Welcome to the third in this series . .
NOTE – you are ‘in class’.
When you think –
“There is too much” –
“I have no time. .”
Have a thought – for those you need to find more answers for, – as you may need more tools and clarity for yourself.
Thus we start on US first – always
What IS your focus?
We begin ..
Adult Education – you get to do the work – and play the avid student game Tracey is –
or miss out
Opportunity to be mentored by a multi modality multi lineage elder is here for now.
Seize the day.
As I said all through my latest Brisbane sojourn “I will not be here forever”.
If you have not seen this page – please stop and do so.
(Your choice pain or health)
Glutathione accelerator
Anti oxidant, anti aging, anti inflammatory.
What is she doing?
Vit D3, Glutathione, steaming nightly.
Need to change what we are doing . .we need to have shifts at home – healing is about them – not only us doing things.
At least – more water, and better food. I mention cancer.
Also what are you feeding the cancer with?
SCARS – will deal with later – she is talking physical scars. Here we have opened the non physical.
7.15 – Sexually interfered with by chiro – at 23 yo.
9.15 – we are all ‘pissed off’. Can’t distract ourselves as we use to.
9.45 -inflammation? Need more water – and no sugar/anything that converts to this. Upset – Stuck Liver Qi .
11.00 – Normal menarche . .?
13.00 – Early (precocious) puberty
18– Suggested morning routine.
20 – Clear body of work – often changing as life is ..
21 – Remember the 7 ‘L’s’ – and the LIE – lots of .. .Lies
22 – First and last hour of our lives – c/should be for us -why are we here now?
25 – I need to b in nature/clear – we all may
25.30 – Garath
28 – Dr Shen’s paper/water/table story.
29.50 – “hormones’ waking up – Not overly expending Jing. Multi Orgasmic Man – Mantak Chia ,inner orbit
Sexual Secrets for Men – Kerry and Diane Riley .
33.00 – 80 year old person – Heather – neeeds to be on Glutathione
35.00 – more water,
- Prelude . . What is ahead
- 1.30 – Me on eLotus and all the ‘library’ there.
- 2.00 – The diagrams that ground this work.
- Meditation page and the ‘comic’ – get D to film and goes into a gif. also
- 4.45 – Soul having a human experience flipping hrought the plastic overplays.
- 5.20 – Beings of Life
- 6.10 – Landmines on top of – what we are likely to come upon in clinic . .and in our own lives.
- 6.5o – were we are . .the Earth and its energy lies
- 7.20 – Earth has its own stuff
- 8.30 – How is this making sense via religions? We live in Christian context .
- 9.35 – We were all.
- Walking in page – pop in
- Maja page – dissociative disorder
- Red book was to be printed in menstrual red – printer would not . .
- 11.30 -unpacking the blue book (Living As Energy) made and mum is our default – we choose her to be there.
- Choices choices choices Woman Tides
- 13.30 – me reading from the book book. Life Equation –
early life imprinted into your template
conception birth 2 years 10 years death
- 18.00 – Heather being ‘the hermit on the hill’ 20 years ago . .
- 18.50 – Please do this process also for yourself – from your Top Circle
- What was your ‘go to’ to calm down/relax self.
Reminder . .
Undoing the energy residues
Back to the ‘plot’
Continuation of me relating to the Living As Energy book.
- 23 – Why? Masks – Feng Shui – what is the role of the lungs? Eliminative organ – as is the skin (under the influence of the lung organ in Chinese medicine .. causes of disease – please watch on this page (Wei Qi)
- 25 – what would happen if you let the ‘rules’ go? Middle Circle .. Game of Life
- 29 – Life manual coming (You Have Been Gifted a Body) – Living In It. (Red Book) next
- Honoring Our Source Sustaining Our Life – see Life Support – here (in Love Your Body Better)
Honoring Our Bleeding Honoring Our Selves - 32 – Blue Book here . .
- 33 – Heather patient – came in as could not breathe well – SCAR again . .appendix. .
- 34.20 – usual story – went to various specialist – all said ‘normal’ (n cancer/drugs would work is all they can do).
Health not their scope of practice. - 35 – Gua Sha move at CV 17 – may be n Foundational Moves
- Cupping back
- 36 – towel warmer to warm up cups. .
- 37 – Instead of Warfarin – need Vit E, C , K2
- 38 – Garath’s broken back – miraculous lucky story . .
- 41.30 – ‘My’ broken back first case
- 42.30 Jeni –
- 43 – how to teach sacral moxa fan – need to actually do it on them
- 45 – the tongue – dummie’s guide to . . .look at after each move to see how it does change radically
- 47 – organising next meeting
What to do about triggering
Maja answer to the question
‘What do we do if they shear off?’ – as in Multiple Personality – in the room – how do we work with this?
I am also writing out the Gentling Way content (plus elevator speech) – what is it we do?
Essentially – acknowledge/respect that if the body could have healed itself already – it would have.
What is blocking healing?
And ahead of the new website.
Also as the last in my trilogy – started in 2002 comes through – You Have been Gifted A Body.
Part 1
Living as Energy
“Living as Energy” was designed as an owner’s manual to assist those who find themselves slightly puzzled living their lives framed only within the physical context.
as ONLINE ONLY – the hard copies (pub originally 2002 ) are all sold out.
Part 2
Living In It (click to get more info) 
Using mainly the acupuncture model, the reader is taken on a journey through the well body and how it functions. The second part of the text explains with how life creates its own record of events on top of our blueprint. The third part aims to give the seeker the tools to change, armed with information from each side of the continuum of life.
The eBook versions (in three parts) are included in the total package of this work.
Part 3 – I will get it out of me soon .
The Living As Energy
And Living In It
Are here . .
The ‘red book’ is now in maybe not all links working as the present format is a few years old.
If you have not seen Pain #1 and Pain #2 please print out the forms on the pages and fill them in as you listen.
This is the second part of the online teaching venture – (2020 As we can’t do the regular experiential hands on classes YET – thus when we can the trainings (likely not board and accommodation as I no longer have the venue) are covered in your package bought).
In getting to here – and also having experienced the Sleep Project . .
You likely have covered enough for you (any level and modality) to get something to take back to your own practice.
Essentially – we are seeing an opening of possibilities for those Tracey touches as she uncovers the truth of my Moving Blockages work.
We need to also address.
What triggers you?
Why does it?
One person and a few ‘ring-in’s from Tracey’s practice.
If you also have a tricky case – we can ‘Heather’ it also. .