Going deeper – higher



We begin the real work.
Life calls upon us now to act.
Rise Up.

Align with why you are here.

From the ‘Rainbow Bridge’ (Josephine and Norman Stevens) 1975
Please go through all you find on this site (CLICK).

Three circles

  • Top Circle – soul script/script
  • Middle Circle – (personality cage) the rules we in this now see as being ‘right’ (we all carry a different version of these)
  • Bottom circle – the mammalian/our physical template

Where I see us  . .
The middle graphic is the average person seeking ‘help’ – often ‘ make it go away’.

WE each hold/are the answer to the ‘problem’ we feel we have


All I intend to do is from the upper circle.
When I ask you ‘who is “I”?’ it is to awaken the being within.
Often masked by .. .life residue
ALIGN is to undo purposefully.
When it hurts too much to stay stuck . . .
However it is for you – regardless of beliefs (middle circle) we all have a spark of the divine creator.

Your soul star that has directed ‘you’ to this will gladden your heart.

Remember my circles? From the Ethics course . .

 STUCK is not life. . 

More on Dr John F Shen here (CLICK)

A pictorial account of your layers.

My interpretation 

Beings of Light (CLICK)


The Rainbow Bridge (CLICK)

Introduction to the Soul Star and Rainbow Bridge techniques (CLICK)

Going in deeper (CLICK) Many wonder how I stayed sane/able to be whilst I was in the Skye years (CLICK) . .

Easy – I meditated (so I COULD stay on the planet) at least 2 if not 3 times daily as the Part II work was the life purpose then –  clearing thought forms.

7 Rays (CLICK)

Please buy the Rainbow Bridge I and II 
And Do The Work

The Bridge to Superconsciousness (below) – gifts for yourself on this journey back home.

Rick Prater (makes it more readable (Norman was  born 1892)

Discover more (CLICK)


Welcome to the Self Discovery

Here I share the safe and effective exploration of the powerful gateways to consciousness. Allow an hour to go through this information.

This is from the teachings of the Rainbow Bridge by Norman and Josephine Stevens, life-long students of the Alice Bailey teachings. I visited with Norman (in Sweden) in 1991 when I was on a world wide trip to help Skye. With Robert (Ryan’s dad). He introduced me to this work when I met him in 1989. Norman and Josephine discovered through their personal research and clarivoyant observations, that when any transpersonal technique was augmented by the activation of the soul star through a simple mantra called the soul mantra, that the technique had much more transformational effects. Through observation of hundreds of psychological and transpersonal techniques, they observed that there was merely “horizontal activation” or that coming from the mind or ego primarily. This did not produce the desired effects of long term change in the energy field of the etheric vehicles.

H note – The three circles – the middle one may agree to the process – yet want to take over/direct.

When we (middle circle speaks) invite our (Self) own soul, or our higher self, to be a part of all the work we are doing. In addition, we recognize that it is the SOUL itself which is doing the actual work, though our minds may be cooperating with a visualization or technique.If you are here as self – or Self you read this differently. Soul infused personal self . ..

Work with the chakra system can be potentially dangerous if not done with cooperation of our Soul (STAR) Principle. If the mind/ego tries to force an awakening and activation prior to the energy fields being prepared and ready (a path which is undertaken by your own Soul over many lifetimes of purification and renunciation and discipline) then the awakened chakra and energies which rise prematurely, can activate energy patterns and blockages that have not yet been cleared. This can result in illness, mental derangement, and time lost on the evolutionary path through detours in the astral plane.

The importance of working WITH our Soul cannot be over stressed here. We ask our own Divine Presence to undertake this work. We cooperate with THAT effort of unfolding, which proceeds at the divine right time according to the wisdom of our own Soul.

