Extras cases for acupuncturists to study

If you are an acupuncturist who has watched the eLotus Moving Blockages 3 and 4 these are free to you – please send me your email and name and I will send you the links.

Transformation is so easy and very possible – as you saw with the ‘in-class patients’.

In these three presentations you get the feel for a senior pragmatic practitioner (Heather Bruce) working in entiriety. .

You will be party to large sessions from start to finish – with two different people.

Both with cancer as their story line  .
And their life being undone along the way.

  • 1 – Doreen’s post C section session
  • 2 and 3  – Paul’s two scar sessions (cancer – and undoing how he got to there).

To see more if you have NOT watched the eLotus work – here it is here.
It will all make so much more sense if you take advantage of the eLotus special price (one week only – expiring 17th April).

What do you find in these online self paced courses?

How to use the 8 Extras as I do in these sessions ..

Why would you?
Is so simple – and so obvious once you ‘get’ that we can just unblock the flows of the meridians – and then their life forces take over. ‘No diagnosis’ needed .
Just undo what has happened to the body and it heals itself!!

Plus the entire undoing scars/how the massage /lymphatic moves are incorporated within an acupuncture session – those who were at the actual filming can attest to how radically changes the patients were – and how the simple Heather Bruce Moving Blockages protocol works – with anyone – every time.

Many full weekend workshops on the progression of Heather Bruce style obstetrics/gyne/fertility work from 1986 – present day . .

In addition – The foundation of The Natural Fertility Detective and The Natural Pregnancy Coach beginnings.

(Being developed, both for patients and for you as an affiliate)

Undoing Your Inner Library and Jing Markers

All the ‘home’ massage courses and the Reset Your Metabolism – the basis of the my easy to replicate in your clinic Signature System


Heavily discounted for the seminar participants till 17th April only

A year’s worth of clinical excellence at your fingertips

How to take advantage of this week’s special?

Use the token that Donna has sent you on the courses” payment pages
Any queries – please – email Heather

Declutter, Reset, Restore