We responded as life happened.
Alternative Stuck Liver Qi Release – after heart opening.
Other side (SLQR)
After SLQR – bum work is so much easier
Sita saw . .
Bonnie’s leg (Oh dear!!!)

Area of incident focus –
Middle of the back of her leg crease.
The point Bl 40 in acupuncture
As the masseuse attacked this with her elbow, grinding in – no idea why – possibly appropriate for a tense muscle bound man – not a breastfeeding traumatized woman.
The resultant bruising and upsets had taken the shine off the amazing relief she had had from the first session with me.
When the masseuse moved from the legs to the lower belly and was about to wend her magic then when Bonnie’s sensibly ordered her off as I was working there.. .
The month ago damage – may have taken many more months to clear.
The tailbone and sacrum easily undone – simply by clearing the STUCK.
Bleeding the little toe ting points. .
My toe #2
Ting points and bleeding to clear STUCK
I was fortunate enough to see Heather for a second session today. After clearing a lot of the trauma from my body after an emergency c-section due to medical negligence in our first session, other aches and pains were coming up in my body that were unexpected. Heather gently and lovingly guided me through her “gentling way”, a healing session that had me feeling better than I have in years. My tailbone and hip pain I was experiencing has completely gone, I can walk with ease, and (strange as it may sound) my tongue looked pink and healthy and happy compared to its yellow, soggy beginnings at the start of the session. Without a doubt these sessions with Heather have been the best possible thing I could do for my body and mind not just post-birth, but after the trauma that we all build up in our daily lives. I feel light, open, and free. Thank you Heather!