Gentling for interested prior Arvigo SC teachers


What is it? Site under construction.(CLICK) Am amalgam of all I have been exposed to and found works – in a modern setting.
A soul centred, energy – body shifting manner – attending to soul mission, personality cages and body living out where flows can’t.
With intention and the breath . .

Who is this for – those called into action/service.

Me – still questing . .









We have work to do!




Still looking for more also . .

Feel cast adrift – somewhat disgruntled.
Self Care and maybe Hands on Healing were your passion – I know that they were mine.
What next?

Or the middle path . . ?
Living Ligaments Tribe started in 2017 when I merged the Mercier and the HB Moving Blockages via Maya and allied into one. This growing bunch of women are solving their own communities issues – one heart, one belly, one family at a time

Elder’s wisdoms

  • Where from? Lived experience . . .Being a mum
  • An acupuncturist course designer and teacher, mentor
  • Naturopath  – vibrational healing
  • Maya and Mercier – partially online, experiential and after support – self mastery, what we are in service, and drawn to this work .
  • Undo the life residue.
  • NOT for beginners in self mastery. -We need to undo ourselves also.
  • Heather’s Gentling Way – or The Gentling Way .. (whatever you do – not forcing)

My journey in Maya (Arvigo) work (CLICK)

A young crone speaks . . . in 2020 – prior to locked in/down.

  • Self discovery . . . find your own . .
  • Diastasis  . how mine appeared and what to do.
  • Spleen Qi – and connective tissue . ..what else?
  • Also low thyroid, cancer, PULL OUT THE COLD. .   .
  • Tongue will change – where did this come from?
  • 3.50  Master says . . .lineage. HIERARCHY
  • Declutter – what is there that is not to be??
  • 5.00 – needles – we will get there -and hands.

Moving Blockages . . .

  • Health is?? Homeostasis – owner’s manual, life recipe, nutrients, circulation – all should be good.
  • Electrics – holistic paradigm.
  • Driver . . ..Shen – clear out shock and trauma
  • Cold – Yang Qi can’t
  • Lymph – not moving – back to low adrenals, thyroid –
  • Scars – esp little ones – depending
  • Adhesions . . need addressing
  • Diagnosis?? Not needed . . .

Housekeeping . . .
Teaching hands to tools to needles. .  . 

  • Life changed . .
  • Via electrical system – clarity there.
  • NOT the bit /condition – but all of the person . . .
  • People learn through stories. . .
  • Instantly you can instigate all that you do – no need to wait until.
  • 2.45What Dads Can Do or the entire package.  . .- and all the eBooks etc. .  .
  • Sign up . .Transformative Healing – Self care now is SELFING – all on-line
  • Selfing into self discovery – and Transformative – we will deviate into all the hands-on work. Reconnecting – gut and
  • Follow nature – do not need diagnosis – what is stopping body fixing itself? Triage.  ..not diagnosis.

What was . . . .

Now . .

We get to be online and still a bonded tribe.

Qi and lymph moving

  • Life has to be fun – this was Jan 2020 – we will endeavour to replicate this. . .
  • Self paced .  .and at YOUR speed.  . (still not automated).
  • Always over give – and thus as now we CAN’T have hands on with me unless you are in NZ – we have it all with me over the world – hands on movies – everywhere . ..
  • Start – RIGHT NOW

Now or never . . . Offered likely only once . .

  • I have more to do than this maternity and fertility – I have to HAND OVER.
  • Reproductive package is included. . . The Natural Life Guide
  • Self responsible – and can deal with me off in storied – not data. . proof? Need to trust . .
  • Need – an open cup – and self mastery – where are the students – hands and everything – undo scars, adhesions – so flows can flow again. . .

Where we start?
Gentling Way Self Care . . us first


  • What is holding you hostage?
  • Sexual frights . . .misadventures generally are stored within
  • Body remembers everything that has ever happened to it . .
  • Gently Love Ourselves Better. .  . – found in the Selfing package
  • (At present we are not running GWSC – except in NZ. ).

Reconnecting Bao and Dai Mai . .
(Heart and wombspace)

  • The Three Heater – food factory – needs aligning – adhesions, viscera misplacement
  • And then after abdominal incursions – C sections and the rest . .
  • Acupuncturists need this – former Arvigo teacher- also – We need to segue into perfect Blood and Qi and body fluids production  and circulation – all of us need to get back to perfect functioning . . ideally is a retreat . .(2021 – Brisbane and all the world is gone – here I sit).
  • Working with people – intensives – and we need to follow Dr Jennifer Mercier’s lead – 6 sessions – no more than a week n between. Here work really added onto all you may already know . .transformative!

Move Your Qi challenge or Lisa’s ‘cold out’ group could lead you into ..

More coming . . .

We always begin with selfing . .
Discovering is next
Touching (others) as a bridge into

Reconnecting . .
Living Ligaments


We need to get real – what did all cultures know???

Programmes we WILL teach eventually – you with yours . .


My sketchings