2021 – what next??

Welcome.  . . 2021

What next (after LL II)?

We all need to ask this of ourselves
What is to happen?

We will not be aligned with the Abdominal Therapy Collective as we are on a diverse path.

As always – I am taking what is so very useful and incorporating – there was/is so much great resources that we can all build on. As always I source where I got info from and often as not – the thought process (I am always inquisitive and want to push boundaries – especially when something looks as though it may not be working). Striving for excellence. .

Using the Arvigo training model – we start with the selfing. (GW manual to be sent out) PLUS the teaching one

Selfing .  . . is self care

  • 2.30 – we are all full of Stuck Liver Qi . .
  • 4.00 – self first . . different times –
  • 5 .00 – starting teaching the pelvic opening – from What Dads Can Do
  • 5.50 – 47% of pregnant women in Wellington will have a C section . .
  • Pelvic opening . . before this – must do

Selfing – single women who wish to help themselves

  • Setting up the space – housekeeping – 7 ‘L’s’/5 Flows/5 ‘T”s
  • Steaming,
  • Period party . . Drion
  • Faja – prolapses and back aches etc
  • Castor oil – scars and adhesions get a mention
  • Reconnecting revision – Light/connective tissue/lymph/fluids/adhesions/scars/DO IT!
  • 10.30 – maybe sometimes run a couple – but women (we bleed) initially
  • 11.45 – what we should have been gifted as a teenager.
  • 13.20 – each start up a tribe who are being helped s a women’s bonded group

Pelvic Opening – couples in your space

  • 16.00 – pelvic opening for pregnant couples
  • 17.00 – 4 couples maybe to start? Ideally they will bond. .
  • 18.30 – ideally midwives and doulas trained up first
  • 21 – typical young mum. – Georgia’s story
  • 23 – need people to refer to you so we can STOP this even if to have a C section

Move/Free Your Qi . .

  • 26 Move Your Qi
  • 27 – Need a partner/practitioner
  • 29  – Need to retrain the acupuncturist – with a steaming and a moxa room – all of us do.

Foundational Moves – is already on line – and for COUPLES – prostate moves and also practitioners. .

  • 35.30 – OUR BOOK – we need stories to pop in this please
  • 37.40 – Favourite move . .story??
  • 38 – ROSES . . YL rose oil is $300 a bottle  .
  • 40.30 – Service – must start with taking cold out
  • 41 – elder’s traditions . . .world wide
  • 44 – so easy . . Maja’s person having a flat stomach afterwards.
  • 47.30 – what has amazed us? Me and Charlene – and lymph undoing knuckles. .
  • 48.30 – Painless pregnancy – very simple.  ..we need to get the message out.
  • 49 – Endo pain . ..Maja’s magic ingredients – castor oil.
  • 50 – once you start the selfing classes – you will have a ready clientele
  • 51 – Adenomyosis – see the case here


  • 53.30 – Magic next period. . 6 weeks later – taking Chinese herbs (to clear out Damp heat and Stuck Blood) and progesterone cream and Glutathione
  • 55.50 PLEASE think of your favourite move – or something that SHOCKED you . .