The following are highlights the website (CLICK) which goes into detail the first step of construction of the Central Channel of light, or Antahkarana (CLICK). Prior to that, the first technique the student is taught is to use the Soul Invocation to align with and invoke the cooperation of the Soul before doing any spiritual practice. This step is key because, the Soul does the work and the personality or conscious mind merely cooperates.  These and other techniques are generally without effect unless they are preceded by the Soul Invocation or an invocation with a similar intent.

The Soul Star and the Invocation of the Soul  

What is the Soul Star?

The Soul Star is the etheric symbol of  that portion of the Soul “put down” into matter. It is linked with the Soul, first by a thread of light, and later by a band of expanding rainbow fire as the fusion of personality and Soul proceeds.  The Soul Star is an instrument of the Soul and can be used to clear the obstructions to union. It is an intelligent force that is used by the Soul to transform the matter of your physical, emotional, and mental bodies into a suitable vehicle through which It can function. The Soul Star is located about six inches above the head. To clairvoyant vision, it appears as a radiant spark. It has been found that the Soul Star will respond and become more active when the mind is centered on it. In spiritual aspirants who have just begun to turn their attention toward spiritual unfoldment, the Soul Star appears as an enlarged spark of pale light. In more advanced disciples, the spark of the Soul Star becomes much larger and more radiant; when activated by use of the Invocation to the Soul or meditation, the brilliant radiance of the Soul Star may extend several feet.

How is the Soul Star Activated?

The Evocative Effect of the Soul Invocation (CLICK): The down pour of energy experienced as a result of sounding the Soul Invocation.

You may invoke and cooperate with the Soul Star. However, it is an extension of the Soul and will only respond to personality demands that further the Soul’s own purpose. Accordingly, the first step in approaching the personal self, or doing any type of spiritual work, meditating, channeling, chanting, yoga postures, or breathing exercises is to invoke the Soul. A sure way to achieve this goal is to use a very ancient mantram known as the Soul Invocation (From the book Rainbow Bridge II).  The Words are as follows:

 I am the Soul.

I am the Light Divine.

I am Love.

I am Will.

I am Fixed Design.

The Soul Mantram is a tool to name and identify you as you truly are, bringing this reality downward and outward into the mental, emotional, and physical vehicles that comprise the lower self or personality. This is not simply a “linking in” process but conscious IDENTIFICATION with what you really are with the intent of producing this reality on the lower planes.

When using the Soul Mantram, focus your attention or concentrate your mind in the Soul Star, located at a point about six inches above the head, holding firmly in mind the idea of the Soul’s cooperation with the aspiring personality. Then speak aloud, with a pause at the end of each line, the ancient mantram. As each line is spoken the Soul Star responds. 

  • When “I am the Soul” is invoked by speaking with the intent of identification or oneness with the Soul, the following response is evoked: the Soul Star increases in size, brilliance and radiation and the Central Channel becomes filled with Rainbow fire. 
  • When “I am the Light Divine” is spoken, the following response is evoked: the Soul Star sends forth a stream of rainbow fire into the Central Channel. 
  • When “I am Love” is spoken, the following response is evoked: a rose pink down pour of energy from the heart of the Soul Star floods the Central Channel. 
  • When “I am Will” is spoken, the following response is evoked: a royal purple, brilliant clear red, a white and indigo blue downpour enters and fills the Central Channel. 
  • When “I am Fixed Design” is spoken the 7 energy centers along the spine intensify. This last line means that you came into this life with a specific Soul purpose.

Once the Soul Invocation has been said, the Soul Star will obey thought and move within the physical, emotional, and mental bodies, and the aura. It will expand or contract or send out a beam of energy and radiate various colors of light without conscious direction by you.  “These are only the beginning powers of the Soul Star. It is a most powerful, versatile, and useful instrument of White Magic.  It will not respond for anything else” (Rainbow Bridge I).  

It is very responsive to that which will aid in the purification of the vehicles.  However, it is recommended that students refrain from experimentation until after they have completed phase II of the clearing work. Until then, simply follow the directions given in Rainbow Bridge I and II  or on this website. The techniques given in the Rainbow Bridge books and on this web site are safe and have been used effectively by many students for decades. 

