early March catch up


We have a changing world
let us meet the challenges and get ahead

That is what all this mentoring and covering as we go was about

I called this as I was to talk about a couple Tracey sent to me.
Instead this is what we did . .

We need to talk about the elephant in the room.
The world is NOT going back to where it was.

We carry ‘the world’ inside us.
And we get to choose each minute what we do, feel and so on.
THUS  self awareness, and self discovery.

Hence I say – first and last hour in the day is yours.
We need to GET REAL.
Before you watch this – please pay attention – what is important to you?
What did you come here for?
What is your soul calling for you to do?
To be here – and now – what is it that your may be resisting?

Where are you supported, loved, valued, and respected?
Get there.
What feeds YOUR heart?
What can you NOT do?

Where are you most happy?
If there was no money – what would you be drawn to?
(Past survival)?

You may need to know.
Forget travel, and enhancing that which you can not take with you when you leave this earthly plane.

How can you enhance who you are?
My thoughts are for us older – write – get your so important part of the puzzle OUT.
Stephanie is starting her course in a wee – and there will be ongoing.

What will you have to pass on?
Women and their wisdom have always carried the tribe on.
Think elephant matriarchs.

We crones and those who have skills- this is the way of a tribe – and the youngsters will need not only their tribe, but their elders.

I am passing on. What I have developed as a way out of all crises.
I will also pass over at some point.
Be aware. .
Times are to rapidly to shift.
All is change.
Nothing stays the same.

YOU are called.
Heed . .


I have been watching the highwire as part of my keeping up to date.
Part of why I am often on at least 2 x 3 P.S. Calm also . .
Sleeping and I seem not to be best friends.
I intend to shift this with walking the Camino at home – not that I am in space yet ..
I have been attempting to work myself silly – backing off now into balance.

Here is what you need to know.

The male pubescents of the white, elderly human variety are now on notice. (Remember my elephants in the fields in Indonesia being blown up – or being told off by the matriarchs story?) That would be almost all medicos and the politicians.

They do not know it yet (CLICK)  (Masks and the uselessness of working against nature).

And we then have the second part of the highwire a few days ago (CLICK) when the warning could not have been blunter, louder, or more awful. Aware that this would finally show up – I am not happy. But yet – we get what we do – when we sit and wait for others to  ?? Change the world?
It is time to Rise Up seriously and change yours..
Change will happen
And not as you necessarily expect.

Be ready . .

Family is all .. .


Join another tribe – some of us are on this – will you fill the last gap?

Pilgrimage is the art of ancient travel.

The pilgrim’s journey is as much an inner journey as it is a physical one.
The pilgrim experience is to meet challenges, to navigate life, to clarify thoughts and ideas.
“It is solved by walking.”
St Augustine

Stay Home Camino is a pilgrim writing adventure. It is a 6-week course designed to simulate the Camino pilgrim experience in pandemic conditions, and can be adapted to your lockdown rules. Stay Home Camino will engage you simultaneously with your interior and exterior world, as we navigate these strange times. Experience pilgrimage! Entwine your inner and outer worlds, as within so without. Experience your small lockdown world as you’ve never experienced it before. I promise, as challenging as occasional moments may be as you develop psychological and physiological stamina, in no time you’ll laughing like you haven’t laughed in years. Unfurl yourself as you meet the challenges of the road. Stretch your spiritual heart. Know yourself. Know the world you actually live in (rather than the escape you dream of flying to). 

Reflect, reset, renew, one step, one word at a time.
And write beautiful words. That I promise you too.

This 6-week course includes:

  • weekly themes typical of the Camino experience
  • a weekly live Zoom session, an opportunity to rest awhile with your fellow Stay Home pilgrims, just as you would on the Camino. The session includes focussed discussion and writing exercises
  • writing prompts and challenges to take with you on your weekly journey
  • private Facebook group to share the journey with your fellow pilgrims.

Details: 6 weeks, 1 hour a week face to face, live online (Zoom), with connection on the private FB group between sessions.
Dates: Pilgrimage is a sacred journey. Let us begin at a sacred time: the new moon on the equinox, autumn in the south, spring in the north. Sunday 21 March 2021. The live sessions will be held at 7.30pm Queensland time (Australia).
Numbers: there are 8 places available on this journey.

21 March-18 April
(Brisbane time)
These challenging times invite us to step forward, not back. They require us to summon strength where yesterday there was fear. They demand we meet their demands, whether we are ready or not.

And the crisis will pass. The wheel will turn. New life will come.

All trouble is emotional trouble. Emotions strike at our body, hence the word ‘feelings’. Anger, powerlessness, outrage, fear … common feelings for our times. And then there is the story we tell about the feeling: I should have …, they should have …, I shouldn’t have …, how dare they …, who’s going to pay for this …, everyone’s relying on me …, I’m too busy to … and so on.

Stories are an occupying force. They are invaders. They can be like wrestling with bears. Positive and negative, once they take root we become beholden to them. Stories are not real, that’s why they’re called stories. They are communications tools. And they belong only to the moment of telling. Pilgrimage: know your story.

Grace. Humour. Life.
Stuffed pilgrim mountain yoga.
#courage #keepgoing
Pilgrimage is a metaphor for life. You keep going, keep going, keep going, and one more step, just one, and your feet burrow into golden sand and the sunshine lights your face and a small village turns up a feast and … life rolls on.

Stephanie Dale is your Stay Home Camino facilitator – 3 Caminos, 1 crazy 1500km walk
from Rome to Albania.