How we cope

Quite often we hear what was not expected


This is after disclosures recently

It really shows how we need to be masters of ourselves – and also of our own environment.
All in the picture are working from their own homes an as such we need clarity and to have tools within.



And outside ourselves to be ever more open to vulnerability.

Always have a lustre bowl ready,

Copal and all you can find – as you need to be able to instantly grab a helper.

Have a slew of energetic assistance already in place.

Go outside.

Running water in the space you work in

Crystals  ..
How ever you can.

These tools are invaluable.

In case you forgot ..

P.A.C.E. – and undoing fear

Accident Recall

And why we need to pace ourselves in this work – go into nature, have your own healing tools FOR YOU and make sure you are always clear. Use remedies – is why Kaliana and the Aura Soma feature heavily.
SOMETHING breaks us – and cobbled together sometimes falls apart.

If you have not done it yet – here is a free course of self rescue in Learn Dash platform


Roses – in your garden – very helpful. Especially very fragrant ones.