Keeping baby in

Sometimes we need to step in

Pregnancy – how to rescue

Deb – easy births with moxa sacral fan and navel cupping.

Very simple. .   2 out of 2 perfect – less than 6 hours – intact peri – 3.6 and 4.8 kg bubs – and the last one  first time she managed to breastfeed. And last 5 births in hospital – one vaginal and 4 C sections. (Prior to the COvid business).
Aiming to sort this out . . No we need to fix this. Also look at this site.

  • 3.00 – Booked a home birth and found at the morphology scan  – cervix
  • More on scanning here. .
  • 7.00 – a case of leaking membranes and total support
  • 8.40 – Prolapsed pregnant uterus at 12 weeks
  • 10.40 – Difference in bubs – Jing

  • 13.00 – After baby death – another baby. Must look at the Bao Mai – such distress!
  • 18.50 – injecting belly to stop the clotting – as well as aspirin.
  • V.U.E. – Chronic villitis is a relatively common pathologic finding usually in the third trimester placenta and has two distinct clinical associations: infectious and (apparently) non‐infectious. Villitis of unknown etiology (VUE) is a diagnosis of exclusion, requiring first that infectious causes be ruled out adequately
  • 22.30 – Ki 9 and GV 20 – and Reiki
  • 24.30 – Long time ago – breech . ..died. .
  • 26.00 – no moxa on Bl 7
  • 31.15 – being a mother’s midwife
  • 32 .00 – women’s work – cervix not happy
  • 33 .00 – why is nature working
  • 34.00 – early miscarriages – sperm quality – if her BBT are OK
  • 34.40 – bad sperm problems
  • 36.00 – priorities
  • 37.00 – Make it your scope of practice
  • 38.00 – very unstable pregnancy
  • 39.30 – Have to work for it – stop going outdoors
  • 42.00 – a young acupuncturist with not much renal function – and her sister
  • 44.00 – m
  • 47 – 00 First time I used Ki 9 – why??
  • 48.50 – Dr Shen and baby shock . . .and how do we he an ati miscarriage point? Felix Mann and his ‘beautiful baby point’.
  • 51.30 – 4 miscarriages – and then what?
  • 52.40 – caffeine and sperm
  • 55.00 – miscarriage again??
  • 57.30 – COLD
  • 59,.00 – what to do – support Spleen Yang depletion
  • 1.03.00 – Using Chinese herbs – Fetal Longevity pill – and build up Ki Yin and Yang and Jing
  • 1.03.50 – my 1986 booklets
  • 1.05.00 – Historical pregnancy notes.
  • 1.06.00  –  Ingredients – see this site
  • 1.08.00 – Caron – been sitting in as a mum and an acupuncturists – and wise woman . .
  • 1.09.00 – upsetting story . . Huntington’s


All old wives’ tale – avoid cold and take chicken soup.

  • 1.12.30 – cupping in late pregnancy . .
  • 1.14.00 – Cupping the cold out – low thyroid function – this is a ‘high risk’ pregnancy

  • 1.14.50 – GB 25 is an interesting point – dry eyes – if is a Kidney yin issue.
  • Nowadays – dry eyes/dry mouth – low Iodine – and of course they will have cancer.
  • Reset Your Metabolism (online course).
  • 1.15.30 – pull out the cold . .
  • 1.16.30 – it all goes around and around