Making better babies naturally – Sam 1

We MUST pay attention . .

In maternal ventures. . . .it seems all about her and her ‘wants’

Babies made well seems not the current focus – ‘safety’ is . .
BUT – How safe is it to watch the train slowly shunt off line and over the edge?

Here I am doing a deviation into healing brain injury.
Often happens after premmie and also the ‘high risk’ not paid attention to – need ingredients and rest and support to make a well pregnancy that results in a well baby and happy mum and a family that is functional.

We can massively alter the architecture that is being founded in a pregnancy.
Print these out and attempt to fill it in whilst the longer clip is playing.

Landscape case story (CLICK)

Pregnancy questionnaire 2018 version (CLICK)

Ideally you have watched the 3 sisters (M, V and H pregnancies)
Also watched the ‘Love Yourself Better’ course to really get the most from this.


Who is the expert?
A parent who has lived and breathed ‘programme’.
See more here (CLICK) and here (CLICK).

In time I will release the journal and how to . .
We also have The Option Institute (CLICK) – and you often see me using a variety of The Option Process (CLICK). .

Symptom/Baby Number Yasmin 17/02/2009 Tylar 28/11/2011 Oliver 16/04/2018 Current Due October 22nd
High Blood Pressure Yes No Yes Not Yet
Still Working Yes Yes Yes Yes
Anxiety Yes Yes Yes Yes
Back/Muscle Pain Yes Yes Not As Bad Yes Not As Bad Yes
Morning sickness (nausea, no vomiting) Yes No Very Little Yes
Insomnia Yes No No No
Leg Cramps throughout night No No No No
“Hot Feet” throughout night No No No No
Cystic acne No No No No
Well newborn No Yes No N/A
Baby with reflux N/A No Yes N/A
Happy newborn Very Sick Yes NO N/A
Milk – supply Very Little Yes Took Awhile To Build Up N/A
Baby weight gain Passed Away Yes Very Slow Still Super Slow N/A


Baby 1 Yasmin

Was tricked into coming off birth control by current partner was told that he had undergone testing and he could not have children so about 6 months after coming off birth control i went to the hospital with terrible pains where they informed me i was indeed pregnant i began crying as this was not what i wanted was sent for testing as they thought it could be a ectopic pregnancy it was not so whilst studying in my retail apprenticeship (long hours) finding out my partner had been cheating on me the whole time. On my lunch break i went to my local doctor for a check up and was told no you will not be going back to work and was sent to hospital where they tried to medicate me to control my blood pressure did not work so was transferred to Newcastle Hospital where they attempted to bring on my birth by break-ing my water was told that my body was reductions the baby and if they didn’t deliver we could both die. After delivery was told that they could not stop her lungs from bleeding and was advised there was nothing else that could be done and we made the difficult decision to switch off our little girls life support machine. Then planned a funeral.

Baby 2 Tylar

This baby was not planned it just happened and with all that I had gone through with my first pregnancy to say I was worried was an under statement although very happy my mother recommend that we see a lady (Heather Bruce) that had helped a couple she new from her church. So I contacted Heather and she began her work I was prepared to do whatever was necessary to prevent going down the same road as my first pregnancy and it was fantastic. Very easy pregnancy the doctors managed to scare me into having a csection as my all my old wounds could possible reopen so i did he was a happy little boy

Baby 3 Oliver

This pregnancy was planned and we were overjoyed I was working as a hairdresser so was constantly learning loved what I was doing but at the same time was very stressful. Everything seemed to be going fantastically until i went to a check up at my local hospital around 30 weeks and was told my high blood pressure had returned and that i had protein in my urine also was give an ultra sound where i was told that the baby was small but other than that seemed fine and that i was being transferred to mater mothers as Logan could not take babies under 32 weeks all of a sudden i was extremely fearful and nervous that i was losing my baby again. Once I arrived at mater they monitored me. At this stage they gave me a steroid injection to help develop babies lungs and something else which made my skin extremely light sensitive (Magnesium sulphate) as well as blood pressure medication and was released and told to return in 3 days for another checkup. My worrying just got worse i went back to the hospital (mater) and was told that the babies movements had reduced dramatically so they gave me yet another ultrasound at 930 at night and they said i had an enlarged placenta which was reducing the babies growth and they would be taking him tonight so was taken directly to the operating room and Oliver was here rushed away from me to receive oxygen he stayed in hospital for approximately 6 weeks. This whole experience was about to become worse though at 10 – 15 weeks Oliver had video testing done and i was informed that he was displaying early Signs of Cerebral Palsy which was heart breaking.

