Advanced pricklies – scars – failed suicide case

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  • Treating men and their incidents/accidents
  • Triage ..
  • Lisa and H discussing infertility . .

Michael’s laundry list. Head injuries – so many – concussions and intentional being run over.  .
trees falling in him – and all sort of lives. .one tree exploded. Huge life.

Moving Qi – ting points

What am I doing? (CLICK)

A man’s story .. . 8 months – he pretended it was not damaged.

I dropped the lancet, so continuation

Microbleeding (CLICK)

Scars – block Qi flows

This was part of what I did – over a few hours.

Not only these needles – and VASTLY different life after I had done this.

A bit more . .

  • 5 – People’s stories . . are BIG
  • 7.00 – What did I do?
  • 8.30Triage needed first
  • 9.15 – PV first . . diving incident and ears . . off all alcohol now.
  • 10.45 – chest gouge – really helped the neck . . all sorts of interventions – it is SO EASY with such a damaged person.
  • 13 – See Shannon session – really bad back . . Jan 2021
  • 14 – All fixed after two sessions . .
  • 16 – Qi Cleft of St is St 34not St 35 . .and kept  going with neck session . . (See next pricklies)
  • 17  – going between two male patients – hope you do not get confused – the guy not believing is the through the window one.
  • 20 – Past physio with dry needling . . men easier to work on
  • 22 – Write the list for the man and he will do it . .
  • 25Tanya gone – Lisa and H with male fertility
  • 27 – GV India outreach – baby now about 6 months old
  • 32 – Older woman and no baby

Shall we return all flows to as they are to be?