
You have completed the Gentle Selfing workshop.
You are all loved up
You have discovered a new bunch of those you deeply shared yourself with
Learned some new tricks
Wonder how to keep this alive . . .
To answer some of this – as part of your inner pondering
Gentling Way Selfing Challenge
1 – What you intended
2 – What you discovered
3 – What came up?
A major issue is
Where are your tribe?
Those you bonded with?
In your life – seduction into same is not having the same pull . .
HOW to keep the momentum?
Start with your day . .
From attending the Gentle Selfing it is likely you are feeling not at peace/in synch with who you were prior.
You will be tested. . Shifts in you – shall we continue?
What next?
You go home.
What to do?
Gentle on yourself – and make NO sudden changes – those you live with have not undergone your accelerated growth.
Not been party to your ‘AHA’ moments – and deepening sense of self.
To support the changes that are happening – we have the Gentle Selfing Challenge . .
Possibly it feels a challenge to not throw ‘your life’ away as you no longer fit it.
You first. .
Keep the energy going.
Healing relies on change. . . .

You came home.
There is still – your ‘life’.
Having completed the experiential workshop
Usually ‘life’ is – not so vibrant/in colour.
Do be gentle on yourself: and everyone else.
Take a breath – stop and evaluate.
What did you go to the Gentle Selfing course for?
Please look again at the online courses you were given at the beginning of this process. – in the Soothing online component of the Selfing online starter course. You will find two pages to print out and work with. Chart as a daily routine . .
Selfing report(1) A chart to then tick off what is a new way of being. There are also 4 pages – to print and follow week by week.
Look at these and start making new habits.
Perineal Steaming
What Causes Health?
Weekly – there are a new set of habits to add in.
Maybe if all is feeling wonky – look to the prelude to the Gentle Self Discovery package – Life Rescue – here
Your 2022 manual (3rd draft) has been already sent in the emails received earlier.
Please print this and pop in a plastic sheeted folder – as that way it is so visually useful.

Do go through your manual. .
ADD IN – here are is more Foundational Massage moves sheet (CLICK)
Ideally you will set yourself a specific challenge., seperate to the daily belly work, steaming except when pregnant or bleeding . .
Watch yourself and the comments /resistances/obstructions and of course EXCUSES that stop you . .
Yet if you do knuckle down and DO IT, you will not only feel proud of yourself – but change can then/ will happen.
We would love to hear of your results.
REMEMBER – hydration – is next after breathing

2103water copy (CLICK)
Ideally you will print these out and hand them to others to read.
Also see this site (the water cure)
2104dehydration (CLICK)
Temperature, mineral content and salts added in are vastly important – no HALIDES – see more here for this,. Common one – fluoride
Bromide – Bromide – and breast cancer Bromide and thyroid troubles (we are constantly being sprayed by this – and other life wreckers)
(Iodine not bio available in its presence). MUST pull the heavy metals OUT – a beginning and more here get the glutathione accelerator as the actual glutathione is taken back to its three constituent molecular components if you take what is labeled as such).
Safety – how do you feel?
See the prelude to the Gentle Self Discovery package – Life Rescue – here