
This course holds the gems of my clinical practice prior to meeting up with the Maya healing work (Arvigo). Any ONE of these moves will radically alter being in your body.
Moving the lymph – and stuck anything else that has gotten tangled into that web you inhabit.
Anyone can do this . .and if you are thinking of working with others in the Gentling Way style – or have done the Maya/Arvigo and want to deepen what you see in your practice.
It is intended that anyone working towards the Living Ligaments component (Womb Woes to Womb Wonders) – or any of the hands-on modules – is proficient at this.
Pelvic Opening and Freeing Your Qi incorporate some of these moves . . and are to feed as part of these aspects.
The way we do this is likely to bring up ‘stuff’. Other modules deal with how to gracefully pass through this. The online course is on a male body. This allows for modesty (no breasts) plus I can showcase the special attention that they need.
There is an entire course on 1 – Resetting Your Metabolism – as this is central to ALL bodies whether they seem to need attention or not. Those who see themselves as perfectly well. may need – as the average car – a tune up to experience what REAL vitality is.
How did we get to here?
Oral traditions/initiations and ways of knowing are lost. ‘Old wive’s tales/ discredited: ‘elder traditions not heeded. Cold invasion, and its consequences are rampant – as is the halide invasion. Crucial micro nutrients – as the iodine needed for life are often missing/not bio available. Almost everyone is afflicted somehow. Nutrients when missing gives rise to the symptoms as messages which when ignored grow ever more insistent until the body appears to have a problem – as it does – inattention.
The culture of taking something to numb pain (body message) or to pretend that nutrients are somehow secondary to life has lead to where most find this too basic/simple and not complicated enough

When the basics are missing – thriving – even surviving is not assured.
Here we are in the circulation module. Maybe ask yourself – circulation of what?
The five flows – MUST flow – but flows of what?
1 – Qi
2 – Blood – red (arterial carrying oxygen and nutritives to the cells):
3 – blue (venous – carrying deoxygenated blood back to begin the cycle again) and
4 – clear (Lymph – essential waste process)
5 – Nerves.
At least offering plenty of WARM non tap water throughout this process as you see the recipient of care undergoing is vital. As is the application of the topical magnesium frequently and of course ensuring adequate food (salty, not raw or sweet or cold) is offered and the person is not hungry at the onset of this attention.heart is body burden –
This is covered in depth in the 2 – Loving Your Body Better module.
When the more hands on moves are performed as directed – heartfully , respectfully and being aware that the body remembers everything that has ever happened to it. This is likely why they are coming to you – or your yourself may know that many modalities, practitioners and years – often decades – has not ‘fixed’ The Problem.
Although the body heals itself – something is holding it hostage.
We investigate why, how and when to let go through your progression the courses in the different modules.
This is what is in the Foundational Moves online course
1 – Pulling out what is blocking normal circulation – to restore this
Placing the cup
Loosening /removing the cup
When to take it off
Ginger/moxa preparation
Moxa on ginger
2 – Lymph circulation/upper body
Chest gouging
Upper lymphatic/diaphragmatic release
3 – Lower body
Lower lymphatic
Prostate congestion/drainage
4 – Upper body work
Heart chakra opening
SLQR – right
SLQR – left
Side flank gouging
Undoing upper body tension
Ribs upper chest) from behind
5 – Lower body
2 helpers – this needs moving into welcome.
Sacral chakra warm ups
Sacral chakra gouging
Sacral/butt tension release
Working on a woman MOVE to top of section
6 – Extras
Gua Sha – Left
Gua Sha – right
7 – Point percussion
Wind points
PP right
PP left
Finishing off
8 – Moxa Stick Usage
Getting started – setting up outside
Sacral moxa fan instructions
Moxa in pregnancy
9 – Conclusion and where next
Online only
Becoming more involved:
Face to face – online
in person.
Presently offered – there is always more being released
*Denotes you can by now . .
ANYTIME . . . Starting with ourselves – how it feels and thus how we can visualise what else these simple moves may create change in ourselves and in others. Moving lymph . Stuck Liver Qi, cupping out the cold, using moxa and sacral wake ups
*SELFING – What causes health – an intro into LIFE
Soothing – self belly calming – for everyone
Peri steaming – the delicious combination of water, heat and plants.
See more here (to landing page)
Sign up for this course immediately downloadable to help you help yourself
Living and loving being woman. How we live in our woman body – through its changes as it matures into its cyclic nature. Learning how to gracefully live with the moon and her influence, towards reproducing, and into becoming an integral part as a productive, creator. Through the getting of wisdom – ‘aging’, we see the communal/tribal needs. Gradually taking our place in passing over our understandings – life’s mysteries – through our own life experiences.
The entry to this module is found here
How to retrieve normal flows – for changing/normalising sensations, the functionality and the look of what may have happened – even tiny chicken pox scars can radically affect the rest of life. How? Qi is blocked. Add to this – what was happening is part of the body incidents – and holding onto not releasing at the time (trauma). Remembering all that has happened to it – and why healing is incomplete.
These are being released in bits.
Or are available as part of the special offer – entire package (up to and including Living Ligaments I)
Either by Zoom or in person where possible
Leads onto the SELFING WORKSHOP See more here
GW 2 – SELF DISCOVERY – after the Selfing Challenge. – going deeper into what created YOU to be where you are and how to undo the life residue to date – plus tools to help on the journey, the ways of disengaging from inner programming and where this may take you to.
PELVIC OPENING – Awaiting my grads to work out their schedules
From Heather’s 2005 manual ‘What Dads Can Do’ (WDCD) we go deeper into the moves found in the FREE YOUR QI module.
Ideally practical, there the videos . .to liberate any and everything that is NOT flowing in and through the pelvis.
I run these . .
Must have been through the Selfing/Challenge/Self Discovery first . . (Sequential)
A well as the onlines . .

Our birthright – bonded in love. Imprinted to the one who is our gateway to the world. Our mother nourishes. protects, guides us through the initial separation from her body into the gradual awareness of self, of others and as we develop away from her dependence, in time, entering the outside world as a fully fledged individual. This is yet to be ‘modulalized’ and is in part found below.
The beginning package that you can use immediately is HERE
This is a theory programme for those who are far away – but ideally you would feel me on your body . .
Past the use of heartful hands, oil, cups , moxa and vibrational helpers, it is likely that the use of sharps/pricklies are needed for complete clearance. At least knowing the theory of the electrical systems and why we sometimes can liberate effortlessly – what has been held STUCK.
Adding in the STUCK (trauma) that blocks the circulation of love from the heart to the womb space. This corrupts life flows and life force.
The digestion (food factory) that sustains life is upset in all cases of Qi flow stagnation/slowing/ damning up – from adhesions and life residue in general – leading to the viscera being displaced and even welded to parts that were unintended. Sliding and gliding needed for life to work optimally is no longer possible. The entire thoracic/pelvic regions – front and back may clogged on all levels – and need overhauling.
Whilst not essential, ideally the PRICKLIES module is also undertaken
THE ENTIRE PACKAGE to Living Ligaments I

Who is this for?
Anyone in a body – we are all misaligned by now.
Anyone who wishes to take responsibility for themselves, their loved ones and those around them. (You do not need to have been trained in the ways of the many healing arts).
The life you have led to get you to here (your own personal PhD’s) mean that you are ready.
ALSO for those who may have been induced into a specific modality or culture of a from of ‘helping’ others – and who may want more.