How are WE coping? Tribal natter



This was to discuss what to do about the state we find ourselves in – and those who seek care. It changed – as these do – and is a catch up. How we cope is paramount.

3 circles – could be slavery vs sovereignty – across all dimensions

Life in late 2021

1 – ‘Have to’ and do not want to – brings up all rape issues – from any past and betrayal of all authorities into now

2 – Have done and seem OK (at the moment)
3 – Have issues with having had the jab
4 – Are in contact with those who have and have issues
5 – Have issues as can’t live in the life we assumed we had

It become very obvious that the stories they sell us are NOT about individual health . What the agenda shows up if we play the ‘It Is As Though’ game. Underlying all – the witch burning

It is now obvious what I have been doing/saying now all through. Survival is the issue. Selfing also

On which level?
When the physical actual home and income/food etc is in doubt – then the inclusion/tribal is doing pointing the bone and dis communication – we may miss that we were here for this. We MUST group together – we do not have what was.

Connect with Self. The top component.
Where are you being directed to be?



All levels:


Tribal may devolve easily into Lord of the Flies territory.
As with Cyclone Katrina.

It is those who are different – who are here to help – who are targeted.


Reminder7 ‘L’s’ (CLICK)

My intention was the jab and what it does

I got into how we feel about all of the excess that we are being exposed to. That is still to do – I am resisting. It runs on from Ethics – 2016 – Beliefs over Biology (CLICK). It will be birthed after we go to Eudlo and I get clearer – and D’s tooth is repaired tonight.

  • 2 – What is in the jab? Graphene oxide and why? Not a health enhancer. Note to jabbed (CLICK)
  • 3 – Courses for midwives?
  • 4 – My distractions/middle circle – me giving up Kathryn – and life moves on . .
  • All are under stress – use more magnesium (CLICK) – more often. Ability to absorb – (CLICK)
  • 5 – Sita is not seeing anyone jabbed.
  • 6.00 – Usual written up ‘complaint’ – sore arm.
  • 6.20 – Autopsies and micro and macro clots. – What creates this? Who is likely to have them?
  • 7+ – How to cope? Self employed? Fall through cracks.
  • 8 – Disbelief, betrayal,
  • 9 – Answers are found in Love Yourself Better. Also need FUN Life Recipe (CLICK)
  • CLOTS – lack of flow – what is stopping it? Magnesium – Stuck Liver Blood/ magnesium correlation – I can’t find at the mo – but did find these (CLICK)
  • 12 – My implant and the ‘walking in’ times – mid/late 90’s.  .Alternate Reality – we are now there.
  • 13 Sita – holographic and having o move – no clinic now.
  • 17.30 – My Kangaroo Court adventure
  • 19 – Divide and conquer- witch burning
  • 23+ – My body reaction – herpes then shingles. Take Re Gen – Panaxea.
  • 25 – Staff will be needed everywhere.
  • 24.30 – See what is at the bottom of this page Note to jabbed (CLICK)
  • 27Deb and Terri – on the land – jail? Yvonne – no jobs – right there – 100 years+ of midwifery excellence.
  • 28 – How to keep safe?
  • 29.30Love Your Body Better course
  • 31 – Iodine – and Dr Brownstein – steaming as all grannies would have had us do.
  • 31 – Get the virus as it comes in- nasal entry – and the oil of Thieves /heat will kill it – as will Vit C and H2O2.
  • 33 – Was Alpha – now Delta – and all are thinking that it helps ‘protect’ – it is corrupting their immune systems. As fear also does.
  • 37.30 – Clear your treatment space – and your living pace.
  • 39Glutathione – (CLICK)
  • 41 – All previous Stuck Blood will be worsened. Endo /adeno/and any pregnancy – placenta and the connective tissue issues.  LET IT GO – do take a break and feel the woman power . . open YOUR heart!
  • 41 – Birth and awakening  – the death of – and go to the Light – what was – is no longer.
  • 44 – A placental issue that lies beneath much maternal catastrophe. Minimal Cord Insertion (CLICK) All the placental issues that the C section repair leads us into placental catastrophes (CLICK) Hughe’s syndrome (auto immune – CLICK)  Also Kell’s (CLICK) Trajectory of the modern pregnancy?
  • 48.30 – Who is going to come in and rescue us? (Post WWII – who will over run? PCR . .
  • 49 – Get P.S. Calm – Panaxea – and I take 2 at a time – often 6x doses to keep me going in these times – and sometimes one – as life is OK . . we need to undo the middle circle – and the Discovery process – here is the free Life Rescue course (CLICK)
  • 50 – Not being ‘at home’ (We always are – in our centre/soul
  • 51 – Ingredients – must be able to sleep. Herpes – shingles – and Meryl Dorey . .her observation – and all of us (Sita included).
  • 52 – Connective tissue M.C.I. Ingredients needed and the gut strength to undo nutrients. .
  • 55 – Wise woman territory.
  • 55.30 – 7 ‘L’s’. The 8th is the reptilean brain that is attacking all  – manipulated so well.
  • 1.00.00 – Lisa arrives – no real experience of the jabbed.
  • 1.05.00 – Toni – patent with all the circulation issues to undo (and MTHFR) – bad candidate for the jab as she already has what she has. Yunnan Bao Yao also needed.
  • 1.09.30 – at what stage do we work on a problem? As the body reaction – the instructions that set it up – or Why/what lesson?
  • 1.10.00 – Jabbed and then a waiting game – expecting trouble – look what others who were not – got . .
  • 1.12.30 – Diseases of being too close together – no sanitation . .
  • 1.13.30 – Sustainability issues
  • 1.14.30 – What can we do? JOY
  • 1.16.30 – Reiki master – we all have 1st world problems
  • 1.17.00 – My cases – Nat and Evie . . (DV) ex doped up hubby and dead bub and 23 C sections – birthed fine. 7 year old wanting to kill self – my giving Kathryn away to her fate – as if we mums can protect forever.
  • 1.21.30Sita – SELF first
  • 1.28.00 – The account balance – what is not being seen – the actual effects of all of this.
  • 1.30.00Lisa and monkeys?
  • 1.31.00 – Selfing course over 6 weeks vs what she is doing with Self Care Arvigo.
  • 1.34.00 – 4 hours instead?


