
Mediation in opening
We trialed the Zoom and the me as teacher – I found it it was too distracting – thus will not do again. Here are the Zooms. The recordings are randomly placed and may not flow on from the link inclusions. .

We used the Aura Soma bottles
13 (new beginnings) and 96 – to assist us let go the rage of what is happening.

Moving into what was covered (Zoom will be up by end of the day)
5 Flows – Qi, Blood red, blue and colourless – lymph – Nerves –
Boundaries and agreements
‘Sibling Society’ an impassioned plea for the return of adulthood (CLICK)
Ethics (CLICK) – biological sustainability

Liver (left) and Gall Bladder (right) channels

GV 26 – life saving (in response to Why I started learning acupuncture – and how I saved my first husband nearly dying of asthma story – (CLICK)

This is best with a needle and inserted at a 45 degree angle – I have used this to bring someone back from dying a couple of times. It works. Can be used with finger nail pressure when you feel faint – or to recover someone who has.- see the page here also

Raun – the recovered son (CLICK)
Son Rise program (CLICK) We went to their institute (in 1990 I undertook this experience for Skye (Kathryn) (CLICK)
woman tides 201801 (CLICK to download the eBook)
Magnesium (CLICK) – the recipe to make your own is at the bottom

Hawaiian Forgiveness prayer Ho’oponopono (CLICK)

Heal Cancer (Book) (CLICK)
What are you feeding it with? (CLICK)
THE END OF SCIENCE (CLICK) – if you can’t prove it wrong (refute it) (CLICK) – it must be right – oh that this was now!!
Thomas Kuhn (CLICK) (1962) and paradigms (esp for scientific research and thinking) (CLICK)
Wool, Dust, Shift trilogy (CLICK) – end of the world – and how possible mind control is (and we are living it)
Setting a steam up (in my clinic) (CLICK)
Castor oil and its uses (CLICK)
Sunday – first session
Steaming – Sunday 2nd session
Prolapse (30 minutes)
Different prolapse/vegan story (8 minutes)
Reconnecting your own Bao Mai (19 minutes)
Healing your family Bao Mai (17 minutes)

Selfing challenge – look at the online courses
- (Part 1) as they hold the keys.
- Part 2 – was the weekend – captured in your hearts and above
- Part 3 – YOU get to DO IT
Release your self . . . Feel it, move it, say it , DO IT