vomiting and massive bub gut issues are not also now a feature. I have done this with so many over the decades since having to live in this 24/7 with my own in-house patient (CLICK)

After care – immediate. Add in so much more than what is in the Golden Month (CLICK). Look also to all I have in post birth care in WDCD. The nutrients needed to heal are all on this page(CLICK)  – as well as total rest – IN the bed (1st  week) ON the bed (2nd week), AROUND the bed (3rd week), WITHIN the house (4th week) and belly binding . . (CLICK) and faja wearing (CLICK).

At least 6 months of total rest – only looking after baby – as the rest of mums’ life – and if she still is ‘intact’ and has a baby palace – she may well wish to make more. See a Gentling Way (CLICK) practitioner (CLICK) – who has access to my decades of work in this field – plus has the moves (plus whatever else she brings to the adventure).

Body can heal – on all levels. Also see the magic remedies (CLICK) I commissioned Kaliana (CLICK) to bring through – as they are tailor-made for now. Also consultation with her (CLICK) is so needed. All of the family – the big issues are more than mum’s physical. There are specifically formulated ways she can help that are magic.

Short term – ideally – see a GW practitioner – as we work holistically – always at your pace. The Gentling Way (GW) is so much more than the moves. I have incorporated the Maya (CLICK) and the Mercier (CLICK) inspired work into my own Moving Blockages to Healing. Based on my decades of pregnancy women’s body and soul via Qi and nutrition bio availability (gut function) and lymph/structural aligning. After any abdominal surgery (however minor), we must undo what is now a major gate across the body energy grid (CLICK). See what I have on my own site here (CLICK) to get a clearer picture of what is possible.

Long term – founded on the above – you may have no idea what the adhesions and the loss of essential sliding and gliding of your viscera will set up – for the rest of your life. Most helpers will earnestly attempt to correct the side effects. But by NOT working on your centre – your womb (space), a lifetime of woe may ensue. We need to reconfigure perfect.

C section repair . .(Mercier version – CLICK) is a small part of the Gentling Way (CLICK) . .

All falls apart of it is not nourished.
Bodies work perfectly – under normal conditions.
We live in strange times.
Up until recently, those in the First World – felt that they were immune to the ravages of time and life. We are not. This is one of these. Why ever we consent to the medical ‘quick fixes’ – and not look to why – and attend to the instructions that have lead the body to asking for help – is beyond me now.

I also had a C section. The transverse bub was a minor concern – the huge clot that would rupture apparently should I go into labour was the issue. My pelvis had had a couple of massive falls and was not capable of allowing the ‘baby gate'(CLICK) to be opened. This is also why I am passionate about this work – I discovered that midwives and obstetricians go nowhere near the tailbone and sacrum to correct the life events that lead to what is monitored . . .

At the end of my reproductive life I had a C section – instead of the planned home water birth. I also got my tubes tied at the same time. Had I not – the extensive mess that happened at the C section would have likely guaranteed a mess in future pregnancies. The aftercare – as I outline above – was not here – the lack of support, good ingredients and general life stress – all were against me – and here I am. Fighting for the women/families who come after me.

This C section recovery work is my passion (among many) as I am one who still has massive body repercussions – yes the baby is ‘OK’ (27 years old) but – that birth was so much more of a life changer for me than the other 3 combined.

What about the baby?

(INDEED) My primary concern

More soon on this