Men’s work – going towards LL II

Welcome – MEN?


We are surrounded by those who are silently suffering.    Reminder

LL II is about urination and ease of flows – passage of body fluids and structural connectivity not – being attended to well.
Why study anatomy and physiology if it is seen as being static. We LIVE in our bodies  – living ligaments.

Can we feel a prostate gland?

If normal size – not from the front and except when stage 4 cancer – which I have successfully eliminated after too late for chemo and too big to take out – using steaming, castor oil packs (and castor oil inserted rectally every night so the magic of the medicine is more direct – as well as sacral and pubic) , wearing negative ion pads , IV Vit C, Glutathione accelerator, and liquid activated zeolites drops (to pull out what had caused this). He had as well as a considerable life history of rage suppressed – at 12 years old he was given the nick name at primary school – pyscho –  almost fatal exposure to 3 different potent pesticides, Chinese herbs and my advanced work – including direct and spectacular attack over the pubis and over time – we LOST the huge fibroid like bulge – and he stopped peeing all night . all is so possible.
He had to stop drinking alcohol and eating/ingesting anything toxic/heating – esp alcohol, caffeine and sugar in all forms – including grains and fruits). We need to be courageous with caution . .
Using multi modality – we all can reverse out of alarming dysfunction.
Very easy to make a shocking difference – I left it up for my patients to follow – all men – that is ALL men – should have their prostate drainage done after sacral moxa fan – the real smokey stuff – monthly. Any fertility, sexuality, lower back, prostate swelling and general cancer scares – all need fixing – not monitoring.
Flows need to flow.
Get stuck into the sacral area and be surprised. .
From the linked page . . Again . .WHAT TO DO.
Holistic multi modality transformative energy body work – The Gentling Way . .

  1. Cold avoidance and restore normal
  2. Perineal steaming (prostate and all the gut will be helped – as well as it is totally relaxing)
  3. Organic castor oil (applied locally – up rectum with a syringe nightly will work magic – only 2ml needed)
  4. Lymph clearing.
  5. Sacral work . . (See Self Care)
  6. Vit D3 (sunshine – live a life outside)
  7. Magnesium – topical. To ensure that your body can access this through taking out all the barriers – including the mercury that is bound in your cells blocking its absorption – does it itch/burn/hurt when applied?).
  8. Inflammation and the sugar epidemic
  9. Dehydration  also Articles 2103water copy 2104dehydration
  10. Past sexual trauma  (What Lies Beneath for him also . .) – to help yourself – see the Self Discovery package

General wake ups – Damp? Beggone – get the lymph moving

So gentle and s-l-o-w-l-y





The sacral work is best after sacral moxa fan – hurts less.

Clears up adhesions

The entire course is online.

(Foundational Moves)

Bubs missing? /Miscarriages/stillbirths only?


Stuck Liver Qi? And the rest. . .

How do we get stuck?
All incidents, accidents, especially operations. . .
Easily undone. . .
And vast changes after this – as all organs are designed to slide and glide.
The basic moves are below . .
Add in the men’s ones only if you have done at last the sacral ocxa fan.I teach Stuck belly Blood protocol as part of the Gentling Way as we need to wise nu and undo the life residue – diagnosis s NOT needed – listening to the body story and life library is.

Freely flowing – that is life lived well