Pain #5 Following up/on



Here we rediscover how we work as we do in Gentling.

The body remembers everything that has happened to it.


We may need to wait for the rest (not the ‘body) to catch up . .learn so it is not redone so they have to all over again. .
man falling in Anzac Square,
me and Ryan as a baby
?? – I can’t ‘fix ‘ it  the ‘it’ is what you need to move through and the trigger is the sore bit . .
We see this in Accident Recall . .- does not clear until??
See Hilary’s session – here –
This is THEIR lesson- not ours. .
Our lesson is – to hand it back.


Next – the next step . .
Menstrual Matters


Women’s ‘hormonal ‘ distress.  .
Is it a lack of B’s? Esp in Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder . .

Mad Bitch From Hell 2 weeks of 4 – as soon as ovulation happened (Liver Qi changes everything)
Here is B8 – Inositol, – no longer in most B complexes . .