Gentling Self Discovery precis CAIRNS


Me talking Melissa through what she missed last experiential weekend .
Me looking through my answers to myself – in my personal journal – we are all

in this together ..

AND – those who seek our help will be worked on on every level – and if we d not have some extra tools and at least the awareness that the letting go is part of the healing – we may run into a side show that we did not intend –

HENCE I see people close together and in large segments as we go down to the bottom – not skimming along the top as a flat stone on a lake

Going deep means – potential for total clearance.

Us first . . .please get your personal journal out, clear the decks, turn off distractions and go deep within . .

Mindful of my question ‘who is I’?
I speak initially of the workshops I went to in the late 80’s very early 90’s – Who Am I? then Being and onto Soul.
Were well before their time, and as part of the experiential past I have brought to all of this body of work – we now begin the Gentling Self Discovery.

In the midst of this life – we start all here – our own programming.

Standing for our understanding – we are now in this spot.

Nearly 8 minutes

We all may think that we are here to ‘help’ others.
Self first ..  The story of how I started these trainings – and my background.
“Who am I?” 32 years ago = my inner work experience . .

I chose to work on vulnerability. What does that word break up as I say it? Please pause and write it down . . Her advanced trainings were Being and Soul as well ..

WORK pending –

  • 1 – What does vulnerability mean to you?
  • 2 – What it gives you when you are vulnerable?
  • 3 – What does being vulnerable give you?

Nearly 13.30 minutes

Another aspect of how I got to here – the earlier 2nd marriage and how I exited.  .
SAFE – I was no longer when I wrecked my ankle.

Q – What is YOUR theme in this ‘life’?
Mine has always been safe. – Different aspects of for all of us.

Heather’s wisdom cards – soon to be released. Do It! They open us up to real. Now.

  • 7.00 – the beginning of being woman – for Heather ..
  • 7.50 – Being – MY ‘master’
  • As master of my universe, I choose living and trusting my loving, gentle tender heart.
  • 9.20 – what we are STUCK in is what we need to move through to get into next part of our lives..
  • 10.15 – then we needed to find our blessing.
  • In the heart of my beingness, I am a soft, vulnerable, gentle, beautiful woman.
  • Personal realisations – so needed.
  • In Yeppoon Self Discovery  – I became part of the group – and I sat in the circle.
  • The Sunday – was me standing again . .
  • What I wish that I had known  before it all turned pear shaped?

Around 5 minutes

This came from a Carolyne Myss workshop around 20 years ago

Once upon a time, there was a happy little girl – and then .. ..

What is your core belief? (Pause)
If needed – to find it – write down –

What do I resist the most?
Who does it serve?

Why re we holding back?

Where did it come from, whose was it?

Does it still serve you?
What happens if you let it go?

Now is a new book.
Old rules – are no use now.

Why are we here?
What are we resisting and why are we?
What would we lose if we stopped that?

Changing the script  . .
When you are ready/had enough of what what gives you
(Likely more of the same).
Maybe it is more so to stay STUCK.