Feel the call to do/be more. . . ?


Spring is here . . .
Time for a change?

Over the decades, many have asked me – can I learn what you do?
Now it is possible.

Maybe you think lots of study needed?

Even ‘uni’.
Or life?
I did not . .
I lived in a busy and experience filled life..

Now you may see the loss of innocence,
And the unlikelihood of straight answers given when needed.

Perhaps we go back to ‘what always worked?’
And farming . .
Questioning all the while – why is it so?
Ask of everything – DID IT WORK?

Does a new life call you?

Reading these newsletters over the years – you may know rather a lot more than you give yourself credit for.
Have you ever thought of becoming the one who could help others?
Especially yourself and family and sphere of influence? (Someone has to).

What you have learned in seeing me, whilst winning over your health challenges – maybe go deeper

It is SO SIMPLE. .
Work with nature.

Finding answers where others feared to tread /now fear to even ask .

Over the decades, many thought me odd
Except when they were desperate
And I was their magic woman.

Time for me to be doing what crones do – handing over. To whom?

I am to be n S.E Qld at the end of this month for a few weeks. Maybe desperate to see me – or know someone who could benefit?
Maybe reach out?

Online consult first – so when I am with you the hands on time is maximised .

You may be anywhere in the world – there are so much I can answer for you.
Especially if all seem flummoxed.

You likely found me at a low point in your life.
Are you there again? Maybe in a different low spot now.
Or you know someone who seems hopeless. . .
And you keep wondering – “WHERE IS HEATHER?” – or “I wish she were here”
Will be for a brief time.

There are many ways – not only me seeing you in your home – as I have no clinic space now. .
Online consult and a direction suggested that is liable to change everything . .
Online courses – What causes health/soothing belly calming and peristeaming.

Unlocking Your Scars – FREE.
Remember me working in your surgical and incidental wounds?
Contact me if you wish me to send you the free-to-you link.

In person – there are a few spots for the weekend 29./30th October – southern Gold Coast (more here)

Time to learn how to look after yourself and your family