In the Soul Invocation, the first line brings about identification with the Soul.

The second, third and fourth lines are spoken as if you were the Soul invoking its subjective being – higher mind, spiritual love, and spiritual will.

The fifth line states the plan the Soul has for you for this life.

The Soul Mantram was the first instruction given by the Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul to his group of students (Discipleship in the New Age (CLICK), Vol. II, p. 123). It is the first step in the practice of any inner growth or spiritual process.  Without the use of this mantra or some form of it, the authors state that yoga practices, meditation, chanting, breathing exercises, etc. are ineffective in making changes in the inner vehicles. The authors of the Rainbow Bridge  books noted that they had clairvoyantly observed years of such practices which made no changes in the inner vehicles of the student. They further stated that they have “also witnessed that use of the mantram and its presence in the ‘brooding consciousness’ of the student made simple techniques rapidly effective in clearing and energizing the inner vehicles and in building radiant magnetic fields around purified forms” (Rainbow Bridge II, p. 92). See Rainbow Bridge I or II  (CLICK) by Two Disciples or Bridge to Superconsciousness by Richard Prater for more information on the Soul Star. 

The Invocative Effect of the Soul Invocation on Building the Antahakarana (CLICK):

Education is therefore the Science of the Antahkarana. This science and this term is the esoteric way of expressing the truth of this bridging necessity. The antahkarana is the bridge the person builds – through meditation, understanding, and the magical creative work of the soul – between the three aspects of their mind nature. Therefore, the primary objectives of the coming education will be:

  1. To produce alignment between mind and brain through a correct understanding of the inner constitution of a person, particularly of the etheric body and the force centres.
  2. To build or construct a bridge between the brain-mind-soul, thus producing an integrated personality which is a steady developing expression of the indwelling soul.
  3. To build the bridge between the lower mind, soul, higher mind, so that the illumination of the personality becomes possible. (12 – 6).]

The information above describes the evocative effect (CLICK) of sounding Soul Invocation.  However, few writers have described the effect of the Soul Invocation on building the antahkarana and the specific sources of energy that cause the down pour of energy following the sounding of each line. To understand the following explanation, print out this page and look at the chart below as you read the explanation below.  


When I am the Soul is sounded a line of light is projected from the personality as an energy center called the mental unit to the Soul. In the chart, the Soul is the the yellow triangle labeled “Ego”.  Imagine a line of golden light being projected from the center of the head in the area of the pineal gland straight up through the crown chakra. The bridge (antahkarana) is the red dotted line projected from the mental unit in the chart to the Soul. The Soul’s response causes the Soul Star to intensify in radiation. 

When I am the Light Divine is sounded, a line of light reaches the mental permanent atom, the lowest point of the spiritual triad, and bridges the gap between the lower concrete mind (mental unit) and the higher abstract mind.  This gap is located on the 4th sub plane of the mental plane.  The permanent mental atom responds with a downpour of light.

When I am Love is sounded, a line of light is projected to the buddhic permanent  atom.  The permanent atom responds with a down pour of love energy.

When I am Will is sounded a line of light is projected to the atmic permanent atom causing a release of spiritual will.

The fourth line, “I am fixed design” strengthens the link between abstract mind and the personal self focused in the concrete mind, mental unit. The down pour of energy from the mental permanent atom relates to your Soul’s purpose for this incarnation.

Each time the the Soul Invocation is sounded the lines of light projected to the Soul and the three aspects of the spiritual triad add strands of light to the creative thread and steadily advances the building of the antahkarana. 

The Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul describes the six steps to building the antahkarana in the book, Rays and the Initiations, p. 485-495.