I go through the beginning of ‘Programme’ – that which ran my life/saved Skye’s and is always better than playing with the bits.

A volunteer’s perspective

There is a lot of I guess well meaning ‘professional’ kick back around this.

No mention of the terrible things done in the name of ‘science’ – and thus I know that when a parent wants the best for their children- here we are .

What to do with your brain injured child?

Unanswered question . . how do people come to see me.  .

  • 4.30 – Melissa appears
  • 9.47 – all of us
  • 13.00 – Neuroplasticity – Glenn Doman 1955 – physio  discovered the ones he did not work with – got better faster.
  • (Crawling on the floor … )
  • 14 – 00 structure determines function.
  • 14.55 – masking – Kthryn’s mother’s story . .
    Sound therapy – Sound of a Miracle – Annabele  Stelhi.
    18.00 – no matter what the causes of the brain injury.
  • 19.20 – 3 words  . . .Intensity, duration and duration
  • Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential I looked at what the medical researchers say . .here is one
    It works. . regardless of what the nay-sayers say – all in Skye’s class improve – radically as she did. NOT placebo . .
  • 23.30 – Skye’s head on coming home – and chiropractor . .and all structural work.
  • 24.40 – projectile vomiting
  • 25.50 – Skye finding her thumb
  • 26.45 – restricting fluid
  • 27 – Breathing and how Berard sound therapy – and vast changes
  • 28.20 – Kinesiology by surrogate – and medulla/midbrain changes . temperature, ability to breathe and lying flat to sleep for the first time in her life all due to the sound therapy!!
  • 30.30 – Cerebral palsy – ViD3 magnesium and better food. .
  • 31 – Need intelligence programme – and all sorts of
  • 32 – Beeper – needed for Fonatanelles shut at 6 months – brains need to be exercised to grow.
    Masking – her poohing finally sorted – diaphragm finally moving ..
  • 35 – seeing the C.P. league. .  .
  • 36.20 – Kiwi mothers. . did it best
  • 37.00 – typical programme
  • 38  -volunteers
  • 38.30 – Expo and masking
  • 40 – Stuck Liver Qi and magnesium
  • 40.40 – Proprioception – Sean as a taster – ANSUA/Exacor machine. .all sorts of
  • 42 – Autism . .. stopped
  • 47.20 – Irlen lenses – not black on white needed
  • 44 – things to do – especially dads
  • 44.40 – twirly whirly and on stomach all the ‘free; time – he has to learn to go forwards. . .(remember the stroke guy). . ..
  • 46 – sleeping in hammock – always in motion
  • 47 – work on one sense – all change –
  • 47.50 Ian Hunter – Friends of Brain Injured Children – need props
  • 49 – ways to enhance vision
  • 52 – Intelligence programme
  • 54 – Touch
  • 56.30 – Different bells/noises
  • 57 – Collateral sprouting
  • 59.30 – have to work for this – fetal lamb cell implants – all doable if focused.
  • 1.00.30 – strokes./any brain injury . .both of them . . acquired brain injury
    1.03.00 Option Process
  • 1.05.00 – Kathryn’s mother talks
  • 1.07.00 – Second one – usually wake up – qualified patients
  • 1.08.45 – 3 C sections
  • 1.09.30 – What else?
  • 1.11.00 – All easy  -usual Heather signature system for mum.
  • 1.14.00 – Caron and H alone
  • 1.20.30 – Fixing the bit . . .

Metamorphic technique (CLICK) – please read this (CLICK)


Inserted into a weekend workshop – unbeknowst to me I was pregnant with Ryan (27 now).

Doman programme – more about it (CLICK)

Reminder – return to normal pregnancies are easy
And bub is grown so much better

In the beginning . . .


Lisa’s story found here (CLICK).

Undoing Your Inner Library
Jing Markers


What Lies Beneath (CLICK) . .
(Why the finger nail biting, the undiagnosed Stuck Liver Qi/RAGE rising /being so nice/ accepting of life/anxiety/depression and life trauma all being passed – down – thankfully no daughters . .).i

(Guard your heart please)

See more here (how we cope (CLICK). .