Are you . .
- About all things
- Especially your shut down practice:
- The pregnant women and couples you were supporting:
- How they are managing with the CoVid restrictions in natal and birthing care?
- Their past unresolved birthing stress/P.T.S.D.
- How she will cope without him in birth suite?
- Her body already not working well – maybe hyperemesis/pregnancy nausea/vomiting –
- Inability to support life and baby well – IUFGR/placental issues/low/high fluid/?
- Severe unrelenting back and pelvic pain?
Help is so easily found to all of these:
April 2020 – we have a perfect opportunity.
We can take back the responsibility – of growing and of birthing our children. 
This will be presented as a free offering – free charts to allow easy pregnancy and easy baby growing/birthing and parenting.
My decades of being available to assist where medicine can’t.
This means this is NOT MEDICAL but life orientated.
NOT MEDICAL advice – but my clinical and personal and professional observations . .
Problem we are solving:
How do we turn dad into a birth coach.
WHY? They (and baby) need easy lives as a couple
maturing into becoming a family
The entire webinar:
Leading you into a course of transformational change.
For you in your body, and for your patients.
You can trickle info down – your passion rekindled.
Whatever you decide – download the free charts that encapsulate all I have covered and what is easy to implement in life and clinic.
MAYBE also learn how to navigate the return to a healthy pregnant life – back to mammalian maternity (Survival of the fittest – we get them all ‘baby fit’ again )
Easy pregnancy, easy birthing and easy maternity
Join my time honoured/multi modality, multi lineage and
always-works- system of mammalian maternity.
It really is too simple!
If you wish to learn more – please contact me.
Charts found below.