Figure 4. Triangulation Path Used by the Soul Star to Build the Central Channel

After the student has aligned and invoked the cooperation of the Soul by use of the Soul Mantram, the Soul Star becomes responsive to your thoughts and is used to build the Central Channel.  The Central Channel is built to prepare the body to receive a greater influx of spiritual energy.  The upper section of the Central Channel bridges the gap between the lower mind and higher mind and is known as the Rainbow Bridge or Antahkarana. It provides a conduit through which high vibration energies can be safely moved through the body.  The student is taught how to align with the Soul and activate the Soul Star by use of the Soul Invocation. The Soul Star is located about six inches above the head and is the instrument the Soul uses to transform and purify the matter of the three lower vehicles (vital or etheric body, the emotional body, and the mental body). It also has other functions.

What is the Central Channel? 

The Central Channel is a bridge of energy and consciousness between highest spirit and lowest matter. It is a conduit through which the life of the Spirit and the consciousness of the Soul flows.  The Central Channel is also known as the Rainbow Bridge or the antahkarana (inner ear or internal organ of consciousness).  

 The completed antahkarana contains 5 strands of energy. Two threads are put down by the Higher Self. The life thread, also known as the silver chord, or sutratma (thread of the atma) extends from the Monad or spark of the One Life within to the “physical permanent atom” of the heart. The consciousness thread extends from the Soul to the pineal gland in the head. It is for this reason that the pineal gland is known as the seat of the Soul. The last three strands of the antahkarana are collectively known as the creative thread and are projected upward in consciousness by you, the personality. These strands must be consciously built by you. You become a conscious creator when you complete the development of  your antahkarana.  As the Central Channel is enlarged to at least one inch in diameter, a rainbow colored flow of energy can be clairvoyantly observed in the Central Channel, hence, the name Rainbow Bridge. The lower portion of the Rainbow Bridge from the crown center to the base of the spine is called the sushumna. The chakras or centers of energy are normally located along the sushumna channel and are stimulated into greater awakening by the development of the Rainbow Bridge and the Soul.  Tthe Central Vertical channel continues to rise high above the Soul Star and deep into Earth beneath the Earth Star.  See page 96-97, RBII, and The Rays and Initiations, p.441- 501 for more information on the antahkarana.

The Central Channel actually is already present in the body. However, it is clogged with various low grade energies that relate to emotional and mental complexes carried over from past life times. As a result of the large load of emotional and mental blockages in the aura, the chakras have been pushed outside of the body and are not located along the Central Channel. The energy centers referred to in figure 4 are not the chakras but substitute sensitive points for them. Later, as we progress to clear the emotional and mental complexes from the energy body the chakras will move into their normal positions along the Central Channel. The authors of the Rainbow Bridge book refer to these distortions as external and internal patterns.  External patterns are the distortions visible in the aura and on the surface of the body. Internal patterns are blockages and distortions that are located inside the body and interfere with the function of the organs of the body.

While this is a preliminary step to the inner work we will be doing, the building of the Central Vertical Channel is both a personal work and a planetary service.  The substance of the body that you ensoul as an individual is part of the body of the planet.  The planet is a living entity with a consciousness.  The intelligence aspect of the planet is called the Planetary Logos.  Your Central Channel forms part of the Central Channel of the Planetary Logos.

NOTE: Once you start to build the Central Channel, you cannot change your mind halfway through the process and quit without some adverse consequences.  Since the channel is initially clogged with psychic debris, if you were to clear it to the point of the solar plexus, for example, and decide to quit, energy from the Soul would begin to enter your body and congest at that point. The authors of the Rainbow Bridge I, p.78, told about a Zen initiate they had met who had unconsciously built the Central Channel using Zen techniques only to the solar plexus and as a result experienced congestion and decades of suffering.  They stated “Dispersion of the energy midway down the torso produced all kinds of physical disease because of too rapid clearing and congestion.  The Channel must be completed into the earth to function properly and without any unfavorable effects on the physical body.”  The Zen initiate was cured of her health problems when she did the Rainbow Bridge work and widened the central channel all the way down to the earthstar center, six inches below the feet.  If you cannot make the commitment to allocate 15-20 minutes per day for the approximately two months it takes to build the Central Channel and the six to eight weeks it takes to widen it, then you should postpone building the Central Channel until you have the time.

