Welcome to the time to Rise Up/Take Your Place
Part One
Three self paced courses to get your body functioning as Nature intended
What you find within – 3 ways to help yourself: Start immediately
- What Causes “Health” – Ever wondered?( Find out how simple the Life Recipe really is – and how to alter your life to be back in balance.
- Self Soothing – Belly Calming – your hands, your peace and calm (gut, periods and sleeping) restored.
- Perineal Steaming – a delicious way to combine sitting, heat, water and fragrant herbs. Soothing and softening life’s woes.
Part Two
Two weekends 4 x 4 hour sessions with like minded small class on Zoom
USA EST 8-12noon
29/30th January,
5/6th February
with Heather as facilitator
(“Freeing Yourself” Manual and assorted resources for immediate use)
Part Three
Selfing Challenge 4 x one hour facilitator tutorials/ catchups
WHEN? USA EST 8-9 am
Sat 12th ,19th & 26 Feb & 5th March
(Following on – eBooks and posters and other resources to help you).
What will we cover in the workshop?
INTENTION – Free ourselves – the light is shining on SELF at this stage.
So many who are in helping professions – and showing in up as women – are other focused.
We go back to self. Selfing. Being present. Often a very new and maybe even a scary option
How is this to run? We share as I ask questions. . And we do have a programme.
1st session – introducing our voices
We are all here to undo who we are. A journey into ourselves through our bellies and tissues.
We explore the origin of some of the ways our parents told their survival tales.
Meet and greet and come prepared. . .
Ponder possibly. . .
Why are we here, now? Why as a woman? Why this story (we all have one – do pause – what is yours’?) What has your life gifted you? How do you feel about this? Would your life have been different had you chosen to be here as a male?

- 1 – Why did you choose to be female this time around?
- 2 – What PhD’s of life do you carry?
- 3 – What sets your heart afire?
- 4 – What passion for the future?
- 5 – How/what has this opportunity gifted you?
2nd session – How are we here?
How we can live in a body
Exploring ‘reality’ in different ways – we have many bodies one of them is physical.
We look through the lenses that have successfully run the many cultures whose traditions we can work within. Well beyond the Western medical model we delve into the soul-centred-all-of-who-we-could be. Thus making very different sense of what we call ‘a life’.
3 rd session – What is stored in there?
Wombs and their stories
What is stored in there?
Shall we undo this?
Respectfully. Gently.
Reichian armour bands are GW’s respectful maze to undo the womb and her moorings.
We will discover what our wombs and our hearts get up to. And how to bring them together

4th Session
Back through our own lineage
Guided meditations are part of this process.