Bleeding – therapuetic



Usually you hear me speak of micro bleeding. This is not it.

Context . . . an 80 year old man – he was not dribbling as usual Is in incontinence pants. Unstable on his feet.

Think to how a body works. Stucture determines function.

THIS IS NOT an elbow. He hit it substantially – and was hospitalised – and this is the result. His body is struggling massively. He does look better than when I first met him – and no doubt feels vastly better as he wonders when I am coming back – BUT – this is not how anyone should be – such a medical fail to prop him up (and the amount spent on his ‘care’) instead of fixing – well before he got to here.

His posture? Not sure how this happened. When I see him – I have an intention – and initially it was to get him breathing better – he is. The fluid, the instability in walking,the every other things failing – and HE DRIVES HIMSELF to these visits! I am shocked . .

He is less constricted on the left hand side – since the Gua Sha (CLICK).

Quite a way into the session, I decided that I had had enough and needed to get more serious. This is as he is so wonky – structure determines function – and his is not what I am used to seeing! How can he breath – thus have fluids moving, and no pain? He has a lot of large broken veins under his breast area – both sides of the body – that is next – should I see him again. His neck and range of movement were better with the few needles  and my gougey fingers.

He would have been exhausted at the end – but Maja moxaed GV4, 14, Bl 43 and then St 36 in that order (H directives). He left much more invigorated – and possibly hanging out to see the sharp pricklies again. What is medicine doing?

No one (or sensible culture) can afford to leave people like this.


After – it took a longtime to stop this – we hit a geyser.

Look at the footage again and see if you spot it – near the end.


STUCK – makes dark blood- purplish in the body – though is may look black under the skin – and will be a lot darker on emergence. We saw actual black from the knee. I did not not think to film it. We started a long way in.

About half way through the bleeding. Both Maja and I saw this come out black to begin with.

They were more purple at the beginning – we had him feet down for over an hour – and they would normally have been vastly more congested – they are less. He also had an infrared heater on his back – for 15 minutes whilst I fiddled about moving everything I could. STUCK – it doesn’t work for a body. No belly work – all was in this position. Lots more to do!! Question – how did he get to here – and why is this seen as ‘never mind’ by the medicos??

Who pays? In this system – taxpayers.
And him – as he has ??quality of life?

This could be you – or your loved ones as they age.I remind all – note to the jabbed (CLICK)



Ting points – to clear the stuck

I often do this to undo old trauma – and to see what meridian to use sometimes.
Esp after stroke – initially is best . . this hurts.

When it does not bleed – must make it as then will free the area – Qi flows where blood goes.

For radically clear stuck – see acupotomy (CLICK)