Why are we? Cupping out the cold?
Free the Yang Qi . .
Starting at the beginning – cold causes constrictions, hardness. again as no circulation
Elder wisdoms would not have had anyone using cold, having anything to do with cold . .
You may want to focus on . . .. why the body is not working well – after an operation, accident or life in general . . .and the warnings are pain and discomfort – constant headaches, gut no good 0r ligaments distressed, tooth pain, weight not shifting/ can’t put it on, allergies. whatever?
Base – bake the cake – you are focused possibly in how it looks – as in decoration on the icing.
I am taking us all back to why the body has not been able to make use of the great treatments or whatever – that are already on board. ..much like the P.A.C.E. and Poly Vagal prior to the Accident Recall- and why that – the Qi (and life residue as shock) is STUCK and we can’t superimpose anything in stuck mode – hence – Free Your Qi!
We have our own ‘stuff’ to move – beliefs, how we think we need to learn, be seen to be in clinic etc. . .
This is outliers info . . .and all is foundational and all works when nothing else has. .
Please clear yourself and off we go. . .
The Qi has to flow.
And we can’t get anything done for permanent effect unless we undo why the body has not healed itself.
Beginning – see catch up/1st and 2nd lessons – lymph and Stuck Qi . .
3rd session – cupping cold out
We have met Stuck Qi (2nd session) . .and how the lymph (1st) (we are in a physical body) gets sluggish/congested /congealed/constrained/STUCK and then we have pain. Body messages . .
Do we listen? (or take pain killers)?
Today . .
Now we delve deeper.
Yin and Yang Qi. . what they do:
If you have a copy of my WDCD book – look over the beginning as it seems that this is a great text book.
Watch the Yang Qi 5 min video . .
Basics . . .
Yang Qi – is wasted by cold. (Yang Qi having to protect the body against it getting into the general circulation)
Cold in the body – all ‘old wives tales’ are centred around avoiding this).
What does cold do? – Slows circulation – thus it creates hardening and construction.
Why so young? – Needs it. Rescue the Yang . .
Constant Bladder/vaginal issues ??
Also cool to touch belly.
Diastasis in lower section.
Shows us that there is loss of integrity of function
Usual cup we use A ‘Mason’ jar found in her cupboard – she is doing this from her internet find on my site – her around the navel tattoo is showing up well.
- 1 minute in – setting it up
- 2 – playing the survival game
- 2.20 – Qi is stuck for a reason
- 2.20 – Self preservation usually (survival mechanism)
- 2.45 – Gentler we are – the stuck moves.
- 3 – Working on GV women and the total inflexibility (what does this tell us – STUCK )
- 4 – Prelude – get up and get active – Qi Gong warm up.
- 9 – Ligaments – nourished by Blood – need cold gone to have the food factory working
- 10 – We will be rattling our and their personality cages.
- 11- Cupping tutorial starts here.
- 12 – not a cold cup – and maybe Gua Sha to start –
- 12.30 – No little girls to have even cool water to drink- will affect periods later. (Elder wisdoms).
- 14 – why using a coin . . entire organ system is under the navel and is vastly important in Yang rescue – CV 8 (navel) is rescue from drowning – with 100 hits of moxa. .would wake anyone up!!
- 15.10 – Thymus wake up
- 15.30 – Bowl and boiling water so can use it when can – heat coin up also – my set up in the cold. ..
- 16.20 – Cheap tissues needed
- 16.45 – Matches and dampness .
- 17 – setting it up and the tissue issues (burning) – twist is the key
- 18 – demonstrating cup on palm
- 19 – loose tissue – too fast burning
- 20 – trying to put on lower arm
- 20.50 – not putting the tissue in the bin – do not play with fire .
- 22 – origin from Dr John Shen – and started with full cold . .period pain with heat helping – and how I ended up cupping cold on all.
- 23.20 – stand alone treatment – do not confuse the body.
- 24 – what to start with? With Del in this sequence – we did lymph then cupping and rolled her over to do SLQR and sacral wake ups last. What was her result?
- 25.15 – Peace ‘s belly showing retroverted womb pics
- 26 – why pulling out the cold = Yang QI not moving . .cold extremities? Reynards – see the cold cupping tutorials . .
- 27.15 – Navel rings out – get all to do pre work checks as this all shifts. .
- 28.30 – temperature gun – how long cup on for?
29 – Moister tongue fur looks better – digestion better. Peeing – transformation is better. - 30 – Cup on and of and on and off – may be better. Safe on pregnancy . .cant grow a baby in a fridge. .
- 31 – calm then warm body up as we are normalising . . Steamer does not pull out the cold
- 31.45 – Self medication – keep the Liver Qi moving – running or eating chocolate. women cry – not grief – pure frustration – and the heat is there is because composted . .and they will drink/take cold in to cool it down . .Stuck Blood creates heat as well – and all the cold is added in to calm self – But it creates more damp . . .
- 33 – Must empty bladder first . . will get this process going into overdrive.
- 33.20 – Q and A – moxa? Next lesson . .
- 35 moxa is crucial . . you need to have an assistant to do this. Asking participants whether they are or not . .
- 38.40 – use on meshed bellies. . safe when you are gentle and moxa is OK also . .
- 39.30 – Zoe and weight loss woman – may do her as a case. Tracey’s guy here
(Please click to get to the page as it is not behaving itself for me to do the usual
- 41 – Vanessa pulling it all together . ..see the session above. . Damp
- 43 – Melissa in a retail health food shop – and how it would be so very different now.
- Who wants the results? R.I.C.E.
- 46.15 – How many acupuncturists are actually clearing the blockages??
- 46.50 – cup must be glass . . keep them warm. . must have the coin to hold essential Qi in – and centrally placed – if when you take cup off and it is REALLY cold – must use moxa or at least – warm the area.
Cupping the cold out
Demo – me showing how the mouth looks like – they feel . .
If on too tight – does not have to be. .warn the person that the suction may feel/ be massive.
We can instantly decrease it.
- Up to 2.25 – demonstrating how to do it.
- 6.30 – redoing and checking temps
- 8.15 – taking cup off
- 8.50 – round again
- 10.40 – appendicitis fix
- 12.30 – gentle jiggle
Following up for you . .
Please watch Elke https://heatherbrucehealing.com/healsbruh/elke-discovers-foundational-clinical-gems/
Tutorial https://heatherbrucehealing.com/healsbruh/cupping-extras-from-tutorial-1/
Rachel – chest https://heatherbrucehealing.com/healsbruh/congested-chest-bad-coughing/