I so gratefully experience what you are all doing in these torrid times.
Being true to my mission . .
Why I ventured into Arvigo training (and embraced all as fast as possible)
Here is a heartfelt response.
Takes longer to do it this way – please bear with me – spirit not only words.
30 minutes of me nattering . . so consensus may happen here also
Self soothing – my belly moves integrating all I have done . .
Perineal steaming
Eg – see more here . .
What Dad Can Do
And associated sites –
Heather Says
Solutions (including food)
NZ – I am hiding away in the northern part of the South Island . .
Light, lineage, Liver, lymph, ligaments, . . . .. .
versus lies litigation
Maybe ask – Who is ‘I’?
‘Cultural appropriation?’
Does not help anyone hiding under a bushel.
Qi moving . .whose version of? TCM is a case in point . . .
It Depends
Whose version of??
Ted Kaptchuk More here
Biology? Seems under siege

Why are we in this ‘here’ and ‘NOW’?
White people were always oppressed.
All humans are colonised.
Always will be
I really want to help . .
I now live in my ‘home’ land. .
We are all human and all bleed red.
What next?
Thank you for being