I travel south wards – catch me while you can

To consolidate
Reconnecting layers of self needing healing
Beginning pricklies – as it fits in with touchie work
Maternal rescues – esp post C section
Gold Coast – we have Sita and Marie coming in .
Review Living Ligaments I (Elke is new at this level) and the Livingstones – have been so far only with me online. .
And onto into L.L.II – as we can.
Adelaide – Tracy and Mandy from Mt Gambier, Elke and ?? maybe others ..
For those who are new to this – my hands on.
To others – we go deeper working in you and maybe even me. .
(C section after-effects, diastasis and sacrum).
AND Pricklies (we have Marie there also . . .)
Ahead of time
Look through all the pricklies that were 2022 – if you can.
The Reconnecting work that is on the chat page.
We started in 2020 as I figured we were all a bit rusty . .
Particularly the two sessions last and this week with Jenna, Quesha, Rhonda and last time – Elke
Part one and part two – these are around three hours each and cover always more than I say we will.
For the USA group – we bridged from Soothing belly moves to Reconnecting beginnings . .. (CLICK)
Diastasis /connective tissue and then jelly belly (1)
The continuation (2) is Setting up to win, and adhesion breaking
What I write a wee while ago (CLICK) STAIRS . . . .
I will do up more later . . .