  • What to call ourselves?
  • Wise women . . take the pricklies add on-class and do Qi Moving
  • 1.36.30 Curandera (CLICK) curandera, also spelled curandeiro, Portuguese: [kuɾɐ̃ˈdejɾu], f. curandeira) is a traditional native healer/shaman found in Latin America, the United States and Southern Europe. … Many curanderos emphasize their native spirituality in healing while being practicing Catholics. (BOOK PDF DOWNLOAD)
  • 1.38.00 – One step at a time (Wise women unite)
  • 1.39.30 – The gyne/placental will be the next wave of horror – as the blood MUST flow – and our hearts?

I see us redoing the Reconnecting /Discovery as we are in need of the trial get together. A week later – not to do retreats as too much to do – too distracted. Can do online.

ONLINE 28th November 9-5 PM Brisbane time (Will be Saturday for USA)



PART 2 Reconnecting Heart and Wombspace (CLICK)



What stops the Three Heater from working well /supporting life better? Adhesion breaking, scars, lymph moving, and gut/visceral corrections SELF/OTHER focused Experiential & Hands-On

2021 – 2 practicals & many tutorials


Whether we will – as all too distracted – so maybe online?
I am to drip feed all in modules.  .

We are to get out of where we are – so that is the push – forget Christmas. .

Saturday – IT HAS CHANGED – and may again.
So I leave what last wee’s version was. Asking – what would you be able to fit in?
Next 2 weekends.. . THIS IS NOT HAPPENING

Practicals are in Qld, Australia only – 2021

PART 1 – Gentle Selfing (CLICK)

REPEATING? Please come along $220 fee

Covering knowing ourselves, our wombs, and why she wants us to love ourselves – FIRST SELF focused ONLINE Experiential & Hands-On 1) Immediate start


4/5/6 Dec



Brisbane (AU)

PART 2 Reconnecting Heart and Wombspace (CLICK)


REPEATING? Please come along $220 fee

What stops the Three Heater from working well/ supporting life better? Adhesion breaking, lymph moving, and all gut corrections SELF/OTHER focused Experiential & Hands-On – more for practitioners





Leading into the Living Ligaments body of work
(Must complete online Self Discovery
& online Gentling Trauma Relief to attend) Jan? 2022

and with Heather in person where possible.

PART 3 – Living Ligaments I (CLICK)

(Pre requisite is Reconnecting and/or GW Selfing above)

SUGGESTION – what with all that has been happening – come to joyeously reconnect with Self and the tribe.

From Womb Woes To Womb Wonder

Clinical practical Undoing all that holds the womb hostage, stopping optimal body functioning – structural AND gyne

The Normal Mothering – Towards Sustainable Humanity – we will be online – tutorials as well as the online self paced courses. S.E. Qld early 2022

For the heartful handy people – we change focus

Sharps . .
Tool shift
A continuation from the heartful hand work. Part of the 2021

Maternal intensive


ONLINE if not able to come to me in S.E.Qld


2022 – to come
Living Ligaments II – Prolapses to Prostate Pleasures
ADVANCED CLASS 2022 – Pre requisite – must submit 2 complete case histories – your and their story and also have done at least 25 Gentling Way sessions


28th November – Reconnecting online With another person in your space to play with. CAN YOU?

5 December – Repeat – Effective Healing After C section – and pricklies component.
If you are yet to sign up for this additional unit – please contact me. Love to have you . .This is a new epidemic/’growth ‘ industry.
What to do when they come in so broken?

Gentle them better.