As someone whose whole life revolved around this work for several years – I know that it is way easier to do this – than live life as you have scripted it – in real time. We no longer HAVE that time.

Click here for a short video of the Central Channel visualization. You will have in your ‘group’ helpers that may not be in a body. You may feel their presence. DO be grateful – we have much work to do.

Once the basic Central Channel is built, it is systematically widened,  a tool of the Soul called the Spiritual Whirl Wind or Etheric Vortex (CLICK)  is used to sweep debris from the aura that is created by the movement of the Soul Star through the body. The Soul Star is a ball of solar fire and when it is moved into the body, it literally burns through debris that is clogging your Central Channel.  This debris must be removed by use of the Spiritual Whirlwind.  Whenever the Soul Star is moved through the body, the Spiritual Whirlwind must be used afterwards to sweep the aura of debris. See the short video of the Spiritual Vortex here (CLICK).

Once the Central Channel has been widened we can choose to begin the purification work of clearing the ancient thought forms and blockages surrounding each chakra so that the Soul light can flow more freely through that energy center.

It has been observed that by use of the Soul Invocation followed by simply moving the Soul Star through the Central Channel from a point 6 inches below the feet, the Earth Star, to a point about 6 inches above the head, the Soul Star, on a daily basis followed by use of the Spiritual Vortex that some clearing of the external patterns (low-grade thought-forms that appear outside of the body in the surrounding aura) is accomplished. Central Channel technique – see this website for details.

STUNNING WAY TO STAY HERE – please – do it.

Clarity guaranteed

The beginnings are seen in my Reunion CD (1999) here (CLICK)
Physical release (guided tensing and letting go)
Emotional (return all less than Light to the source/next appointed place

Spiritual – aligning to your role and purpose here now.

In subsequent sessions, we will begin the process of shifting the energetic matrix to clear and purify our energy field of ancient patterns and limiting belief systems.

The purification work results in the following permanent benefits:

  • You no longer have a permanent barrier around you which modifies communication from and to you.
  • The low vibration energies which are a channel for infection are removed.
  • Suggestions of low self-esteem and failure are no longer stimulated.
  • Your body ages more slowly and your health is enhanced because the flow of life force (prana) through the body and aura is no longer obstructed by energy, emotional and mental blockages.
  • The main channel for uncontrolled emotional response is removed – as is quick response to emotionalism from others.
  • The heavy karmic influence of ancient thought forms and mistakes are eliminated.
  • You will have an increased capacity to invoke and retain the light of the Soul.
  • You will find it easier to recognize your companions on the Path, the ones you are destined to work with.
  • You will move rapidly into awareness of the consciousness of your Soul. Common culturally based labels for this universal state of  higher consciousness are “Christ consciousness” in the west, and “Atma (Self) consciousness” or “the Buddha Mind,” or “the mind of enlightenment (bodhichitta)” in the east. 
  • By building the central channel, you will be of service to the Masters of the Planetary Hierarchy and to the planet by becoming anchor points for the transmission of vital energies that will purify the planet and accelerate the externalization of the Hierarchy. 
  • Telepathy and the higher psychic powers of the Initiate will begin to develop.  Djwhal Khul has said that “–the powers of the Initiate are gained not from any study but by changes in the etheric vehicle.” The Rainbow Bridge techniques make changes in the etheric, emotional and mental bodies to accelerate this process.

 The Great Invocation (CLICK). This is of service to us, AND also invokes energies from the Spiritual Hierarchy of the planet and beyond.

From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let light stream forth into the minds of men
Let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let love stream forth into the hearts of men.
May The Christ return to Earth.

From the centre where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of men-
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

From the centre which we call the race of men
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where ego dwells.

Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.